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Leaching of fluoride, a toxic element, from industrial wastes and fluoride minerals like fluorspar (CaF 2 ) into ground water may cause significant contamination, which may require major treatment before use as drinking water. The present... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryMass TransferKinetics
A 10-layered, finite-volume advection-dispersion model with real-time meteorological and freshwater runoff drivers investigated the interannual differences in the transport of Downs herring Clupea harengus L. larvae in the southern North... more
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      Marine EcologyEcologySensitivity AnalysisHydrodynamics
Sediment-water fluxes of hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOC) may affect the quality of surface waters. Here, we present an approach to derive such fluxes from (a) in situ HOC concentration gradients measured with passive samplers and (b)... more
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      Mass TransferMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental science and technologyMolecular Ecology
The kinetics of water adsorption on loose grains of Fuji Davison RD silica gel was studied by a TG differential step method in the temperature range 29-64°C and in the pressure range 6.5-34 mbar. Three grain sizes were selected,... more
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      EngineeringKineticsHeat and Mass TransferSilica
We present preliminary experimental data that enable us to suggest that heat transfer in cellular tissue under local strong heating is a more complex phenomenon than a simple heat diffusion. Namely, we demonstrate that under local strong... more
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      PhysicsBiologyHeat TransferDiffusion Model
The aim of this paper is to determine and forecast the timing and level of critical mass in the development of market penetration for wireless communications. We assume that critical mass is fulfilled at the point when the acceleration of... more
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      Critical MassRegression ModelDiffusion ModelWireless Communication
The biosorption of Acid Red 337 and Acid Blue 324 from aqueous solution on Enteromorpha prolifera was investigated in a batch system. Optimum initial pH and temperature values for AB 324 and AR 337 dyes were found as 3.0 and 2.0, 25 and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringKineticsNonlinear RegressionActivation Energy
In this study, we report the effects of shear rates and polymer concentrations in the formation of asymmetric nanofiltration membrane using a simple dry/wet phase inversion technique. Employing the combination of irreversible... more
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      EngineeringMembrane ScienceNanofiltrationCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used to investigate mass transfer from Taylor bubbles to the liquid phase in circular capillaries. The liquid phase volumetric mass transfer coe cient kLa was determined from CFD simulations of Taylor... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMass TransferComputation Fluid Dynamics
The diffusion equation (DE) is widely used for ap proximate description of non-anomalous diffusion and Brownian motion (BM). However, the DE is wrong in describing the mean-square displacement (MSD) of a particle at small values of time,... more
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      Partial Differential EquationsArtificial IntelligenceStochastic processesFluids
In this study, intermittent drying behavior of single layer rough rice with a moisture content of between 22 and 24% on the dry basis was simulated by means of a liquid diffusion model based on a prolate spheroid geometry. For this... more
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      ModelingHeat and Mass TransferNumerical SimulationRice
This paper reports on a system dynamics simulation model which was developed to study the diffusion of medical technologies but which should be applicable to other sorts of technologies as well. The model addresses both the adoption and... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsSystem Dynamics ModelingModeling and SimulationMedical Technology
In this paper, we propose a new study of a stochastic lognormal diffusion process (SLDP), with three parameters, which can be considered as an extension of the bi-parametric lognormal process with the addition of a threshold parameter.... more
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      MathematicsStatisticsStatistical ComputingSimulated Annealing
Leather is a unique porous material, which is composed of a three-dimensional weave of tanned collagen fibre bundles. Collagen is a fibrous protein well organized in the formation of skin as building block. This paper studies the use of... more
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      Chemical EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyUltrasoundApparent Diffusion Coefficient
Cleaner technologies (CT) have recently received much attention in diverse media and policy agendas. This comes out of the clear role they play in environmental protection and sustainability and the large potential to contribute to... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCleaner ProductionEnvironmental policyEconomic Growth
The objectives of the present work were: (a) to establish the effect of brine concentration on porcine tissue microstructure (scanning electron microscopy) and protein denaturation (differential scanning calorimetry), (b) to examine the... more
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      Food EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyDifferential scanning calorimetryDiffusion Coefficient
Experiments investigating the mass transfer of several dissolved volatile organic compounds (VOCs) across the air-water interface were conducted using a single-airchannel air-sparging system. Three different porous media were used in the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringMass TransferWater resources
Vetiver roots have been utilized for the preparation of activated carbon (AC) by chemical activation with different impregnation ratios of phosphoric acid, X P (g H 3 PO 4 /g precursor): 0.5:1; 1:1 and 1.5:1. Textural characterization,... more
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      EngineeringKineticsAdsorptionActivated Carbon
Simultaneous membrane based solvent extraction (MBSE) and membrane based solvent stripping (MBSS) in HF contactors of a heterocyclic carboxylic acid (HCA) of industrial importance from sulphate solutions with solvent containing... more
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      EngineeringMass TransferDesalinationSolvent Extraction
Volatility Surface for maturities T ∈ [30, 120] days, strikes K ∈ [90, 110] and the parameter choice S0 = 100, r = d = 0; dV = (0.09 -4 V )dt + 1.2 V dW , V0 = 0.0225, as in Table .5. .
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      EconometricsStatisticsComputational StatisticsMonte Carlo Simulation
h i g h l i g h t s " Lignosulfonate (LS) is the important pollutant in pulp and paper mill wastewater. " The kinetic and equilibrium studies on LS adsorption by fly ash were conducted. " LS could be adsorbed onto fly ash with good... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringThermodynamicsAnalytical Chemistry
Retailers who wish to launch new innovations into their markets can be much more effective if they understand the geographic forces which affect consumer adoption of those innovations. A research field which studies this process is... more
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      MarketingRelationship MarketingRetailingDiffusion of Innovation
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A mechanistic diffusion model for Sr in water-saturated clay (illite and kaolinite) is elaborated based on laboratory results. Both porewater and surface diffusion pathways are identified. Their relative importance is controlled by... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryMass TransferSpecies Distribution
A multiphysical finite element modeling of dissimilar welding via interlayer material was proposed. A 2D model including heat transfer, fluid flow and level set problems allowed to simulate the morphology and the composition of melted... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringFinite ElementCopper
Thespesia populnea is a large tree found in the tropical regions and coastal forests of India. Its pods were used as a raw material for the preparation of activated carbon. The prepared activated carbon was used for the adsorptive removal... more
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      EngineeringKineticsModelingResponse Surface Methodology
This paper analyzes the diffusion of mobile telecommunications services in Vietnam and examines how telecommunications regulation and potential substitute/complement services affect the growth of the number of mobile telephone... more
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      Telecommunications PolicyRegulationVietnamMultidisciplinary
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      MarketingTourismDiffusion ModelNew Products
Various diffusion raodels can be applied to Rb-Sr systems in cooling rocks. It is argued that a closed-system diffusioncontrolled model, inw3lving local equilibrium along grain boundaries, is most appropriate for describing the exchange... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryChemical GeologyNumerical Method
The cementation of cadmium ions by zinc powder was studied in a batch reactor at low and high concentrations at pH 5. 2-5.4 and it is shown that the reaction is first-order. XRD and SEM analysis confirm that the deposited layer is... more
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      KineticsHydrometallurgyNumerical AnalysisActivation Energy
Semiconductor industry is capital intensive in which capacity utilization significantly affect the capital effectiveness and profitability of semiconductor manufacturing companies. Thus, demand forecasting provides critical input to... more
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      MultidisciplinaryParameter estimationSeasonalityCapital Investment
The wealth of research into modelling and forecasting the diffusion of innovations is impressive and confirms its continuing importance as a research topic. The main models of innovation diffusion were established by 1970. (Although the... more
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      MarketingEconometricsForecastingDiffusion of Innovation
Effects of pretreatment and drying conditions on yam varieties, namely Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea rotundata, in a fabricated laboratory scale hot air drier at temperature range of 50-80°C and constant air velocity of 1.5 m 2 /s were... more
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      Mass TransferFood EngineeringActivation EnergyTemperature Dependence
In this study, montmorillonite clay (MC) has been utilized as the adsorbent for the removal of a cationic dye, methylene blue (MB), from aqueous solution by the batch adsorption technique under different conditions of initial dye... more
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      EngineeringKineticsWastewater TreatmentAdsorption
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      System AnalysisTurbulent FlowThermal protection systemLessons Learned
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      Agricultural BiotechnologyBiological ControlSpatial DistributionBiocontrol Science and Technology
The main aim of this work was to test the feasibility of power ultrasound to intensify low-temperature drying processes. For this purpose, the convective drying kinetics of carrot, eggplant, and apple cubes (side 10 mm) were carried out... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMass TransferDrying TechnologyKinetics
Ion-exchange is an alternative process for uptake of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. In the present study, the sorption of nickel(II) ions from aqueous solution was investigated by using Lewatit MonoPlus SP 112 (strongly acidic,... more
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsKineticsWater Purification
Tourist taxes have become an important source of revenue for many tourist destinations. Taxes on accommodation are upheld by their proponents as a way of shifting the local tax burden on to non-residents, while the travel industry claims... more
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      MarketingTourism ManagementUtility TheoryTourism
The authors bring together approaches from cognitive and individual differences psychology to model characteristics of reaction time distributions beyond measures of central tendency. Ex-Gaussian distributions and a diffusion model... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSemanticsIntelligence
Pestil, a well known fruit leather in Turkey, was prepared from boiled grape juice and starch mixture by using traditional technique. Drying of pestil was carried out by hot air drying and sun drying. The factors investigated in hot air... more
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      Food EngineeringDryingTemperatureActivation Energy
Although the square-root process has long been used as an alternative to the Black-Scholes geometric Brownian motion model for option valuation, the pricing of Asian options on this diffusion model has never been studied analytically.... more
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      EconomicsQuantitative FinanceOption ValuationMathematical Sciences
Beach nourishment provides an excellent opportunity for the study of intensified sediment transport gradients and associated morphological changes in a natural setting. The objectives of this study are to quantify and predict longshore... more
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      DesignCoastal ManagementConstructionTemporal Resolution
We consider the asymptotic behavior of posterior distributions and Bayes estimators based on observations which are required to be neither independent nor identically distributed. We give general results on the rate of convergence of the... more
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      Stochastic ProcessEconometricsStatisticsTime Series
Rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lamiaceae) were dried by using sun, oven (50 °C) and microwave oven (700 W, 2450 MHz) drying methods. Microwave oven drying shortened the drying time more than 99% when compared to the sun and... more
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Linear parabolic partial differential equations (PDE’s) and diffusion models are closely linked through the celebrated Feynman–Kac representation of solutions to PDE’s. In asset pricing theory, this leads to the representation of... more
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      Partial Differential EquationsEconometricsNonparametric StatisticsDiffusion
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
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      MathematicsMathematical StatisticsStochastic ProcessCalculus
A coupled 1-D time-dependent radiative-convective-photochemical diffusion model which extends from the surface to 60 km is used to investigate the potential impact of greenhouse trace gas emissions on long-term changes in global climate,... more
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      StratosphereAtmospheric sciencesGreenhouse gasesGreenhouse Effect
In this study, efficacy of native and acidically modified Cicer arientinum pod biomass was investigated for Pb (II) removal using metal ion concentration, kinetic, sorbent dose, pH and pretreatment as operational parameters. The metal... more
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      Chemical EngineeringKineticsSecond OrderMetal ion
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      Boundary Layer MeteorologyLow FrequencyAtmospheric sciencesFederal Republic of Germany