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The great design movements in design history were, for the most part, guided by utopian, political, or at least reformist aims. They combined the question of what today is called 'material culture' with the more general question of how we... more
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      Design, Ethics, and ResponsibilityDesign for Social InnovationSocial Responsible DesignDesign for Behaviour Change
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      Narrative TheoryInnovation and Creativity (Business)AnthropoceneWunderkammer
Resumo expandido publicado nos anais do II Colóquio de Pesquisa e Design "Descolonizando o Design"
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      Paulo FreireCritical design practiceCritical DesignDesign As Politics
In the age of post-capitalism, what is the value of design? Is value defined by economic potential? Or is it something far less tangible? Now more than ever design has the ability to engage us in economic, political and cultural debate,... more
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      DesignPost-CapitalismDesign As PoliticsAntropocene
Expanded methodology chapter on activist design research originally from Fashion-able thesis (2008) - published through Lulu in 2008
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryResearch MethodologyDesign Creativity
Technologies play crucial roles in security politics. In a recent push to understand the dynamic interplay between technologies and politics, IR scholars increasingly draw on reflexive research traditions. The aim is to understand the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSecurity StudiesCritical Security StudiesCausation
The Chilean Cybersyn project, an attempt to manage a nation's economy by cybernetic methods, has evoked more and more interest in recent years. The project's design lead and several team members were alumni of the Ulm School of Design-an... more
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      Design HistoryDesign for Social InnovationCyberneticsInteraction Design
This article introduces designers to the dilemma that arises when twin aspects of social innovation—social means and social ends—do not align. Some academics have noted the antisocial , anti-political, and anti-inventive effects emerging... more
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      Critical TheoryEthicsSocial EntrepreneurshipMarxism
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      DesignCritical design practiceDecolonial ThoughtOntological Design
This paper discusses power relations (Arendt 1970) between citizens and technologies induced by new communication structures for self-organization within a participatory design project: the " Mit-Mach-Stadt Brandis” (“Participatory... more
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      Participatory ResearchParticipatory Action ResearchParticipatory DesignActor Network Theory
The Chilean Cybersyn project, an attempt to manage a nation’s economy by cybernetic methods, has evoked more and more interest in recent years. The project’s design lead and several team members were alumni of the Ulm School of Design—an... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyDesign HistoryDesign for Social Innovation
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      DesignCritical design practiceCritical DesignSpeculative Design