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I. Ansammeln VFMG Bonn Eifeler Kalkmulden 2006 1. 23.5.2006 Bad Münstereifel Eschweiler …...……1 2. Scheid Berg, Sötenich ……………………………1 3. Steinbruch Winter und Weiss, Mülldeponie ….. 2 4. 26.3.2006 großer Sötenicher Stbr ………………... more
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      FossilAmmonitesAmmoniteFossil Corals
Exploration of the deep sea off the Pacific margin of Costa Rica has resulted in the discovery of a number of new species and reports for the region. Here, we report on the occurrence of the octocoral genus Swiftia, and describe a new... more
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      Costa RicaCoralsChemosynthetic EnvironmentsCold Seeps
This visual guide is illustrated with images captured by Anadarko Colombia Company (ACC), a subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (APC), during its normal offshore hydrocarbon exploration process at depths between 375 and 3288 m in... more
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      Fish BiologySHRIMPCephalopodsOctocorals
Deep-sea proteinaceous corals represent high-resolution paleoarchives, extending biogeochemical time series far beyond recent instrumental data. While recent studies have applied compound specific amino acid δ15N (δ15N-AA) measurements of... more
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      Compound Specific Stable IsotopesDeep-sea Corals
Deep-water corals are some of the slowest growing, longest-lived skeletal accreting marine organisms. These habitat-forming species support diverse faunal assemblages that include commercially and ecologically important organisms.... more
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      PaleoclimatologyLongevityChronologyDeep sea ecology
1. Cold-water coral (CWC) ecosystems are protected both in national and international waters. They are considered Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems and, in addition, meet the criteria to be defined ecological or biological significant areas.... more
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      Mediterranean SeaSubmarine CanyonsCold-Water CoralsDeep-sea Corals
A benthic community constituted by an assemblage of at least four species of deep-sea corals collected in only one trawl carried-out on the summit of the O’Higgins I seamount, central Chile. The corals were collected in only one trawl... more
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      Marine BiologyChileBenthic MegafaunaDeep-sea Corals
Bamboo corals from Davidson Seamount and from the Gulf of Alaska were aged using a refined 210Pb dating technique. The goal was to determine growth rates and age for several bamboo corals with higher precision. Radiometric results for 2... more
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The boron isotopic composition (δ 11 B) of coral skeleton is a proxy for seawater pH. However, δ 11 B-based pH estimates must account for the pH difference between seawater and the coral calcifying fluid, ΔpH. We report that skeletal δ 11... more
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      PaleoceanographyCoral ReefsPaleoclimatePalaeoclimate
The cosmopolitan solitary deep-water scleractinian coral Desmophyllum dianthus (Esper, 1794) was selected as a representative model species of the polyphyletic Caryophylliidae family to (1) examine phylogenetic relationships with respect... more
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    • Deep-sea Corals
In the Azores, Northeast Atlantic, an undescribed epizoan zoanthid is often found in association with the cold-water gorgonian Callogorgia verticillata at 110–800 m depth. This zoanthid was identified as a new species, Isozoanthus... more
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      ZoanthidsDeep-sea Corals
The deep sea corals (DSC) of the world’s oceans are facing dangerous threats and seem to be disappearing at a rate faster than has ever been recorded since their discovery. A lot of work and tracking has been for done over a century on... more
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    • Deep-sea Corals
A reef formed by corals of the azooxanthellate scleractinian genus Eguchipsammia Cairns, 1994 (Dendrophylliidae), identified following the morphological descriptions by Zibrowius (1980) and Cairns (2000), was discovered in July 2013 off... more
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      Coral ReefsNorth Atlantic OceanManned SubmersiblesDeep-sea Corals
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Mission on board R/V Pourquois Pas? with Nautile6000 manned submersible to Rainbow and Lucky Strike hydrothermal vents, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) & French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea... more
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      Manned SubmersiblesMid-Atlantic RidgeHydrothermal VentsDeep-sea Corals