Dan Brown
Recent papers in Dan Brown
Christians were incensed, a neat pun, and screamed that the book is "a poisonous fuel for anti-Christian and anti-Catholic sentiment and should be classed alongside The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion as a work of black propaganda." The... more
Despite the immense and lasting success of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code as both a novel and a broader cultural phenomenon, few scholars have attempted to explain its very popularity. Using a cultural-historical lens, this essay argues... more
Seek and ye shall find.'
Un bon thriller ou un bon roman d’action supposent du suspens, des rebondissements, de l’action. Quel meilleur scénario alors que celui qui consiste à déjouer un complot ou d’une conspiration dont l’on découvre progressivement les fils et... more
There is a difference between delivering moral valuable messages through fictional stories, and giving false scientific information via the same stories. While after reading Dan Brown's Digital Fortress, I came across a useful piece of... more
Odată cu publicarea romanelor sale inovatoare Codul lui da Vinci, Simbolul pierdut şi îngeri şi Demoni, Dan Brown a devenit un fenomen internaţional amalgamând coduri, simboluri, artă şi istorie în thrillere fascinante care au captivat... more
Forthcoming book chapter with OUP, 2019/2020 “The dark religions are departed & sweet science reigns.” This quote, the last line of William Blake’s incomplete prophetic book of poetry, Vala, or The Four Zoas (begun in 1797), plays a... more
El grial Ante todo "no se debe olvidar que el Grial es una creación de la literatura, y específicamente, de la literatura medieval", 7 pero también "una construcción cuyas bases apuntan a lo más alto de los ideales y a las más profundas... more
“Angels and Demons” is an intertextual novel. Though the novel is in dedective genre, it is rich in symbols. Intertextuality in the novel gets improved by the writer’s imaginary hero Robert Langdon. The church’s struggle against the sect... more
Date Le Prieuré de Sion-societate secretă fondată în 1099-este o organizaie reală. În 1975, în cadrul Bibliotecii Naionale din Paris au fost descoperite o serie de suluri de pergament, denumite apoi Les Dossiers Secrets, în care erau... more
Special Thanks for My Dear Uncle Stephen Van der Putten who has sent me this PDF.. Inferno is a 2013 mystery thriller novel by American author Dan Brown and the fourth book in his Robert Langdon series, following Angels & Demons, The Da... more
plan y todo el personal de Pocket Books por su fe en este proyecto. A mi amigo y agente, Jake Elwell, por su entusiasmo y esfuerzo incesante.
Examinamos el best-seller de Dan Brown 'Inferno', en el contexto de la dinámica ecológica de la civilización postindustrial: la explosión poblacional, la crisis energética que se avecina, y las críticas neo-malthusianas del desarrollo... more
İlkel olarak adlandırılan dönemlerde dinin insan hayatını şekillendirmedeki rolünün daha yoğun olduğu ifade edilmektedir. Binlerce yıl öncesinde insanların ortak kaygıları ve çabaları doymak üzerine kuruluydu ve bu durumda toprak ile... more
An interpretation in danish of Lipps "Der Soldat des letzten Krieges, 1934. Viewed in the light of contemporary thinking, especially Ernst Jünger, Erich Weniger and the french personalism of the 30s.
Dan Brown CONSPIRAŢIA (Deception Point, 2001) Nota autorului Delta Force, National Reconnaissance Office şi Space Frontier Foundation sunt organizaţii reale. Toate tehnologiile descrise în acest roman există cu adevărat. "Dacă această... more
Leonardo da Vinci è misterioso. Ma si tratta di un mistero che non ha nulla di misterioso: è un dato allo stato puro, obiettivo, incontestabile, addirittura quantificabile e valutabile. I settantacinque milioni di esemplari del Codice Da... more
Le Prieuré de Sion -societate secretă fondată în 1099 -este o organizaţie reală. În 1975, în cadrul Bibliotecii Naţionale din Paris au fost descoperite o serie de suluri de pergament, denumite apoi Les Dossiers Secrets, în care erau... more
This article covers the issue of foreign languages interrelation of " The Da Vinci Code " (2003) novel by Dan Brown and the screen version (2006) by Ron Howard, their functions, usage and screen representation peculiarities. Audio cinema... more
Libro publicado en 2006 sobre la verdad histórica detrás de la novela.
This article reads Dan Brown’s recently published best-seller Inferno not as a cinematic techno-thriller, but as a ‘science novel’: a literary document that allows us to discern some of the tensions, paradoxes and inner dynamics of... more
Untuk memantik pembahasan ini, bolehlah saya mengawalinya dengan menjelaskan pengertian kreasionisme. Paham ini merupakan klaim keras kaum ateis, dan ilmuwan Darwinisme terhadap kelompok terbesar manusia di dunia yang percaya bahwa... more
Kirsch (kao i njegov ‘proizvod’ Winston) je očevidno proponent takozvanog novog ateizma. Kraj knjige, može se reći, ne ide u tom smjeru, ali nastoji dovesti religiju i nauku u takav odnos da zapravo religija nema druge već prihvatiti nove... more
Brazilian Publisher ( 1938-2008)
Stephen Bond
Ulysses 2: Death in Paris
Stephen Bond: 2013.
$2.99 on Kindle, free on Bloomsday week.
Review by Jonathan McCreedy.
University of Ulster.
James Joyce Literary Supplement 28, i (Spring 2014):
Ulysses 2: Death in Paris
Stephen Bond: 2013.
$2.99 on Kindle, free on Bloomsday week.
Review by Jonathan McCreedy.
University of Ulster.
James Joyce Literary Supplement 28, i (Spring 2014):
In the latest novel, The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown explains about " apotheosis " : " Human became God " or " Divinized Man ". Like in older novels, Brown uses art masterpieces to support his ideas, now explores Brumidi's work, The Apotheosis... more
I Dan Browns nya bok ”The lost symbol” är det världens största hemliga sällskap - frimurarna - som står i centrum. Vetenskapsradion Historia frågar frimurarexperten Andreas Önnerfors vilken bild av brödraskapet som egentligen presenteras... more
Throughout history, the Illuminati has become a source of inspiration and fear. This paper analyzes and examines the ever-growing and never-fading popularity of the Illuminati myth with a particular interest in 9/11 and Dan Brown's... more
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, which brings to people a poison of lies in a cup of truth, is a dangerous present for us. Its core idea is that Jesus is not the Son of Heavens but a mortal deprives us from the connection to the Outer by... more
Reseña crítica de algunos contenidos con respecto al libro: BROWN, Dan (2003): El codigo Da Vinci, Editorial Umbriel, Barcelona, 557 pp. Se aborda en especial el tema de la Pseudohistoria y teorías conspirativas en la ficción literaria y... more
Dan Brown attrae tramite la sua scrittura le menti più curiose, riuscendo a trattenere e cogliere l'attenzione oltre che suscitare quell'affascinante senso di mistero tipico del thriller archeologico. Quel che sfugge è, tuttavia, la... more
A vector virus with the potential to modify the human cell's genome rendering the human body infertile might sound like a frightening possibility and yet interestingly plausible. Dan Brown, the master code maker, creates a series of... more