Czechoslovak film industry
Recent papers in Czechoslovak film industry
This chapter focuses on first ten years of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in Czechoslovakia. It explores the changing roles that the festival played vis-a-vis the Czechoslovak government's foreign and domestic policy,... more
This chapter aims to offer a model with which to compare the historical character of the various nationalized cinemas of East-Central Europe. The example of Barrandov Studios in the Czech capital of Prague provides my case study. The... more
Tato studie zkoumá podmínky a sociální procesy vzniku autorství a stylu v konkrétních historických podmínkách — v době po zřízení takzvaných tvůrčích skupin. Ve dvou úvodních kapitolách krátce shrnuji hlavní výsledky teoretických debat z... more
Raný zvukový film počátku 30. let před historikem otevírá bránu spojující kinematografii s dějinami dalších médií, protože jeho vývoj nelze vysvětlit z tradiční „monomediální“ perspektivy. Vyzývá nás, abychom film srovnávali s rozhlasem,... more
The project of this dissertation is to investigate the way in which Czech animator Jan Švankmajer gives expression to the inner-life of 'objects' and 'things' in his film-work of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s; although work from outside of... more
This essay explores the inner workings and power dynamics involved in story development in the history of Czech cinema. It focuses on the political history of screenplay development practices and formats, especially on the “Literary... more
Na Barrandově se dnes natáčí víc zahraniční než domácí filmy, ale do roku 1990 tamní studio platilo za symbol a pomyslné centrum české kinematografie. Kniha, kterou držíte v rukou, je prvním pokusem o historii tohoto centra. Nezabývá se... more
Impacto del año 63 en el cine checoslovaco y el surgimiento de la Nueva Ola Checoslovaca
This chapter focuses on the ways in which foreign sound films were distributed, shown and received in Prague between 1929 and 1939. Comparing the popularity of Czechoslovak, American and German productions on the local market, it presents... more
“We are not HBO, We are Television”: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Group Writing of the Series The First Republic This article focuses on the efforts of the Czech public service television (Česká Televize, hereafter ČT) to compete... more
"This article examines the re-evaluation and release/re-release during the 1980s of those Czechoslovak films of the 1960s that had, for political and ideological reasons, been banned during the period of so-called normalization – “vault... more
VYHNANICE AND ITS ROLE IN THE BEGINNINGS OF COLLECTIVISATION In 1952, the directing team of Karel Kachyňa and Vojtěch Jasný made the feature-length film Neobyčejná léta (Extraordinary Years), which focused on the creation and development... more
This chapter examines the political, cultural, and industrial conditions that supervised the Czechoslovak parodies, both industrially and culturally after 1945. The chapter opens with an overview of parody’s place within the various... more
The topic of the article is the development of so-called technical screenplays in Czechoslovakia between 1945 and 1954. Using statistical analyses of technical screenplays, we have been able to investigate the development of this type of... more
The state-socialist mode of film production was in fact a peculiar hybrid of local, regional and global models: it was prepared by the Nazi cultural politics (the idea of centralized "dramaturgy" which enabled ideological control) and... more
An essay outlines the life and work of one of the few successful female film practitioners in the early years of the Czechoslovak Cinema - film director and scriptwriter Thea Červenková. It opens up still under explored area of female... more
Nově dosazené autority hledali po potlačení Pražského jara novou podobu kulturní produkce. Návrat k socialistickému realismu inspirovanému produkcí první poloviny padesátých let se ukázal jako nesmyslný a propagandistické snahy se... more
Necelých dvacet let po Vláčilově smrti máme možnost nahlédnout do velmi zeširoka a podrobně zpracovaného díla o jeho životě a díle, které nemá v české filmové literatuře obdoby ani konkurenci. Vznikl impozantní opus o 875 stranách, s více... more
Methodologically, this essay is inspired by Janet Staiger’s conceptualization of the Hollywood Mode of Production, while also building on my own work on the ‘State-socialist Mode of Production’, which is to say the management system and... more
This is the first ever international comparative study of the mythologies which popular TV series in Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania – made before and after the fall of communism – disseminate in their... more
Final version published in Studies in Eastern European Cinema, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010.
This is the first ever international comparative study of the mythologies which popular TV series in Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania – made before and after the fall of communism – disseminate in their... more
Interview of Martin Štoll with his teacher, Czech documentary cameraman and director Jan Špáta. 255 pgs.
"This essay examines the role that American independent distributors and the concept of “independence” played in strategies of Hollywood studios (represented by the Motion Picture Export Association, MPEA) and those of the Czechoslovak... more
This is the first ever international comparative study of the mythologies which popular TV series in Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania – made before and after the fall of communism – disseminate in their... more
Příspěvek je shrnutím dílčí kapitoly disertační práce, ve které se věnuji technickým scénářům dlouhých hraných filmů v Československu v letech 1945–1962. Ve své disertační práci popisuji okolnosti institucionalizace technických scénářů po... more
This paper explores the ways in which US marketers and distributors repackaged selected Czechoslovak science-fiction and fantasy movies upon their release in the 1950s and 1960s Cold War US market. By a way of comparison with the original... more
Drawing upon an extensive archival and popular press research, this study provides a detailed analyses of the Czechoslovak media reception of the 1947 House Committee on Un-American Activities hearings. By showing how what is seen as a... more
The original foreign film—its sights and sounds—is available to all, but the viewer is utterly dependent on a translator and an untold number of technicians who produce the graphic text or disconnected speech through which we must... more
This is the first ever international comparative study of the mythologies which popular TV series in Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania – made before and after the fall of communism – disseminate in their... more
Monography on life and work of Czech documentary cameraman and director Jan Špáta (1932-2006). besides the text there is a as entire as possible the filmography and other apendixes. Published in Czech language by Malá Skála publishing,... more
La réception française de l'As de pique (Cerny Petr) de Milos Forman L'as de pique (Cerny Petr) est le premier long-métrage du réalisateur tchèque Milos Forman, réalisé en 1963. Dans le contexte de l'histoire de la cinématographie... more
Trezorový film. Zřejmě žádný jiný termín v rámci dějin zestátněné československé kinematografie není v obecném povědomí natolik zakořeněný a vnímaný jako symbol filmu a tvůrčí svobody v područí autoritativního režimu. Žádný jiný termín s... more
The essay focuses on home video in 1980s Czechoslovakia. It shifts the attention from the popular conceptions of home video that posit state as a foil to a black market supplying citizens with western films like First Blood and The... more
Konec čtyřicátých let a přesněji rok 1949 můžeme velmi dobře považovat za symbolickou tečku za svobodnou uměleckou tvorbou v československé kinematografii, kdy kromě Radokovy „Daleké cesty“ vznikl ještě ojedinělý film Vladimíra Čecha o... more
The article focuses on the introduction of multiplexes to Czechia through a discourse analysis of articles in the Czech daily press related to multiplexing and government reports from the years 1996 to 2011. The text summarises the... more
TŘIKRÁT INŽENÝR PROKOP – filmy Krakatit (1948) a Temné slunce (1980) v režii Otakara Vávry a jejich literární předloha od Karla Čapka, in: Česká literatura a film II, ed. Š. Timko, Nitra: UKF, ISBN: 978-80-558-0888-8, s. 41-50.
ČAPKŮV HORDUBAL A BALÍKŮV HORDUBAL. Úskalí filmové adaptace. In: Česká literatúra a film. Ed. Štefan Timko, Nitra: UKF, FSŠ, 2014, ISBN: 978-80-558-0662-4, s. 61-76.
Text is dealing with segments of Czechoslovak documentary films in era of normalisation (1969-1989), that through social topics were critical to the regime. (Helena Třeštíková, Rudolf Granec, Fero Fenič, Jan Špáta, Josef Císařovský,... more