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English: A late-Hellenistic production site was found at the eastern stoa of the agora of Kos. The presence of destroyed fire-structures indicates pyrotechnological processes, related to pigment manufacture and metallurgy. Pigment... more
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      Ancient MetallurgyHellenistic archaeologyAncient Pigments AnalysisCupellation
Resumen: En al-Andalus, el laboreo en las minas presenta una gran complejidad, ya que en él queda integrado frecuentemente un conjunto de procesos a bocamina, ajenos al propio sistema de explotación, pero imprescindibles para el... more
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      Al-AndalusAl-Andalus archaeologyCupellationMedieval Mining Technology
The scientific examination is described of the metallurgical remains excavated from the Phoenician-period site at Monte Romero, Huelva, in the south of Spain. Silver was the principal metal extracted, but the ores were complex and the... more
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      Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)ArchaeometallurgyTartessosCupellation
This thesis considers the technology employed to produce silver within the Porco-Potosí region, southern Bolivia, providing archaeo-metallurgical data on indigenous and European silver production methods in Porco during the period AD 1500... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyEthnographyTechnological InnovationArchaeometallurgy
1. Ossète rasyg/rasug ‘ivre’, hongrois részeg ‘id.’, ne sont pas d’origine finno-ougrienne, mais remontent à un vieil iranien *frāsūka-, du verbe *fra-sū- ‘gonfler’, cf. vieil indien ŚAVI. Il s’agira d’un emploi métaphorique de ‘gonflé’... more
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Cupellation remains are among the most significant evidences of silver production for the Medieval period. However, these debris are rarely unearthed in archaeological context due to their fragility and their possible recycling. The... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleCupellation
P late-like or tubular fragments of litharge (PbO) are found scattered around ancient furnace sites or in excavations in the wider region of Lavrion. Similar findings have been localized in Makronissos, Thasos and Lesvos islands. It is... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgy, Mineralogy, ArchaeometryCupellationLaurion Mines
T he aim of the present investigation is to study the chemical and mineralogical composition of lead slags collected during the excavation campaign of ancient furnaces at "Ari" -Lavrion by C. Tsaimou, in order to define the nature of... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgy, Mineralogy, ArchaeometryCupellationLavrion
Reservados todos los derechos. «No está permitida la reproducción total o parcial de este libro, ni su tratamiento informático, ni la transmisión de ninguna forma o por cualquier medio, ya sea mecánico, electrónico, por fotocopia, por... more
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• Large-scale non-ferrous metallurgy (12 th century) documented in central Prague • Pb-rich glassy slags of red colour indicate an Ag refining process (cupellation)
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceSmelting
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Fire assaying, a technique that has been around for centuries, is still the most generally accepted method which is used to determine the purity of gold. In Indian jewellery industries (including big market players like Tanishq), the lead... more
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When examining the alloy of several works of Adam Van Vianen, one of the founders of the Dutch Kwabstijl, with X-ray fluorescence (XRF), a more elevated silver and lower bismuth percentage than commonly found in works of his... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyArt HistoryHistory of TechnologyArchaeometry
The refining of silver alloys to obtain the silver they contain (cupellation) has been undertaken for thousands of years. The primary material evidence for this process comprises a lead-rich waste known as litharge cakes. Studies... more
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      Archaeological ScienceArchaeometallurgyAncient MetallurgyCupellation
Used cupels are increasingly identified in archaeological assemblages related to coin minting, alchemy, assaying and goldsmithing across the world. However, notwithstanding some valuable studies, the informative potential of cupellation... more
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This is the original Powerpoint of the lecture presented in the grand auditorium Springer of the Israel Museum on Tuesday 26th June 2012, as a general introduction before the opening of the exhibition « White Gold » (see now the paper... more
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      Ancient HistoryTrust Theory (Evolution of cooperation)NumismaticsMonetary history
The fourth season of archaeological excavations at Tappeh Shoghali which is located ca. 40 km southeast of Tehran has revealed numerous metallurgical relics of silver production from Sialk III-IV period (late fourth and early third... more
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Resumen: A partir de ciertos datos analíticos y del estudio formal de los lingotes de plata andalusíes que componen el conjunto descubierto en Hornachuelos (Córdoba), se hace referencia tanto a los procesos metalúrgicos de obtención de la... more
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      CupellationSilver ExtractionLitharge
Prehistoric silver purification using lead cupellation has been documented in multiple places throughout the Andes, but direct evidence of the Inka use of this technology has remained elusive. In this study, we use X-ray fluorescence,... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceCupellation
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyGeochemistryThermodynamics
When examining the alloy of several works of Adam van Vianen, who was one of the founders of the Dutch Kwabstijl, with X-ray fluorescence, a much higher silver and lower bismuth percentage and was found in the silver than was commonly... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyArt HistoryHistory of TechnologyArchaeometry
The research focuses on assessing the metal content, mainly copper, lead, iron and also silver in metallurgical slag samples from the area where historical metallurgical industry functioned. In the smelter located in Mogiła, near Krakow... more
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipMicroscopyX-ray imaging
This report explores the use of portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) spectroscopy as a survey technique for archaeological prospection. St Algar’s Farm was chosen because recent archaeological excavation (undertaken by a community... more
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      GeochemistryCupellationRefining Gold and Silver
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyGeochemistryThermodynamics
The research focuses on assessing the metal content, mainly copper, lead, iron and also silver in metallurgical slag samples from the area where historical metallurgical industry functioned. In the smelter located in Mogiła, near Krakow... more
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipMicroscopyX-ray imaging
Bismuth is one of the main trace elements found in archaeological lead and silver material in very variable contents. As silver refining by cupellation involves the redistribution of some trace elements contained in the initial lead... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyGeochemistryThermodynamics