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      Media StudiesRace and EthnicityCaribbean StudiesWomen and Gender Studies
Ensayos críticos sobre subjetividad y problemas de legitimación de sujetos emergentes.
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryLatin American literatureLatin American Cultural StudiesLatin American Intellectual History
La ricerca esplora lo sviluppo militare dei paesi dell'Asia Orientale (Cina, Corea e Giappone) tra 1400 e 1800, mettendolo in relazione con il fenomeno coevo della Rivoluzione Militare in Europa in un'ottica di storia delle relazioni... more
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      Military HistoryInternational RelationsHistory of JapanHistory of Science
Although Jews never belonged to the inner circles of hip-hop their participation was once tolerated and sometimes even greeted by African Americans. Indeed, those who do not follow the less commercial scenes of hip-hop might be surprised... more
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      American StudiesCultural SociologyJewish StudiesPopular Music
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryMilitary Intelligence
The paper in MRJ 2019 probes the evolution and genealogies of the human figure and figurative painting styles in contemporary art in Kerala. The colonial modernity and Company style of painting are discussed in hindsight. The emergence of... more
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      Art HistoryPostcolonial StudiesBuddhist StudiesContemporary Art
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArtificial IntelligenceArt History
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      Popular CulturePhenomenologyIdentity politicsThe Body
Was ist eigentlich gemeint mit Kultur? Es liegt im Interesse der Kulturphilosophie, den Kulturbegriff zu klären und ihn als analytische Kategorie zu profilieren. Um den Begriff tragfähig definieren zu können, untersucht dieser Band den... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyCultural TheoryPhilosophy of CultureAlfred Schutz (Sociology)
Distribution électronique pour L'Harmattan. © L'Harmattan. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      European HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean StudiesCommunication
Ideato da Giuseppe Bellini –direttore dal 2000 al 2016– insieme a Clara Camplani e a Patrizia Spinato, il Notiziario è concepito come uno strumento agile ed immediato che si prefigge di divulgare le attività della sede CSAE, in seguito... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American Literature (Literature)Spanish LiteratureCultural Heritage
Pensar la investigación hoy nos demanda reflexionar sobre los paradigmas de las ciencias sociales en plena revolución digital. En “Los métodos”, Jesús Martin Barbero ya nos aproximaba al pasaje De los medios a las mediaciones, es decir,... more
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      Youth CultureChildrenInvestigacionDigial Media