Crushing and milling
Recent papers in Crushing and milling
çeneli kırıcı, jiratör kırıcı, ufalama yöntemleri, jiraskopik kırıcı, konili kırıcı, merdaneli kırıcı, bond iş indeksi, darbeli kırıcı, impact crusher
The comminution of ores consumes a high portion of energy. Therefore, different pretreatment methods of ores prior to their comminution are considered to reduce this energy. However, the results of pretreatment methods and their... more
In 1978 two quernstones were given on loan to the National Museum of Ireland for recording purposes. The larger of the two was found "about 30 years" previously by Mr. Richard Carolan, Roughgrange, Drogheda, who recognised its importance... more
Over a century of mining native copper in Michigan’s Copper Country has produced several million tons of workable metal and an even greater amount of waste. The remaining rock, tailings, and slag each represent a separate step in the... more
Brittle spheres are crushed and fragmented between two rigid platens dynamically. More than 140 plaster spheres with two different strengths (37 and 59 MPa) and three different sizes (50, 60 and 75 mm) were tested. The impact energies... more
For static compressions of spheres, a new stress analysis for isotropic elastic spheres compressed between two¯at rigid platens is proposed by incorporating the Hertz contact stress. The predictions of the failure load for various sizes... more
The comminution of ores consumes a high portion of energy. Therefore, different pretreatment methods of ores prior to their comminution are considered to reduce this energy. However, the results of pretreatment methods and their... more
A milling of composite material (CM), containing boron-tungsten fibre and aluminium matrix (CM Al-W-B) is investigated. In order to obtain a powder with determined particle size a multi-stage milling has been done. The milled material... more
Comprehensive handbook-type monograph revising the state of the art of the gelatin production industrial technology.
A waste of composite material (CM), containing boron-tungsten fibre and aluminium matrix (CM Al-W-B) is investigated. A method of grinding has been used for processing of Al-W-B CM waste. This method has been carried out in several stages... more