Cross cultural visual
Recent papers in Cross cultural visual
L'articolo iscrive la costruzione del "metaverso" nella prospettiva post-pandemica di un futuro "no-touch" e, contro l'immagine propagandata da Facebook, spiega i motivi che fanno ritenere prevedibile nel metaverso il ruolo centrale... more
My paper aims at thematizing the notion of “arche-screen,” meant as the ensemble of the conditions of possibility of “monstration [showing],” which in the history of our culture have gradually been opened by the rupestrian wall, the veil,... more
El viaje más largo. Proyecciones de la Primera Vuelta al Mundo
María Luisa Martínez de Salinas Alonso, María del Carmen Martínez Martínez y Jesús M. Porro Gutiérrez (Coords.)
Universidad de Valladolid
María Luisa Martínez de Salinas Alonso, María del Carmen Martínez Martínez y Jesús M. Porro Gutiérrez (Coords.)
Universidad de Valladolid
La cultura visual del cine de animación Disney se presenta como un contenido multimedia de gran alcance que perdura en el tiempo. Por ello, hay un interés creciente de estudiar los mensajes que dichos filmes difunden en la actualidad,... more
This paper examines the works of two diasporic Israeli artists, Erez Israeli and Nir Hod, through the prism of their transnational existence, acknowledging the politics and ideology that informed their growing up in the Israeli... more
In Planet Earth's global village, good communication between people from different (sub)cultures becomes ever more important. Successful communication depends on cooperation: it is in their mutual interest that the sender's message is... more
Universidade e Escola Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas; PPG em História de Arte (Código CAPES: 33009015086P6); Área de Concentração, Linha de pesquisa e Professor anfitrião •... more
The cult of Saint George is a global phenomenon, and not only Mediterranean. His figure and motifs flowed from East to West and vice-versa in a double-way journey. In this process, especially after the First Crusade, his image embodied... more
O artigo analisa as fotografias das favelas de Belo Horizonte elaboradas pela Comissão de Desfavelamento. Em 1955, a Comissão foi criada pelo prefeito Celso Mello de Azevedo para estudar e propor uma solução ao "problema das favelas". As... more
The text presents in two steps three examples of the visual representations of a theology of the cross in Brazilian Protestant or Pentecostal publications or in symbols of churches (brands).
Talk about the central characteristics of street art, the establishment of the study of street art within academia and the possible societal benefits of a vibrant local street art environment. Based on my book "The Street Art World":... more