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      RuptureMyocardial BridgeRight VentricleCoronary Stent
Stent thrombosis (ST) is a frequently reported complication in cardiac patients with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) that adversely impacts their prognostic outcomes. Medical literature reveals several baseline characteristics of... more
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      Cardiovascular diseaseCoronary Stent
A stent is a medical device designed to serve as a temporary or permanent internal scaffold to maintain or increase the lumen of a body conduit. The researchers and engineers diverted to investigate biodegradable materials due to the... more
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      BioengineeringMaterials ScienceDesignFinite Element Methods
Incomplete stent endothelialization is associated with late and very late stent thrombosis. In a post hoc analysis of the BASE-ACS trial, we sought to assess neointimal coverage and coronary flow reserve (CFR) 9 months after implantation... more
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      TitaniumTreatment OutcomeOptical coherence tomographyStents
Still scientists are searching cause of Covid19, because no trace found of Human, Animal and Lab Virus. But similarity with Bats, Penguins and Vending Machine Frozen Food issue is existed. #COVID19 #Pandemic #DeltaVirus #Corona #WuhanLab... more
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      PandemicCoronary StentCorona Virus
Background: Drug-eluting stents (DES) have dramatically reduced restenosis rates compared to bare metal stents and are widely used in coronary artery angioplasty. The anti-proliferative nature of the drugs reduces smooth muscle cell (SMC)... more
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      InflammationSmooth muscleDrug Eluting StentsOrphan Nuclear Receptors
The surface texture and chemistry of WE43 absorbable magnesium stents (AMS) and tube specimens processed by chemical and reactive ion etching (RIE) were investigated. Tube specimens were produced in three different conditions, namely as... more
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      Plasma PhysicsMagnesium AlloysCoronary Stent
Magnesium stents are a promising candidate in the emerging field of absorbable metallic stents (AMSs). In this study, the mechanical and corrosion performance of dog-bone specimens and a specific stent design of a mag-nesium... more
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      CardiologyCorrosion ScienceMagnesiumMedical devices
The purpose of this paper is to know what the ideal financial audit model for private sector assistance is for the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak that occurred from late 2019 to mid-2020 transparent, measurable and protected from abuse. To... more
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      China Going GlobalCorona DischargeCoronary heart diseaseCoronary Artery Disease
Stents used for cardiovascular applications are composed of three main elements; a metal, polymer coating and the specific drug component. Nickel-based metals and polymer coatings currently used in the stent market have increased the... more
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      BiomaterialsBiotechnologyMedical Device DesignBiomaterials and Tissue Engineering
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) after coronary revascularization, in particular after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation, is a matter of ongoing debate. RECENT FINDINGS: First generation of DES,... more
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      Drug Eluting StentsPercutaneous Coronary InterventionCoronary Artery DiseaseBleeding
Coronary artery anomalies (CAA) are congenital alterations in the origin, course and structure of the epicardial coronary arteries. The origin and proximal course of anomalous coronary arteries are the main predictors of severity. It... more
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    • Coronary Stent
Myocardial bridge (MB) is a congenital abnormality of the coronary arteries characterized by the decrease in the coronary blood flow during systole due to the compression of the myocardial fibrils surrounding the epicardial coronary... more
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      MedicineDifferential DiagnosisRuptureClinical Sciences
A 58-year old woman with an endocarditis of the aortic valve developed an acute anterior STEMI. Manual thrombus aspiration yields an embolus with a coccoid bacterium. The patient underwent immediate surgery with an aortic bioprosthesis... more
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      Acute Myocardial InfarctionCoronary Stent
BACKGROUND: Virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) imaging is an innovative tool for the morphological evaluation of coronary atherosclerosis. Evidence for the effects of statin therapy on VH-IVUS parameters have been... more
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      AtherosclerosisInterventional cardiologyLipidsCholesterol
Objective: Vascular closure devices (VCDs), such as the Angio-Seal, a three-component hemostatic plug, have greatly facilitated the routine clinical practice in the catheterization laboratory. The manufacturer recommends a local angiogram... more
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      AdolescentRisk factorsPCI Primary stentingAngiography
In this study, effect of different cutting methods and following normalization heat treatment on microstructure of 316L stainless steel tubings were investigated. 316L stainless steel is the most commonly used material for coronary stent... more
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      BiomaterialsMaterials Science and EngineeringStentsLaser cutting
AbstrAct Objective To evaluate the biological effect of microengineered stent grooves (MSG) on early strut healing in humans by performing optical coherence tomography (OCT) analysis 3 weeks following the implantation. Background In the... more
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      Coronary heart diseaseCoronary Stent
BACKGROUND: Stent thrombosis remains among the most feared complications of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stenting. However, data on its incidence and predictors are sparse and conflicting. We thus aimed to perform a... more
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      CardiologyMedicineIncidenceMeta Analysis
Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death with acute coronary syndrome accounting for more than 30% of causes of mortality in the elderly population. The rate of growth of the older segment of... more
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      AngioplastyAcute Coronary SyndromesPercutaneous Coronary InterventionCoronary Artery Disease
Incomplete stent endothelialization is associated with late and very late stent thrombosis. In a post hoc analysis of the BASE-ACS trial, we sought to assess neointimal coverage and coronary flow reserve (CFR) 9 months after implantation... more
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      TitaniumTreatment OutcomeOptical coherence tomographyStents
Inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation by drug eluting stents has markedly reduced intimal hyperplasia and subsequent in-stent restenosis. However, the effects of antiproliferative drugs on endothelial cells (EC)... more
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      Cardiovascular diseaseRNA aptamersAptamersCoronary Stent