Recent papers in Cornuto
Los cinco escritos que se recogen en este libro conforman una unidad (pese a su diversidad aparente) por cuanto ilustran de forma impecable tres de las formas en que los griegos de la Antigüedad practicaron la mitografía. Los tres... more
Cornutus was a Roman philosopher who wrote this compendium on the Greek gods in Greek language in the first century A.D. He wanted to teach the basics of Stoic philosophy to an unknown Roman boy using this mythological work by... more
La ᾿Επιδρομή es uno de los pocos manuales didácticos de la Antigüedad que ha llegado hasta nosotros. Este trabajo analizará la relación establecida en el texto entre el autor y su destinatario, un joven romano a quien Cornuto intenta... more
Whoever wants to read Cornutus’s Summary of the Greek Theological Traditions must still employ the old and controversial edition published by C. Lang in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana in 1881. My contribution first analyses the multifarious... more
Cornutus occupies a peculiar place among those Latin authors that wrote in Greek as he is particularly prone to disclose his Roman origins; this has already been perceived by previous scholars when analyzing some passages in his... more
This contribution analyses some textual problems related to the interpretation of three theonyms in Cornutus's mythographical treaty. In each case the textual testimonies and the solutions adopted in the critical editions by Lang (1881)... more
Three years ago, the latest critical edition of Cornutus’s mythological treaty was the one published by C. Lang in 1881 (Cornuti Theologiae Graecae Compendium, Leipzig, Teubner). In 2018, a new critical text and apparatus appeared in the... more
This article analyses several lapsus calami attested in Cornutus’s textual transmission. On the basis of the manuscripts themselves, these scribal mistakes cast light on the internal history of scribes and their world. The case of the... more