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      Translation StudiesMachine LearningMachine TranslationTranslation theory
10.00.11-Тил назарияси. Амалий ва компьютер лингвистикаси ФИЛОЛОГИЯ ФАНЛАРИ БЎЙИЧА ФАЛСАФА ДОКТОРИ (PhD) ДИССЕРТАЦИЯСИ АВТОРЕФЕРАТИ Тошкент-2018 йил 2 УДК: 811.111`322.4 811.512.133`322.4 Фалсафа доктори (PhD) диссертацияси автореферати... more
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    • Computational Linguistics: Machine Translation
When representatives Luís Guerra and Olga Gonçalves said that they were hoping to be selected by for the next conference, the Board was pleased with their enthusiasm to participate and offer up their traditional conference on... more
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      Computational LinguisticsMachine TranslationApplied LinguisticsNoun Phrase
Ovaj rad kritički ocjenjuje mašinsko prevođenje u njegovoj trenutnoj fazi razvoja, pružajući tako kratku uporednu analizu dva prevladavajuća sistema mašinskog prevođenja. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi glavne prednosti i nedostatke... more
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      Machine LearningMachine TranslationStatistical Machine TranslationComputational Linguistics: Machine Translation
The computer now translates human language without having any understanding of it. How does this happen? The answer to the question is the concern of this paper. This paper opines that even though machines could only count and match for... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsMachine LearningMachine TranslationApplied Linguistics
يهدف البحث إلى توظيف التَّحليل التَّقابلي في تحسين مخرجات أدوات وبرامج التَّرجمة الآليَّة بين اللُّغة العربيَّة والإنجليزيَّة، من خلال إبراز الدُّور الذي يلعبه علم اللُّغة التَّقابلي في هذا المجال. وأمکن البحث من خلال تطبيق عملي على مدونة... more
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      Machine TranslationCorpus LinguisticsStatistical Machine TranslationComputational Linguistics: Machine Translation
Muitas pessoas pensam que a linguagem está completamente fora do alcance das ciências exatas, enquanto outras têm como certo que os computadores são capazes de entender, traduzir e falar corretamente a língua humana. Quais são os... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsComputational Linguistics: Machine TranslationCorpora and Computational Linguistics