Communist Party
Recent papers in Communist Party
In the second edition of this groundbreaking work, Derek R. Ford contends that radical politics needs educational theory, posing a series of educational questions pertinent to revolutionary movements: How can pedagogy bridge the gap... more
Кніга з’яўляецца першым абагульняльным даследаваннем нацыянальнай палітыкі беларусізацыі (1924–1929) і звязаных з ёю працэсаў фармавання сучаснай беларускай нацыі. Аўтар аналізуе прычыны поспехаў і няўдач беларусізацыйных мерапрыемстваў,... more
How do national political and economic policies impact the ability of cities to accomplish urban growth and economic goals? This study examines the state policies Shanghai operates under to assess the potential for software reform in... more
"This article examines the re-evaluation and release/re-release during the 1980s of those Czechoslovak films of the 1960s that had, for political and ideological reasons, been banned during the period of so-called normalization – “vault... more
The recent history of the northern Spanish province of Asturias provides a particularly interesting case study of relationship between regionalist ideologies and the ongoing identity crisis of the working-class left. From the late 1980s,... more
There is just one case I know of where two brilliant young writers published dueling short stories about each other, in which each is the protagonist and his best friend the antagonist. Who were the writers who would do such a thing? One... more
This article combines political analysis with ethnographic fieldwork to theorise Communist party's construction of political allegiance and their persistence of power in the democratic context at a local village level in the state of... more
Three decades after the Renovation Period in 1986 (Doi Moi in Vietnamese), although Vietnam is a fully integrated member of the globalized capitalist economy, they are still facing several difficulties to anti-corruption as one of the... more
The study is directed towards the regional party purges within the CC CPS Bratislava in the period 1949-1951, and their connection with the campaign known as "searching for the internal traitors", then occurring within the Communist Party... more
Personnel policies were one of the main instruments of power employed by the communist authorities. One of its most prominent elements was the nomenclature established exactly as in the Soviet model. Formally, it was an index of... more
I give here some hitches about China's new political leadership after the Bo Xilai' scandal. The CCP appeared in public eyes to loose some of its appeal by insisting in some traces of cronyism, favoritism and individual gain that put him... more