Coin dies
Recent papers in Coin dies
This paper attempts to trace the distribution of unofficial dies for striking late Republican and early Imperial coins in Moesia and Thrace, discussing eleven dies and one hub (master die). It deals with the key issues concerning these... more
Note that this is a draft (expect some typos and errors) and not the final publication which you may find in the Numismatic Chronicle 178, 2018.
[EN] In this paper we introduce a reverse coin die for the Roman Republican denarii of Publius Accoleius Lariscolus (RRC 486/1) which was sold to Antiqua, Inc. by a private collector in Germany. This is not new material since we have... more
Coins were the only ancient artefacts the Count of Caylus failed to collect and he generally negelcted them in his writings. However he pioneered in all the surrondings: ancient coin dies, weights, tokens, forgeries, metal analyses, even... more
The short note discusses a Roman provincial series of Skepsis in the Troad, minted under Trajan, which appears to re-use an older die from the Hellenistic period. It is further argued that the bronze coinage of Skepsis continues to be... more
“How did the ancient die engravers render the likeness of an emperor?”
A presentation without the narrative of the lecturer.
A presentation without the narrative of the lecturer.
This paper discusses the possibility that some brockage coins may have been produced deliberately and not accidentally. Note: this is a draft (expect some typos and errors) and not the final publication which you may find in the... more
Autorul reia discuția asupra datării ștanțelor monetare descoperite în anul 1987 la Sarmizegetusa Regia, pornind de la două monede hibride, care puteau fi bătute cu unele dintre acestea sau cu perechile lor. Cele două piese sunt o dovadă... more
Based on examples the article at hand will discuss methods and technology used for coining the first Moldovan issues which were minted during the reign of Peter I (circa 1375-1391).
The count of Caylus (1692-1765) never collected coins and has rarely dealt with them in his monumental Recueil d'antiquités. The central figure of his time for all what concerns antiquarianism, he was well connected with Claude Gros de... more
This technical paper aims to explain the relation we may observe between the ratio "r/o" ("number of reverse dies/number of obverse dies") in the Hellenistic period. Beyond the simple fact that, as a general rule, there are more reverses... more
Ancient Greek dies are lost but we can often restitute the size of the reverses through the study of off-center coins. This paper focuses on the coins of Alexander the Great, Athens, and the mid-second century coinages with a laurel... more
In Pythagoras of Samos, Celator 2.0, I refer to Diogenes Laertius, and his claim that Pythagoras introduced weights and measures for "all of Greece." While Pythagoras did not introduce weights and measures for all of Greece (Hellene), he... more