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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipChange LeadershipSpiritual Leadership
This paper explores the leadership of Steve Jobs while aiming to understand his simultaneous enactment of close and distant leadership. It is a case study of the leadership of Steve Jobs and the reaction of Apple customers to his... more
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      ManagementLeadershipAppleSteve Jobs
“Liderazgo es el proceso de inducir a la acción voluntaria a otros en la persecución de una meta común”
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipChange LeadershipSpiritual Leadership
Leadership elasticity enhances leadership style flexibility and mobility to enable educational leaders to maintain appropriate leadership equilibrium. The essential of leadership elasticity contributes towards organizational effectiveness... more
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipChange LeadershipSpiritual Leadership
The aims of this study are to show that (a) transformational leadership is related to project teams’ performance via work engagement and (b) leader distance moderates the relationship between transformational leadership and work... more
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      TeamsTransformational LeadershipClose and Distant leadershipWork Engagement/employee Engagement
Driving leadership style enhances local participation and involvement in school in reducing a gap between the school and the local community. As gap filler, leadership role was therefore instigated to drive the local community to... more
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      Critical TheoryAdult EducationDistance EducationChange Leadership
"Driving leadership style" enhances local participation and involvement in school in reducing a gap between the school and the local community. As gap filler, leadership role was therefore instigated to drive the local community to... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorOrganizational PsychologyEducation
This quotation, taken from Jobs's interview with Rolling Stone magazine in 2003, describes Jobs's view of technology. In his mind, technology was about bringing people closer. This was his purpose and his guide for creating new... more
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      ManagementLeadershipAppleSteve Jobs