Clinical Laboratory
Recent papers in Clinical Laboratory
The study focused on the main laboratory department of the East Avenue Medical Center, a 600-bed tertiary government hospital. An overview of the entire hospital organization and related departments was first made to put the study into... more
This Lab aims at: 1. The clinical consolidation of the Quanto-Geometric Psychophysics Framework of the Human Mental thru the establishment of a data acquisition and experimental platform. 2. The eventual development of mental health... more
Methods: 40 patients with adenomas and 40 controls were enrolled. Body weight, height, waist circumference, and blood pressure were recorded. Fasting plasma glucose, lipids, C-reactive protein, and adiponectin levels were measured.... more
Summary We used a new and remarkably simple method to examine the extent of in vivo lipoprotein glycation in type II diabetic patients with atherosclerosis and diabetic patients with no complications. Serum glycated lipoprotein levels... more
Simple, quick guide and note collection, allowing complementary medicine students and beginners to grasp the basics of Complete Blood Count laboratory analysis and Hematology. Information is presented, summarized and explained in a... more
cek darah lengkap,cek darah rutin,cek darah dbd,cek darah demam berdarah,cek darah normal Pemeriksaan kesehatan sangatlah penting untuk mencegah dan mendeteksi penyakit secara dini. Gaya hidup dinamis, stres, atau riwayat kesehatan bisa... more
Мельник А.А., к.б.н.
С Т А Н Д А Р Т И 48 К аждый 5-й трудоспособный человек страдает от боли. Основной функцией боли является защита организма. С точки зрения эволюции, если бы человек не чувствовал боли (например, укус змеи, термический ожог и др.), то люди... more
Газета «Новости медицины и фармации» Гастроэнтерология. Проктология (649) 2018 (тематический номер) Вернуться к номеру Молекулярно-генетическая диагностика синдрома Жильбера Авторы: Мельник А.А. -к.б.н. Рубрики: Гастроэнтерология Разделы:... more
This is an excerpt from: Chiropractic Patient Assessment Laboratory Interpretation and Risk Management: Introduction to Inflammation Mastery and Functional Inflammology (Volume 1) Paperback – July 29, 2014... more
This review reports the characteristics of the human surface molecule CD38, a structure not linked to a definite line and predominantly expressed in early and activated phenotypes. The CD38 molecule consists of a single chain of 46 kDa,... more
Objective: This study was done to assess the accuracy of Accutrend GCT meter in determining blood cholesterol levels in our setup, with an aim to recommend its use in clinical practice Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted on... more
Progress has been made in understanding glomerulonephritis but the answers to many key questions still elude us. It appears that glomerular damage arises from immune events which result from an interaction between a susceptible individual... more
Background: A correct preanalytical phase procedure is critical to get an adequate sample and consequently to achieve the most reliable laboratory results, promoting patient safety. Continuous laboratory staff changes create the need to... more
A 64-year-old female presented with poorly differentiated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) following a history of essential thrombocythemia. Bone marrow showed hypercellularity and 21% blasts, which were CD13 1 , CD33 1 , CD34 1 , CD45 dim ,... more
Современные подходы к исследованию системы гемостаза системы гемостаза Мельник Александр Александрович, канд.биол.наук Мельник Александр Александрович, канд.биол.наук г.Киев -2015 г. г.Киев -2015 г. Цель -рассказать просто о сложном Цель... more
5. Examineaza sedimentul urinar prin metoda Neciporenco. Se bazeaza pe calculare elementelor celulare(eritrocitele, leucocitele si cilindrii) in 1 ml de urina proaspata eliminate, cu ajutorul camerei de calcul cu recalcularea rezultatelor... more
MedicalClinicTemplate] is a start-up organization that provides an extremely valuable and sought after medical assistance service to a growing population of elder and physically impaired in [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] [YOUR COMPANY NAME]
An airlock is a transitional space that typically has two doors in series to separate a controlled environment (such as cleanroom, lab, operating room, or isolation room) from a corridor, or vice versa. The two doors should be interlocked... more
С Т А Н Д А Р Т И 36 П о данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), от инсульта в мире ежегодно умираЮт около 6,3 миллиона человек (10,8 % от общего числа смертей). Летальность при этой патологии занимает второе место, уступая... more
The classic technique of PD consists of the en-bloc removal of the distal segment of the stomach (antrum), the first and the second portions of the duodenum, specifically the head of the pancreas, the distal CBD, and the gallbladder.... more
Газета «Новости медицины и фармации» №8 (695), 2019 Лабораторная диагностика тромботической микроангиопатии Авторы: Мельник А.А., к.б.н., руководитель проекта специализированного медицинского центра «Оптима-фарм», г. Киев, Украина... more
In laboratories where dangerous conditions might exist, safety precautions are important. Rules exist to minimize the individual's risk, and safety equipment is used to protect the lab user from injury or to assist in responding to an... more
Le diagnostic bactériologique au laboratoire comprend plusieurs aspects. Nous faisons ici un récapitulatif des différentes techniques pouvant être utilisées dans le diagnostic direct et indirect.
Липиды -это группа органических молекул, входящие в состав всех живых клеток. Они включают жиры, воски, стероиды, жирорастворимые витамины, триглицериды, фосфолипиды и др. Основными физиологическими функциями липидов являются структурная,... more
This book fills an obvious gap in the Handbook series and indeed a major lacuna in the medical literature. Too often investigations of a particular condition are lost in the welter of other text. Alternatively, they appear as specialist... more