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Il patrimonio culturale rappresenta un elemento rilevante ed imprescindibile del contesto di ogni Paese europeo e ne costituisce non soltanto un importante elemento identitario, ma anche un fattore fondamentale di sviluppo economico e... more
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    • Civil Protection
Cosa si intende per comunicazione d'emergenza? Come si caratterizza? Quali elementi la differenziano dalla comunicazione in tempo di pace? Cos'è il rischio?
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      CommunicationSocial NetworkingSocial MediaFacebook
This paper reviews a selection of target levels for safety and security in order to identify their common properties. It is accompanied by a brief investigation of several key terms used in risk management. Risk management is used as an... more
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      International RelationsInternational RelationsMulticulturalismInternational Law
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      Emergency ManagementCivil Protection
The extreme natural phenomena do not necessarily become risks to individuals and social systems. This only happens when their manifestation threatens stability of a society or of its development resources. In fact, societies may, in their... more
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      Natural HazardsRisk ManagementCivil ProtectionProtecção Civil
Un viaggio nel mondo della difesa e della protezione civile, due settori-chiave nei paesi moderni. Ma come funzionano nel nostro Paese ed, in generale nel mondo? Quali sono i modelli organizzativi adottati? Quali sono le attuali fonti di... more
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      Disaster risk managementCivil ProtectionEmergency planning and managementEmergency and Disaster Management
Civil Protection is an emergent activity for emergency management operating in the management cycle composed by prevention, preparation, response and recovery phases in sequence of collective risks manifestations ou probability of... more
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      Civil ProtectionNational Security
Vulnerability and resilience are concepts, which help to better understand emergencies, crises and disasters. But what has already been found out where, how and from whom? The pilot version of “Atlas of Vulnerability and Resilience” takes... more
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      Community ResilienceResilienceDisaster risk managementHomeland Security
This report focuses on understanding how civil protection organizations learn from direct or indirect experiences(events), and planned learning processes (exercises). The work is based on information gained from desktop analysis and... more
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      Organizational LearningResilienceDisaster risk managementDisaster Management
Scienze della comunicazione pubblica e sociale LA COMUNICAZIONE DEL RISCHIO NUCLEARE Le centrali transfrontaliere e lo scenario italiano: analisi e proposte Tesi di laurea in Comunicazione e marketing sociale Relatore: Prof.ssa Pina Lalli... more
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      CommunicationScience CommunicationRisk and VulnerabilityRisk Management
"Society is reliant on infrastructure services, such as information and communication technology, energy, water, and food supply, but also on governmental, cultural, and search and rescue organizations. The goal of project Kritis-... more
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      ResilienceDisaster risk managementInfrastructure PlanningMigration
Report from a scoping review of existing research and disaster management policies and practices relating to children and young people in Europe. This is a public deliverable from CUIDAR H2020 Project: "Cultures of Disaster Resilience... more
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      ResilienceParticipationDisaster ManagementChildren and Youth
This report compares and contrasts national approaches to addressing three important challenges to modern civil protection: the interdependency of modern threats/risks; austerity and the need for economic efficiency; and the changing... more
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      Disaster StudiesDisaster ManagementDisaster PreparednessCivil Protection
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      Emergency ManagementCivil Protection
Un panel de especialistas trabajando e investigando en el extranjero y en Chile se reunieron para conversar sobre el alcance y las limitaciones del proyecto de ley que busca mejorar la gestión de riesgos y emergencias en Chile
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      Social SciencesHuman Rights LawFlood Risk ManagementDisaster Studies
Nella gestione dei disastri collegati ad eventi naturali estremi possiamo individuare il coinvolgimento di tre ambiti: scientifico, tecnico e politico. Questi, pur avendo linguaggi e tempi d’azione differenti, devono necessariamente... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster ManagementEmergency ManagementCivil Protection
The present study discusses the probability of a major accident in a nuclear power plant and, by simulation of such an accident, it evaluates the harm to people. It aims at characterizing the health effects of ionizing radiation, and it... more
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      Refugee ResettlementPublic HealthNuclear EnergyRisk Assessment & Risk Management
This booklet was prepared in the frames of the SEE project It is a report on best practices identified from existing educational projects or actions at European level on disasters’ risk awareness, prevention and... more
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    • Civil Protection
In questo testo si affronta il percorso storico di un'associazione che ha nelle sue peculiarità l'educazione alla protezione civile fin dalle sue origini. L'opera di ricerca ebbe inizio all'indomani dell’estate 2007, dopo una devastante... more
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      Scout MovementCivil ProtectionCommunity Based Disaster Management
Viaggio nel mondo della difesa e della protezione civile, due settori chiave nei paesi moderni. Come funzionano nel nostro Paese e nel mondo? Quali modelli organizzativi sono adottati?Quali scenari potranno interessare l'Italia in un... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster ManagementCivil ProtectionCivil Defence
Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from natural hazards to industrial risks and political perils, the preparation of national risk registers stands out as a novel and increasingly... more
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      GovernmentalityCritical Security StudiesSociology of RiskRisk and Vulnerability
Disaster risk information is spatial in nature and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) play an important key role by the services they provide to society. In this context, to risk management and governance, in... more
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      Remote SensingDisaster risk managementCrowdsourcingVolunteered Geographic Information
The paper examines the new Civil Protection Code, introduced by the legislative decree 1/2018, analyzing, from a constitutional point of view, the main changes and focusing mainly on orders, directives, commissioners and on the problem of... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical ScienceEmergency ManagementCivil Protection
STRESZCZENIE Zdaniem autora konieczna jest ściślejsza integracja systemu zarządzania kryzysowego z systemem obronnym państwa. Warto rozważyć stworzenie na poszczególnych poziomach administracji publicznej jednego, kompleksowego planu... more
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      GovernmentCrisis ManagementCivil Protection
Protection against catastrophic events, including acts of terrorism, is a central task in security policy. Civil protection is an important instrument in this context. In most countries, civil protection is organized through national and... more
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      Disaster ManagementUrbanizationCivil ProtectionSwitzerland
The paper concerns cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine in the field of internal security, i.e. at the local level, since the adoption of a Treaty on Good Neighbourhood, Friendly Relations and Cooperation between Poland and... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawInternational SecurityDisaster risk management
Vom 4. bis zum 6. Juni 2018 trafen sich Behördenvertreterinnen und -vertreter aus den Bereichen Sicherheitspolitik und Bevölkerungsschutz zum vierten trilateralen Workshop D-A-CH Schutz Kritischer Infrastrukturen (SKI/KRITIS). Der... more
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      ResilienceCrisis ManagementEnergy SecurityDisaster Management
L'International Search and Rescue Advisory Group ou INSARAG est un réseau international qui dicte la conduite des opérations de secours dans le domaine du sauvetage-déblaiement sous l'égide des Nations. Ces dernières années plusieurs... more
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      Disaster risk managementCrisis communication and managementCrisis ManagementRisk Management
Abstract - Negli ultimi anni la minaccia del terrorismo, specialmente di matrice jihadista, si è fatta pressante anche in Europa. Sotto questo profilo, nemmeno l’Italia può considerarsi un paese “a rischio zero” e deve quindi predisporre... more
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      SociologySociology of DisasterSocial PsychologyTerrorism
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      Social PsychologyInternational RelationsOccupational Health & SafetyCivil Protection
Although the relevant risks, threats and vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure and the methods for securing critical national infrastructure are similar in the EU, the single member states use individual approaches, institutions and... more
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      Risk ManagementRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsCivil Protection
Today, the majority of the globe’s inhabitants live in urban areas. According to all forecasts cities will continue to grow in the coming decades. At the same time, cities have become increasingly connected as a result of economic,... more
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      Disaster risk managementCrisis communication and managementUrban PlanningUrban Studies
The elaboration of this work is born, with the awareness of the need for an improvement, in the form of working together, of the various civil protection agents existing in the city of Lisbon. This need is all the more pressing since it... more
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      Civil ProtectionProtecção CivilLisbon (Portugal)Cidade de Lisboa
The presented text focuses on effective communication concerning the risks arising from operating chemical plants in the Czech Republic. In terms of substantive solutions to the problems, the conclusion of the article identifies and... more
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      Risk communicationChemical AccidentsCivil Protection
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      Criminal LawDisaster risk managementCivil ProtectionDiritto Penale
Certamente que todos aqueles que, como nós, desde há muito se envolveram na educação para os riscos, ao tomarem conhecimento da publicação de um referencial de educação para o risco, não poderão adoptar outra postura que não seja a de... more
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      GeographyEducationCivil ProtectionNatural Hazards and Risks
Resilience has become a dominant paradigm in a wide range of risk and security agendas. In this article we describe the modes in which resilience approaches in the domain of civil protection responsibilize social actors and citizens to... more
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      ResilienceCold WarDisaster ManagementHistory of Switzerland
This article provides an overview about civil protection and civil defense in Germany.
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      GermanyCivil ProtectionCivil Defense
In der Diskussion, wie die Bevölkerung vor gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Risiken geschützt werden kann, erscheint der Begriff der Resilienz seit einiger Zeit nahezu allgegenwärtig. Gebäude sollen resilient gebaut werden, das heißt, sie... more
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      Disaster StudiesResilienceCommunity Engagement & ParticipationPolitical communication
Wie hat sich der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich seit Ende des Kalten Krieges entwickelt? Wer arbeitet heute mit wem zu welchen Gefahren? Basierend auf einer umfassenden und einzigartigen Datenerhebung kartiert dieser Beitrag die Entwicklung... more
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      Homeland SecurityNational Security CultureCritical Security StudiesFederalism
Since 2010, the trilateral workshop series “D-A-CH – Risk Analysis in Civil Protection” has brought together experts in the field of civil protection from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The workshop series is jointly organized by the... more
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      Community ResilienceDisaster StudiesResilienceDisaster risk management
A number of high profile crises and disasters have driven the EU to increase cooperation among its member states in the area of civil protection and to enhance its capacity to conduct civil protection operations in Europe and around the... more
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      European StudiesPublic AdministrationSocial SciencesPolitical Science
There is a profound disconnect between the practice and scholarly study of security in Europe. The 2010 Internal Security Strategy added disasters such as forest fires, earthquakes, and floods to the list of European Union (EU) internal... more
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      Practice theorySecuritizationEuropean UnionCivil Protection
Society is reliant on infrastructure services, such as information and communication technology, energy, water, and food supply, but also on governmental, cultural, and search and rescue organizations. The goal of project Kritis-KAT at... more
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      ResilienceDisaster risk managementInfrastructure PlanningMigration
From the 4th to 6th of December 2013, representatives of security and civil protection agencies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland came together for the third trilateral workshop on critical infrastructure protection (CIP). Together... more
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      Disaster risk managementCivil ProtectionCritical infrastructure protectionCyber Security
ITALIANO: Il concetto di rischio, inteso come un prodotto storico e culturalmente gerarchizzato, è un’elaborazione sociale che assume significati diversi a seconda dei contesti. Per quanto inevitabilmente avvolto da indeterminatezza, nei... more
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      Sociology of DisasterSocial AnthropologyApplied, engaged, and public anthropologyDisaster Studies