Civil Engeneering
Recent papers in Civil Engeneering
Este Relatório de Impacto Ambiental -RIMA apresenta a síntese dos estudos realizados para avaliação da viabilidade ambiental do TÚNEL SANTOS-GUARUJÁ, empreendimento a ser executado pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo por meio da DERSA e... more
Dedução da analogia mecânica de terzaghi sobre o adensamento dos solos.
Material da disciplina Equações Diferenciais da UFERSA.
Professor Matheus Menezes.
Material da disciplina Equações Diferenciais da UFERSA.
Professor Matheus Menezes.
Étude du tablier d'un viaduc en béton précontraint Application au viaduc de la nouvelle rocade n°2 de Rabat-Salé. Mémoire en vue de l'obtention du diplôme d'ingénieur en génie civil.
Strengthening and repair of buildings and structures of concrete and steel after the earthquake 1. Status of the strength and intensity of the smaller of the earthquake design forces 2. Status strength and intensity of the earthquake is... more
Over the years, tone sequencers have been used extensively in devices ranging from alarm systems, sirens and even toys. The circuitry of the tone sequencers used are often bogus and cumbersome to implement. However, with the use of... more
This article deals with the scientific factors that have contributed to the dominance of motorised transport and the development of theoretical approaches in transport planning. Connections are made to modernism and to the theories within... more
A leading, international, engineering and construction company has carried out efforts to engage a new tool set and work process. is the new work process that aims toward better, more efficient planning and execution of large construction... more
A leading, international, engineering and construction company has carried out efforts to engage a new tool set and work process. Four-Dimensional Planning and Scheduling (4D-PS) is the new work process that aims toward better, more... more
This paper presents some results of the application of research thinking within an industrial project environment. During the last five years the impact of Computer Advanced Visualization Tools (CAVT) in the design and construction... more
Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the phases of the project. In the early stages of project planning, (owner) requires the estimated cost to construct the project budget. So it... more
Condicionantes geotécnicos para la construcción de un metro - propuesta
We present a numerical solution for the dead zone model which describes the solute transport in a subsurface and horizontal flow constructed wetland. This model is a system of two mass balance equations for two conceptual areas: the main... more
Es gibt zur Zeit wohl keinen Ingenieur, der mehr fasziniert als Cecil Balmond, Deputy Chairman von Ove Arup und kongeniales Gegenüber von Architekten wie Rem Koolhaas, Toyo Ito, Alvaro Siza oder Daniel Libeskind. Die Faszination ist vor... more
This paper explores the relationship between domestic water consumption and dwelling typology, household income and number of occupants. It describes the data and methods used to estimate domestic water consumption and related end-uses... more
Energy savings are hot topic nowadays. People are aware of global warming, the energy resources are not limitless and renewable resources have not been utilised efficiently yet. The only solution, to save not only the planet but also... more
We present a numerical solution for the dead zone model which describes the solute transport in a subsurface and horizontal flow constructed wetland. This model is a system of two mass balance equations for two conceptual areas: the main... more