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Karl Barth has been variously received among evangelicals. At first, the reception was mostly negative, but in the past couple of decades more evangelicals have been favorable to Barth's theological project. This article begins by listing... more
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      Systematic TheologyChinese TheologyMissiology and Mission TheologyWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyChinese TheologyWorld Christianity
Haven't managed to rework this chapter as a Cognitive Linguistics paper. But essentially, it is a comparative study of Chinese and Western medical metaphors. This is Chapter 8 from my book , the Dao of Healing. See:... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyHistory of MedicineChinese TheologyChinese Medicine
This paper presents the role that nuns have played in the Catholic Church in China and discusses their underlying theology of ministry. 1 As numerous as diocesan priests, and belonging to diocesan orders that share similar structures and... more
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      Chinese TheologyCatholic TheologyRoman CatholicismChristian Ministry
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      Chinese TheologyPublic Theology
In Professor Alexander Chow’s book Theosis, Sino-Christian Theology and the Second Chinese Enlightenment (2013), he criticizes theological classifications, such as Ralph R. Covell’s. In response, Chow proposes a tripartite classification... more
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      Chinese TheologyWorld Christianity and Chinese ChristianityChinese ChristianityKeswick Movement
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      Chinese TheologyProcess TheologyYijingAlready-But-Not-Yet
“Concepts of Self and No Self in the New Testament” 從新約看自我與無我觀念. Collectanea Theologica Universitatis Fu Jen  神學論集,no.105,1995,pp. 393-407.
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      Chinese TheologyBuddhist-Christian Studies
The question of which name to use to translate biblical words for “God” has vexed both Roman Catholics and Protestants for a long time. In Protestant Bibles, “Shen” and “Shangdi” have been used. This paper reviews the case for each of... more
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      Chinese TheologyWorld Christianity and Chinese ChristianityChinese Bible TranslationChinese Christianity
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      HumanitiesChinese PhilosophySocial SciencesChinese Theology
Title of MA Thesis: Captivating God’s Heart: A History of Independent Christianity, Fundamentalism and Gender in Chin Lien Bible Seminary and the Singapore Christian Evangelistic League, 1935-1997 Supervisor: A/Prof Bruce... more
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      History of FundamentalismHistory of ChristianityChinese TheologyGender
本文梳理趙紫宸在一十年代末至二十年代的神學論述,從普世基督教的研究視野,重新解讀其早期本色神學。本文論證,趙紫宸的本色神學與普世願景之間關係密切。他倡議基督教中國化,旨在推動基督教普世化。他重視基督教的普世性,中西基督教皆是普世基督教的一部分,且有合作、互補的關係。雖然他致力融通基督教與中國文化,但是基督教始終是融通的主體。他構想的中國基督教將是「基督為體,儒學為用」。 This article reinterprets T. C. Chao's early... more
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      Chinese TheologyEcumenical TheologyWorld Christianity and Chinese ChristianityWorld Christianity
"Wschodzie, który nigdy się nie kończysz!" 1 -wyśpiewuje Kościół w liturgii rzymskiej, widząc w tej starożytnej metaforze obraz Jezusa Chrystusa -Pana Kosmosu. Chrześcijanie budowali swoje świątynie zorientowane na Wschód, modlili się w... more
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      Chinese TheologyChinese ChristianityChinese Church
基督教学术 (Christian Scholarship) 14 (December 2015) pp.82-97... more
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      Chinese TheologyNatural TheologyMatteo Ricci
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      Chinese TheologyChinese CultureChinese Christianity
29. To oversimplify a bit the distinction between "systematic theology," and "biblical theology," one might say that systematic theology begins with the reader's questions on a topic (i.e. Church, end times, Holy Spirit, etc.). By... more
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      TheologyMissiologyChinese TheologyTheological Interpretation of Christian Scripture
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      MissiologyChinese TheologyMissiology and Mission TheologyEcclesiology
This paper sits within the field of Christian-Buddhist Comparative Theology and will explore the concept of the crucifixion in relation to Chinese Buddhist images of suffering bodhisattvas. While the bodhisattva is normally portrayed as... more
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      BuddhismTheologyChinese BuddhismEast Asian Theology
“The Impact of Nestorianism on Contemporary Chinese Theology” in Roman Malek SVD ed. Jingjiao: The Church of the East in China and Central Asia. Institut Monumenta Serica, Sankt Augustin, Germany 2007, pp.181-194.
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      Chinese TheologyNestorianismChinese Christianity
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      Chinese TheologyChinese paintingChinese Art - Calligraphy & Ink PaintingChristianity and Chinese Culture
American missionary William Newbern (1900–1972), one of the first C&MA missionaries to China, is known as the father of the Hong Kong Alliance Bible Seminary. Newbern, a successful evangelist and educator, also made a major contribution... more
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      MissiologyChinese TheologyTheology and MusicHymnology
« L’énergie et ses digues : autour de l’anthropologie chinoise », La chair et le souffle, revue internationale de théologie et de spiritualité, 2011-1, pp.25-38.   
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      Chinese TheologySocial CognitionContemporary Chinese Society
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      TheologyMissiologyContextual TheologiesChinese Theology
Wykłady dla doktorantów Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego o teologii chińskiej.
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese ReligionsChinese TheologyInculturation Theology
À partir d’une rencontre avec la «sino-théologie», l’auteur tente une double ressaisie: du rapport entre sagesse et révélation tel qu’il nous est loisible de le penser aujourd’hui; du régime de la sagesse chinoise et, par extension,... more
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      Chinese TheologyRevelationBiblical Wisdom literature
本文聚焦汪維藩早年神學思想的啓蒙與傳承,選題集中於抗戰時期大學生福音運動、學聯會,以及楊紹唐和賈玉銘等保守派/福音派神學家對汪維藩神學思想形成的影響,試圖於歷史發展的脈絡裏探討和梳理汪維藩神學思想中福音派元素的形成、傳承與發展。首先本文旨在彌補現有研究之不足,探討在學聯會和南京黃泥崗教會的崇拜和生活,對汪維藩神學思想走向的影響究竟表現在哪些方面。其次,就福音派學生佈道運動的研究而言, 過往研究多集中於趙君影、于力工、艾德理等領導角色,本文希望透過汪維藩的個案,從一... more
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      Chinese TheologyModern Chinese HistoryChurch HistoryEvangelicalism
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      Chinese TheologyWorld Christianity and Chinese ChristianityWorld Christianity
In his 1934 overview of Chinese Bible versions, Marshall Broomhall observed that the translators of the Chinese Union Version (CUV) into Mandarin surprisingly found Wenli easier to work with than vernacular Mandarin. Their struggle in... more
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      Chinese TheologyBible TranslationChinese Bible TranslationChinese Church History
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      ChristianityTheologyChinese TheologyChina
In this article I use Chinese culture to demonstrate what it means to do “cultural contextualization.” In order to avoid abstraction, the essay assumes a specific social setting. Each of the major sections considers a different question.... more
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      Missions to AsiaContextual TheologiesChinese TheologyChristian Missions
This text is part of a Master Thesis dissertation in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Sacred Theology from the School of Theology, Fu Jen University (Taiwan) in 1996. The remaining part constituted of... more
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      Chinese TheologyJesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline LettersParables
Théologiens catholiques en monde chinois. Deuxième partie.
Nouvelle Revue Théologique, déc. 1995, pp.860-873.
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      Chinese TheologyInculturationInculturation Theology
Karl Barth has been variously received by evangelicals. At first, they were mostly critical. Recently, Barth has been much more favorably received by major evangelical theologians, while continuing to be sharply criticized by others. This... more
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      PhilosophySystematic TheologyChinese TheologyMissiology and Mission Theology
Chinese Theology. Cultural factors of the trynitarian notions. Language is the basis of each culture. Language mirrors the world’s image which is created by each civilization responding to the questions vital for a human being, for the... more
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      Comparative ReligionChinese TheologyTrinity (Theology)Inculturation
« Bonheur chinois, salut christique », Studia Missionalia, Roma, vol.52, 2003, pp.391-399. La découverte du salut apporté en Christ ne peut se produire que si l'annonce de ce salut rejoint une expérience existentielle préalable,... more
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      Chinese ReligionsChinese TheologyHappiness
Christian theology in general, and Chinese theology in particular, has remained reticent toward the Needham Question originally posed by Joseph Needham in the 1930s. After a brief survey of the Christian response to the theory of... more
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      DaoismSystematic TheologyDao De JingChinese Theology
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      Chinese TheologyPublic TheologyWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
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      Chinese TheologyWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
This is a review of the inaugural issue of the Yearbook of Chinese Theology. 2015. The article describes the Yearbook and then the contents of all the articles in this first issue.
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      Chinese TheologyWorld Christianity and Chinese ChristianityChristianity and Chinese Culture
Does sharing the gospel from the Roman-influenced Western legal system limit its impact in an honor and shame culture? This is the problem that Jackson Wu seeks to answer in this book.
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      MissiologyContextual TheologiesChinese TheologyMissiology and Mission Theology
Karl Barth has been variously received by evangelicals. At first, they were mostly critical. Recently, Barth has been much more favorably received by major evangelical theologians, while continuing to be sharply criticized by others. This... more
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      Systematic TheologyChinese TheologyMissiology and Mission TheologyWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
In this essay, we will consider the question––what is “Chinese” theology? Christians’ theological perspective will substantially influence their practice. We will explore the meaning of “Chinese.” What is “Chinese” and who decides?... more
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      MissiologyChinese TheologyMissiology and Mission TheologyHonor-Shame culture
Review of K. K. Yeo's book "What Has Jerusalem to Do with Beijing? Biblical Interpretation from a Chinese Perspective (Twentieth-Anniversary Edition)"
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      TheologyChinese TheologyBiblical ExegesisContextual Theology
Selecciones de Teologia, vol. 40, n.157, enero-marzo 2001, pp. 65-80
Tradujo y condensé: JOAQUEM PONS
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      East Asian TheologyChinese TheologyAcculturation
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      MissiologyChinese TheologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian Missions
Karl Barth has been variously received by evangelicals. At first, they were mostly critical. Recently, Barth has been much more favorably received by major evangelical theologians, while continuing to be sharply criticized by others. This... more
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      PhilosophySystematic TheologyChinese TheologyMissiology and Mission Theology
As one of the founders of modern Chinese aesthetics, Liang Zongdai is also a representative of Sinicization of Christianity in aesthetics. He established a system of theological aesthetics and was heavily involved in modern Chinese... more
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      TheologyChinese StudiesChinese TheologyLiterary Theory
Li Ma's book received high praise from notable scholars for its multi-disciplinary approach and wealth of information, but its weaknesses far outweigh its strengths. This paper first describes the real value of the book, and then... more
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      Chinese TheologyChristianity in China