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... a typical naive set of assumptions about "group oriented" cultures it that the participants within them are basically altruistic, self-effacing, self-sacrificing and sociable. A society of such individuals should exhibit the very best... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic SociologyMedia Sociology
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      CommunismChinaChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementChinese Communist Party
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      Media SociologyModern Chinese HistoryChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementPress and media history
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      Chinese Communism and Left-wing MovementChinese history (History)History of Communism
本文將依據現有史料探索劉進慶與台灣左翼運動的關係。劉進慶退休後發表的七十自述〈我的抵抗與學問〉(わがレジスタンスと学問)是認識其思想與生平的第一材料。2根據這份自述,劉進慶的人生可說由三個環節所構成。第一個環節是作為被壓迫者個人的「原始體驗」的形成,第二個環節是從原始體驗出發並涉及組織史的「抵抗」(レジスタンス,即resistance的日語音譯),第三個環... more
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    • Chinese Communism and Left-wing Movement
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      Chinese Communism and Left-wing MovementJapanese Occupation of Southeast AsiaMalaysian StudiesMalaysia History and Politics
The 20th Century revolved politically around competing interpretations of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and Fascism. These are all ways to organize the lives of people on a large scale. Are real alternatives or new interpretations... more
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      FinanceReligionEconomic HistorySociology
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      Chinese Communism and Left-wing MovementChinese Communist PartyShanghai Urban StudiesChinese Communist politics and history
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      Modern Chinese HistoryChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementChinese Intellectial History
This chapter investigates the operation of Maoism in a new social world, the emerging party-state under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Yan’an, the party’s center from 1937 to 1947, and tracks how this system of thought interacted... more
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      IdeologyModern Chinese HistoryChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementChinese Politics
基於筆者在“視覺再現、世界文學與現代中國和東亞的左翼國際主義” 研討會上的英文發言。
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      Eastern European StudiesWorld LiteraturesVisual StudiesFilm Studies
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      ReligionBuddhismHistorical AnthropologyInternational Relations
“Agitation” and “propaganda” are technical terms within Marxist revolutionary theory. Agitation and propaganda as defined by Georgi V. Plekhanov and supported by Vladimir I. Lenin are "value-free", which is to say devoid of morality.... more
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      Social SciencesCommunismVietnam WarChinese Communism and Left-wing Movement
I am better at writing apologies than conveying thanks, but here goes. First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my promoter, Bart Dessein. Without his encouragement, I would never have thought of beginning the research... more
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      Chinese PhilosophySociology of KnowledgeChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementMay Fourth Movement
When the origins and development of the Chinese Communist Movement before it seized the state power in 1949 are examined, while conventionally the movement is periodized according to its respective main task of struggle, it can also be... more
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      SociologyHistorical SociologyMarxismPolitics
Studies on Nigerian national interest and Nigerians role in conflict management in Africa can be divided into two groups according to major research questions they are interested in. The first group examine the conditions under which... more
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      International LawDemocratic TheoryPre-Socratic (Pre-Platonic) PhilosophyPhilosophy of Karl Marx
Wilbur Schramm’s “Soviet” communist model and J. Herbert Altschull’s “Marxist” approach have been widely used as general theoretical frameworks to examine press systems in the Marxist world in general and China in particular. Though a... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesDevelopment StudiesJournalism
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      Chinese StudiesModern Chinese HistoryChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementChinese Politics
The early Chinese Marxist, communist leader and martyr, Yun Daiying was an avid readerandcollectorofbooks.Hisintellectualandpoliticalendeavorsstartedwithreading and collecting various books and magazines on current affairs and social... more
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      Chinese Communism and Left-wing Movement20th Century ChinaChinese Communist Party History
This is a publisher-requested translation from the Chinese written especially for this 1978 book. Translation by Joseph Thomas Miller and Hui-fang Li (Miller).
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      Modern Chinese HistoryChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementChina studiesChinese Trotskyism
This essay analyzes competing visions among leftist intellectuals of “the Chongqing model,” an economic and political approach to municipal governance in China associated with the southwestern city of Chongqing and its former leader, Bo... more
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      Political TheoryEast Asian StudiesChinaChinese Communism and Left-wing Movement
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      Political PartiesMarxismPopular radicalismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
Presented at the University of Havana, Cuba Eighteenth International Conference for a New Political Science November 17 to November 20, 2015 For more than a century, conflicting... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSocial Theory
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      Book HistoryModern Greek HistoryModern Greek PoliticsChinese Communism and Left-wing Movement
PAPERBACK NOW OUT. "The role of the peasant in society has been fundamental throughout China's history, posing difficult, much-debated questions for Chinese modernity. Today, as China becomes an economic superpower, the issue continues... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
在马来西亚的历史进程中,陈平一直是充满神秘感的人物。他于1940年成为马来亚共党(马共)正式党员,并在抗日时期因党中央领导层出现真空而被马共总书记莱特委派为抗日军及抗日同盟代表,负责接应联军136部队。此后不久,陈平就被委任成为霹雳州党书记,成为马共的高层领导之一。1947年,当莱特被怀疑是间谍而卷款遁逃后,时年23岁的陈平正式被推选为马共总书记。在陈平的领导下,马共从1948年6月和英国军方及后来的马来(西)亚政府进行了长达41年的武装斗争,对马来(西)亚的政治发展影响极深... more
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      MalaysiaChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementMalaysian StudiesMalaysia History and Politics
Depuis quelques années, le PTB – le PVDA en Flandre – défraie la chronique politique et médiatique. Le Parti du travail est parvenu à s’imposer comme un interlocuteur, désormais régulier, de la presse audiovisuelle et écrite, et a... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismSocialismsCommunism (Revolutions)
This work aims at interpreting and discussing the writing of the Chinese Marxist cultural critic and political activist Qu Qiubai (1899-1935). Although written in Shanghai during the early nineteen thirties and dealing with culture and... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMulticulturalismPostcolonial StudiesChinese Communism and Left-wing Movement
“Today communism is burning in the fire of its own failure, and your work is to add some fuel to that fire,” according to Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar. “This dangerous theory has committed many atrocities against society, and it will continue... more
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      MarxismPost-MarxismSocialismsCommunism (Revolutions)
Reviews book on Whittaker Chambers (January 2011):
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      CommunismChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementHistory of CommunismAnti-communism
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      Web 2.0Taiwan StudiesSocial MediaChinese Communism and Left-wing Movement
Yiching Wu's The Cultural Revolution at the Margins traces the emergence and suppression of a radical critique of state socialism during the Cultural Revolution, a critique that moved beyond the margins of Maoist political thought. While... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
1950年代,马来亚共产党(马共)逐渐往北撤离以化解英国殖民地政府军的军事打压。1955年,马共和以东姑阿都拉曼为代表的“华玲会谈”失败以后,马共便选择在马泰边区建立根据地。虽然这样做会使到国内的民运及群众逐渐疏离马共。1960年以后,马来西亚国内的局势骤变,加上当局的强力打压,留守国内的民运分子和边区的马共失去了联系。为了继续反殖斗争,马来亚民族解放阵线(解阵)于1968年11月25日成立并成功和马共取得联系,成为了马共的地下组织。解阵的出现,适时提供了马共最基本的补给。马... more
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      Chinese Communism and Left-wing MovementMalaysia History and PoliticsCommunist PartiesMalayan history
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      History of CominternChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementInterwar Period HistoryInternationalism
Ou Ning, "The Discourse of Utopia in the Post-Mao Era", Afterlives of Chinese Communism: Political Concepts from Mao to Xi, edited by Christian Sorace, Ivan Franceschini, and Nicholas Loubere, published by ANU Press and Verso Books, 2019.
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      Utopian StudiesPoliticsCommunismChinese Communism and Left-wing Movement
I begin this paper by offering a brief definition of the concept of Maoist discourse, as it is this which has been either demonized or simply denied in much Western (and Chinese) historiography of the socialist and post-socialist or... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPolitical PhilosophyHistory of Ideas
Ces dernières années, les percées électorales et politiques de partis comme Syriza en Grèce, Podemos en Espagne ou encore Die Linke en Allemagne ont braqué les projecteurs sur le paysage de la gauche radicale en Europe. Ou plutôt des... more
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologyEuropean StudiesComparative Politics
Chinese prose poetry today is engaged with a series of questions that are fundamental to the modern Chinese language: What is prose? What is it good for? How should it look and sound? Millions of Chinese readers encounter prose poetry... more
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      Genre studiesChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementChinese poetryGenre Theory
In this article the thesis is submitted that there is something fundamentally wrong with Western Sinology, or 'Chinakunde', or 'Zhongguoxue' (as distinct from 'Hanxue', which is a kind of old-fashioned philology aggrandised with quasi- if... more
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      Area StudiesAsian StudiesPhilosophy of ScienceChinese Philosophy
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      HistoryGreek HistoryPublishingBook History
This article examines the phenomenon of Cambodian intellectual curiosity about China through the social experiences of Phouk Chhay, a prominent leftist activistcritic and Pol Pot's one-time secretary. Amid Phnom Penh's urban radical... more
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      Intellectual HistoryUrban HistoryCambodiaChinese Communism and Left-wing Movement
This essay discusses Minqi Li’s 2016 book on China. Li’s study examines China’s transition to capitalism since the late 1970s, and class-struggles during and after that transition. By linking this transition with the crisis of the... more
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      World Systems AnalysisCapitalismMarxist theoryChina
An article published in an on going biographical history monthly- Biography Literature magazine (傳記文學)from Taiwan,which rewritten from a chapter of my master thesis,about the incidents and diplomactic crisis that envoy of Republican... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic History20th century FranceModern Chinese History
Resumen: Desde 1949 militantes de las izquierdas latinoamericanas emprendieron el viaje hacia la experiencia China. En diversos relatos de viaje, las y los latinoamericanos anotan el surgimiento y funcionamiento de la reforma agraria y la... more
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      ChinaChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementLiteratura de viajes
Konstantin Tertitski (first author) 作者 / 郭杰、白安娜原著,李隨安、陳進盛譯,許雪姬、鍾淑敏主編 類別 / 臺灣史譯著 臺灣共產主義運動與共產國際(1924-1932)研究‧檔案 Institute of Taiwan... more
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      History of CominternChinese Communism and Left-wing MovementHistory of TaiwanJapanese Communism
The critical situation of China's peasants today is the consequence of a long transition process from an agrarian to an industrial society. Owing to the enormous dynamics of China's cities, peasants came to be invented as the backward of... more
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      Agrarian StudiesPeasant StudiesRevolutionsAgriculture
“Today communism is burning in the fire of its own failure, and your work is to add some fuel to that fire,” according to Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar. “This dangerous theory has committed many atrocities against society, and it will continue... more
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      MarxismSpiritualityPost-MarxismCommunism (Revolutions)
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      Political PartiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismHistory of Political PartiesChinese Communism and Left-wing Movement
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History