Children with Disabilities (and Their Families)
Recent papers in Children with Disabilities (and Their Families)
Roditelji djece s poteškoćama u razvoju izloženi su uobičajenom stresu zbog izazova roditeljstva ali i dodatnim stresorima povezanim sa zadovoljavanjem specifičnih potreba djeteta. Zbog visoke razine stresa koji proživljavaju, roditelji... more
Australia has binding international human rights obligations to enact in legislation the protection of all children from forced sterilisation in all cases that are not life-threatening. Yet the practice continues in direct violation of... more
One of the most rewarding and difficult relationships in life, one ever undertakes or be in, is being a parent of a child. This part takes all waking and sleeping hours of the person. A parent-child relationship sets the basis for... more
Using qualitative methods, this study explored workplace disclosure decisions made by employees caring for children and younger adults with disabilities or special health care needs and compared these experiences with those of employees... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a sudden increase in the demand for healthcare organisations to improve their utilisation of digital platforms to supplement the reach of conventional healthcare services. In the wake of this crisis,... more
This paper highlights the early education inclusion and discusses its pragmatic challenges in Indian context. The paper is based on the findings from a study which examined teachers’ role on early intervention of children with... more