Ceremonial funerals
Recent papers in Ceremonial funerals
České barokní pohřební medaile. Sedmnáct medailí ze sbírky Národního musea v Praze ilustruje různé možnosti, které se jejich objednavatelům nabízejí. Úkolem úmrtní medaile je uchovat památku zemřelého pro budoucí generace obzvlášť... more
Gottlieb Mittelberger's Journey to Pennsylvania (1756) made Conrad Reiff its most celebrated miscreant. Mittelberger became Henry Muhlenberg's organist in Trappe, where Conrad Reiff also had an organ in neighboring Oley, furthering... more
Baroque urban funerals were festivities which made use of religious signs in a multiconfessional environment. This kind of manifestation of difference might have presented a pretext for violent outbreaks, however, most of the time these... more
He deseado realizar en este artículo una revisión actualizada de los acontecimientos y de las fuentes que describen las exequias celebradas en la catedral sevillana con ocasión del deceso del rey Felipe II. El ceremonial, los testimonios... more
“Beerdigungsfeier der Prinzessin Erdmuthe von Brandenburg (1561-1623) Die pommersche Prinzessin Erdmuthe von Brandenburg (1561-1623)”. Witwe des Herzogs Johann Friedrich (1542-1600), starb am 13. November 1623 in Słupsk (Stolp). Am... more
À la fin du Moyen Âge, dans la plupart des cours européennes, le cérémonial connut une expansion sans précédent. Les différents rituels touchant le prince et sa famille firent l’objet de célébrations de plus en plus élaborées, rapportées... more
Préface par le psychiatre Christophe Fauré En Occident, plus du tiers des cérémonies funèbres sont organisées sans l'intervention d'institutions religieuses, et les prévisions montrent que le phénomène est en expansion. Pourtant, les... more
Este trabajo problematiza transición de las prácticas políticas de Antiguo Régimen a la república. Aborda el uso de rituales y ceremonias (como la jura) con los cuales las se generaba legitimidad, autoridad y poder. Para el desarrollo de... more
Los rituales y ceremonias no solamente formaban parte de los actos litúrgicos sino que servían como medio de propaganda y exaltación de la autoridad de la Iglesia. Una de las ceremonias más significativas y en las que quedaba reflejado... more
In this paper I analyse the funerary ideology of the communities which occupied the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula between c. 3300 and 850 cal BC (Copper and Bronze Age). The definition and critical discussion of the funerary patterns... more
Likenesses between Pericles' Funeral Oration and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, with focus on Aristotle's rhetorical devices.
w: Pompa funebris książąt z dynastii Gryfitów, pod red. M. Łopuch, Szczecin 2017, s. 37-69
Cet article met en lumière la tension, à l'oeuvre dans les oraisons funèbres catholiques du XVIIe siècle français (Fléchier, Bossuet, Bourdaloue, Fromentières, G. de Roquette, J.B. de Beauvais, G. Buhot, P. de Fénolliet...), entre l'idéal... more
Elena Brambilla … [et al.]. -Pisa: Plus-Pisa University Press, 2009 (Religion and Philosophy ; 4) 306.9 (21.) 1. Morte -Aspetti socio-culturali I. Brambilla, Elena CIP a cura del Sistema bibliotecario dell'Università di Pisa
Words and deeds are a topic in Pericles' Funeral Oration and Speech-Acts dominate Lincoln's Gettysburg Address which is patterned off Pericles' work.
The author analyses the forms of state funerals organised for the rector, the secretary, the archbishop of Dubrovnik, and the bishop of Ston in the 17th and 18th centuries. In doing so, she points to the transformation of these rituals... more
En 1761, con motivo de las exequias fúnebres de María Amalia de Sajonia, se erigió en la Catedral de Barcelona un catafalco destinado a perpetuar el recuerdo de la soberana mediante un extenso programa iconográfico y literario. En esta... more
The use of red pigments linked to burial practices is widely documented in the Iberian prehistoric record and very often it has been traditionally interpreted as a ritual practice entailing the utilisation of local raw materials (iron... more
Table of contents of my PhD dissertation (defended June 2019) : "Puisses-tu sortir à la voix d'Anubis, et être transformé en akh (TP 437) : Recherches sur l'évolution des funérailles sous l'Ancien Empire égyptien, à la lumière des... more
The use of red pigments linked to burial practices is widely documented in the Iberian prehistoric record and very often it has been traditionally interpreted as a ritual practice entailing the utilisation of local raw materials (iron... more
The forms of the repesentation of the dead person which were employed in Poland in the Middle Age an the beginning of the 16th Century were not much different from the ceremonies which were held in the other countries in Europe. The only... more