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Uno de los factores más importantes que han incidido en el claro declive de las poblaciones de murciélagos cavernícolas europeas es la pérdida de refugios que ofrecen buenas condiciones para ser usados por los murciélagos. El cerramiento... more
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      ChiropteraCave BatsCave Dwelling Bats
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      ChiropteraCave Dwelling Bats
A maternity roost of the Large-eared Pied Bat Chalinolobus dwyeri was found in a sandstone cave near Coonabarabran in central NSW approximately 200 km south west of Copeton where the only other known maternity roost of this species has... more
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      ZoologyEcologyBats (Mammalogy)Microchiroptera
Social media has deeply transformed the way people communicate ideas and information, shifting from traditional media forms (e.g. newspapers, television and magazines) to digital media; of which, Facebook and Twitter stand out in terms of... more
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      ZoologyConservation BiologySocial NetworkingConservation
Philippine endemics Hipposideros pygmaeus and Ptenochirus jagori and the threatened Megaerops wetmorei.
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      Bats (Mammalogy)MammalsCave BatsConservation of Bats