Case Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Recent papers in Case Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Working memory capacity refers to the ability to store and process information simultaneously in real time and has been shown to correlate highly with first language (L1) reading skill. This study examines the sensitivity of second... more
Bilingual language development might be characterized by transfer, deceleration, and/or acceleration, the first two being relevant for the language impairment diagnosis. Studies on bilingual children’s productive phonology show evidence... more
The focus of this book, which is based on Bowles’s doctoral dissertation, is on a specifi c type of verbal report provided during the completion of a task— namely, think-aloud. Such think-alouds in principle would exclude verbal report... more
Four papers by Charles Browne, Rachael Ruegg & Cherie Brown, Makoto Yoshii and Junko Yamashita were presented in the morning session of the Third Annual JALT Vocabulary SIG Vocabulary Symposium in Fukuoka, Japan on June 14, 2014. As... more
Four papers by Charles Browne, Rachael Ruegg & Cherie Brown, Makoto Yoshii and Junko Yamashita were presented in the morning session of the Third Annual JALT Vocabulary SIG Vocabulary Symposium in Fukuoka, Japan on June 14, 2014. As... more
The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) is a nonprofit professional organization dedicated to the improvement of language teaching and learning in Japan. It provides a forum for the exchange of new ideas and techniques and a... more
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
Although there is consistent evidence that higher levels of processing, such as learning the form-meaning associations specific to the second language (L2), are a source of difficulty in acquiring L2 speech, no study has addressed how... more
It is commonly believed that second language (L2) acquisition of lexical tones presents a major challenge for learners from nontonal language backgrounds. This belief is somewhat at odds with research that consistently shows beginning... more
Processing Instruction, an edited volume by Bill VanPatten, comprises five parts that branch out into 17 chapters. At the outset let me recommend this volume to all SLA researchers and practitioners who are looking for the next big... more
The present study explores the initial stages of incidental acquisition of two grammatical properties of verbs (subcategorization and [ir]regularity) during reading in first language (L1) and second language (L2) German using an adjusted... more
Cloze procedure first appeared in 1953 when Wilson Taylor researched its effectiveness as a procedure for estimating the readability of textbooks for school children in the United States. A decade later, research began to appear on the... more
... (Received 19 August 1996) Matthew Rispoli Arizona State University REFERENCES Chiat, S. (1981). ... of proficiency, and it played a greater role for intermediate learners than for advanced or ... the acquisition of causatives in... more
Statistical learning (SL) approaches to reading maintain that proficient reading requires assimilation of rich statistical regularities in the writing system. Reading skills in developing first-language readers are predicted by individual... more
Herein, we provide counterargumentation to some of Domínguez, Hicks, and Slabakova's claims that the term incomplete acquisition is conceptually necessary on theoretical grounds for describing the outcome grammars of heritage language... more
The present study is concerned with the upper limits of SLA—specifically, mastery of the syntax-discourse interface in successful endstate learners of second-language (L2) French (near-native speakers). Left dislocation (LD) is a... more
Studies in SLA have debated the importance of context of learning in the process of developing linguistic skills in a second language (L2). The present paper examines whether study abroad, as it provides opportunities for authentic L2... more
This study investigates the manner in which syntax, prosody, and con-text interact when second-and fourth-semester college-level English-French learners process relative clause (RC) attachment to either the first noun phrase (NP1) or the... more
This article has two main goals. The first is to summarize and comment on the current state of affairs of generative approaches to SLA (GenSLA), 35 years into its history. This discussion brings the readership of SSLA up to date on the... more
This special issue of Acta Analytica contains four articles from papers presented at the 2019 Bled Epistemology Conference. The theme of the conference was "Social Epistemology and the Politics of Knowing,", and the articles included in... more
This study examines the second language (L2) development of variable /s/-weakening in the spontaneous speech of L2 learners of Spanish who studied abroad in either Dominican Republic, where /s/-weakening is widespread, or central Spain,... more
I highly recommend Diane J. Tedick's Second Language Teacher Education: International Perspectives. The text provides an interesting array of articles on language teacher education, particularly, for those working in EFL, TESOL and... more
This study investigates the manner in which syntax, prosody, and context interact when second- and fourth-semester college-level English-French learners process relative clause (RC) attachment to either the first noun phrase (NP1) or the... more
This study examined how native speakers of Australian English and French, nontone languages with different lexical stress properties, perceived Mandarin tones in a sentence environment according to their native sentence intonation... more
Grammaticality judgments reflect a compound product of both grammatical and processing factors. But because they interact in a symbiotic way, very often grammatical and processing constraints are difficult to separate. According to... more
The purpose of the present study was to determine what features associated with the macrolevel of lexical competence vary as a function of an increase in second language (L2) proficiency. The macrolevel of participants' word knowledge was... more
Avec un nombre croissant de nouveaux arrivants chaque année, le Québec est devenu la société d'accueil de milliers d'immigrants de diverses origines culturelles dont plusieurs ne maîtrisent pas le français (Amireault, 2011). Il est... more
The current study examined the extent to which cognitive fluency (CF) contributes to utterance fluency (UF) at the level of constructs. A total of 128 Japanese-speaking learners of English completed four speaking tasks—argumentative task,... more
This study partially replicates McManus and Marsden (2017), who found that providing L1 explicit information (EI) plus task-essential practice led L2 learners to make more accurate and faster interpretations of French morphosyntax. The... more
Although the emergence of creoles presupposes naturalistic SLA, current SLA scholarship does not shed much light on the development of creoles with regard to the population-internal mechanisms that produce normalization and autonomization... more
... English in this classroom context will be done by observing video recordings of language routines or discursive prac-tices (Hanks, 1996; Tracy, 2002) that are repeated within a particular class period and over time in equivalent... more
To examine the effects of task repetition with different schedules, English-as-a-foreign-language classroom learners performed the same oral narrative task six times under three different schedules. They narrated the same six-frame... more