Recent papers in Cabotage
Africa’s overseas air links changed considerably in the 1950s when two UK-based private air transport companies used new legislation to operate scheduled flights between the UK and its African colonies at controlled low frequencies and... more
This article examines the performance of the Nigerian Maritime Industry over a fifty year period. It suggests that the Nigerian maritime industry has not achieved optimum performance in the last 50 years and that the industry has not... more
ABSTRACT ASEAN Open Sky Policy (AOSP) is a decision to open the air territory among ASEAN Countries for commercial purposes. This decision is a consequence of air travel liberalization that signed by ASEAN countries in Bali Concord II... more
Britain first exerted considerable civil and military aerial authority in Africa in the 1920s and 1930s. The occasional but striking presence of British pioneer pilots and aircraft was soon followed by formal agreements about Empire... more
La grille du tableau respecte l'ordre des éléments contenus dans les registres de la police maritime de Catane. L'italique a été utilisé pour les noms des navires et pour ces types de bateaux figurant en dialecte ou en forme mal... more
This paper looks at the effects of the centralization and the hierarchical organization of ports and harbours, which were started in the mid XVIII century and later ratified with the foundation of the Real Consulado de Comercio de A... more
L'article pretén una succinta descripció de l'aparició de les primeres xarxes comercials i companyies dedicades a la comercialització del suro a mitjans del segle XVIII, més precisament entre els anys 1750-1760. S'hi descriuen algunes... more
Catane de navires battant pavillon étranger en 1843 (données extensives correspondant au tableau et à la carte 5 dans l'article).
Cabotage navigation is a fundamental part of the optimization of transport networks for large volumes of cargo over long distances, with significant potential for expansion in view of an extension of the Brazilian maritime coast and a... more
Tableau 9 : Total des arrivées et des départs du port de Catane en 1843. Ports et escales divisés par zone géographique (données extensives correspondant aux cartes 3, 4 et 5 sur le texte).
Tableau 1. Nombre de navires immatriculés dans les circonscriptions maritimes de Palerme, Messine et Catane en 1859, avec l'indication du tonnage Port Nombre de navires Tonnage Circuits maritimes, dynamiques commerciales et habitat côtier... more