Scholars have long promoted black history as an appropriate space to promote the development of racial literacy. Few research studies, however, have examined how teacher education uses black history as a heuristic to teach about race.... more
Written from the perspectives of a tenured high school teacher/researcher, an out bisexual sophomore, and a transgender senior, this article discusses the challenges of being and becoming an out lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,... more
In partial fulfillment of requirements for the course EDUC 5397: IMPLEMENTING CLASSROOM RESEARCH (Spring of 2013)
________________________________________________________________ For over four decades, archaeological education in Nigeria has been confined to university education curricula with little or no attention paid to teaching the subject at... more
Pressure from public education stakeholders created a need for intentional, professional supervision of curriculum and instruction. Living in a complex society struggling with competing ideologies shaped by globalism, high technology, and... more
This comparative research explored the mindset and performance of selected graduating students taking French as a second language. The study is anchored on two theories namely: Bronfenbrenner"s Ecological Systems" Theory and Krashen"s... more
I argue in this article that a close examination of preservice teachers' Black history knowledge is needed to possibly improve curricular and instructional approaches of Black education. Seven preservice teachers were studied and asked to... more
Inquiry-based learning is becoming a widely recognized and used pedagogical approach. However, existing research has largely focused on inquiry learning in science education, neglecting fields such as social studies (SS). In Singapore,... more
Active Student Responding (ASR) is a powerful set of low cost strategies teachers can use to improve student achievement. ASR occurs when a student makes a response by answering questions or responding in a variety of ways that... more
The main objective of the research was to assess the relationship between instructional practices of teachers on students’ academic performancein English. To achieve this aim, the researcher selectedAssistant Language Teachers (ALTs) and... more
A meditation on images, hermeneutics, and the death of a distant friend.
The purpose of this study is to explore the dispositions that pre-service teachers require in order to be effective practitioners. Pre-service teachers study a curriculum that equips them with the content, as well as the pedagogical,... more
In a learning context that is increasingly impregnated by the use of digital tools, the search for innovations to improve the quality of learning must be the permanent concern of the various players in the area of education.A comparative... more
In this article the author takes as a point of departure certain discursive practices employed by physicists credited with popularizing the field of quantum mechanics in order to posit the relationship between space, learning, and the... more
Abstract This paper builds on two research projects on initial and in-service education of teachers, their professional experience, and the pathways they travelled to become teachers. The policy documents analysed and the teachers’... more
Studies are reviewed of issues that potentially infotm policies and practices in initial and continuing education, including teacher. educators, prospective and practicing. teachers as learners, the teacher education curriculum, and the... more
A historian’s taking in account his period he lived or he witnessed is very important. In this sense, Ibn Kaldûn, as an universalist historian having been lived in the XIV. Century, and having written a universal history called Kitab... more
This comparative case study presents one key challenge two experienced teachers face when using simulations: Control. Simulations are activities that place high demands on teachers, including the ability to anticipate pitfalls in advance,... more