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The barium oxide impregnated iron(III) oxide (BaO/Fe2O3) adsorbent was synthesized by an ultrasonic-assisted method. The adsorbent was calcined at 200-500 °C and its adsorption capacity was measured. The ultrasonic-assisted synthesis... more
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      AdsorptionCO2 capture and storageCO2 Capturing ProcessesIron Oxide
The extensive amount of available information on global warming suggests that this issue has become prevalent worldwide. Majority of countries have issued laws and policies in response to this concern by requiring their industrial sectors... more
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      Air pollutionCO2 captureBiological Air Treatment
The limitation of fresh water and the exorbitant cost of land to grow such plants, algae are the most optimum organisms for CO 2 bio-sequestration and also microalgae cultures avail many characteristics that make them an arguable option... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringSpirulina platensisSalinity
Fabrication of superior and cost-effective cathodic materials is vital in manufacturing sustainable microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) for biofuels production. In the present study, a novel manganese dioxide (MnO2) coated felt cathode... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceChemical Education
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    • CO2 capture
The extensive amount of available information on global warming suggests that this issue has become prevalent worldwide. Majority of countries have issued laws and policies in response to this concern by requiring their industrial sectors... more
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      MicroalgaeMicroalgae ProductionCO2 captureMicroalgae Carbon Sequestration
This study presents a rate-based model of an absorber packed column for simultaneous absorptions of acid gases into methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) aqueous solution. The model is in good agreement with experimental data. The parametric... more
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      Mathematical ModellingSensitivity AnalysisCO2 captureMethyldiethanolamine
The quest for a sustainable environment and combating global warming, carbon capture, and storage (CCS) has become the primary resort. A complete shift from non-renewable resources to renewable resources is currently impossible due to its... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceChemical Education
Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir ini, isu pemanasan global (global warming) menjadi sebuah topik yang hangat untuk dibicarakan. Pemanasan global adalah peristiwa naiknya suhu rata-rata permukaan dan lapisan atmosfer bumi yang disebabkan... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemicalsAir PolutionCO2 capture
Novel solvents named deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been intensively investigated in recent years. Their non-toxicity, biodegradability, low volatility, easy preparation and low cost make them promising green solvents for several... more
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    • CO2 capture
This PhD dissertation summarizes Dr Wang's work on packing mass transfer studies, which can be applied to CO2 absorption as well as other distillation and absorption processes. The three key mass transfer parameters: effective mass... more
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      Mass TransferCarbon DioxideCO2 capture and storageDistillation columns
This research covered the rate-based process simulation (ProMax® 4.0) and techno-economic analysis of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from a 1.2 million metric tonne per annum cement plant using aqueous 2 kmol/m3 AMP-1 kmol/m3 PZ-2 kmol/m3... more
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      Process Modeling and SimulationCost-Benefit AnalysisCost EstimationCO2 capture and storage
A B S T R A C T Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is recognised as a key technology to mitigate CO 2 emissions and achieve stringent climate targets due to its potential for negative emissions. However, the cost for its... more
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      BiomassCO2 captureThermal Power PlantsProcess Modelling and Simulation
• A new process for CO 2 capture and water desalination has been developed. • It is based on a Modified Solvay process without using ammonia. • It is more efficient in CO 2 capture and Sodium reduction than the Solvay process. • The new... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringThermodynamicsWater Desalination
Over the past 10 years, there has been a surge of interest in anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs) as a potentially lower cost alternative to proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). Recent work has shown that AEMFCs achieved... more
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      Fuel CellLiterature ReviewCO2 captureAnion Exchange Membrane
In recent years the climate change became a global concern due to the increasing of the earth’s surface temperature. This phenomenon was exacerbated by the expansion of industrial activities due to the increasing emissions of the... more
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      Membrane Separation TechnologyCO2 capture
Monodispersed zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) were prepared with a simple method using dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as solvent. This method yields ZIF-8 nanoparticles with a narrow particle size distribution of 90–110 nm and the... more
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      Heterogeneous CatalysisDimethylsulfoxideKnoevenagel condensationCO2 capture
The density and viscosity of aqueous mixtures of glycerol and N-Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), glycerol and Monoethanolamine (MEA), glycerol and Piperazine (PZ) as well as glycerol and ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium... more
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    • CO2 capture
Fossil fuels are projected to serve as the major source of energy worldwide in the coming decades. Emissions to the atmosphere of green house gases such as CO2 produced by the consumption of energy derived from fossil fuels are now... more
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      CO2 StorageCO2 capture and storageCO2 Capturing ProcessesCO2 emissions
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are derived from two or more salts as the hydrogen bond acceptors (HBAs) and hydrogen bond donors (HBDs). Because of many unique features, DESs can be a versatile alternative to ionic liquids and traditional... more
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      Thermal StabilityCO2 capturePhosphunium Based Deep Eutectic Solvent
The equilibrium adsorption isotherms of carbon dioxide on a commercial granular activated carbon (GAC) and an ammonia-modified GAC (OXA-GAC) were measured using a static volumetric method. CO2 adsorption measurements were performed at... more
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      adsorption, capture CO2CO2 capture
Mineral CO2 sequestration is a promising process for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. In this paper, alkaline calcium-rich dust particles collected from bag filters of electric arc furnaces (EAF) for steel... more
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      Solid Waste ManagementCO2 capture and storageCO2 sequestrationCO2 capture
The application of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon neutral techniques should be adopted to reduce the CO 2 emissions from power generation systems. These environmental concerns have renewed interest towards the use of biomass... more
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      Process Modeling and SimulationCO2 captureThermal Power Plants
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are derived from two or more salts as the hydrogen bond acceptors (HBAs) and hydrogen bond donors (HBDs). In this work, six deep eutectic solvents (DESs) were prepared namely allyltriphenyl phosphonium... more
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      PredictionCorrelationThermophysical PropertiesCO2 capture
Synthesized iron oxide, α-Fe 2 O 3 used for CO 2 capturing was prepared by a simple mixing method and calcined at temperatures in a range of 350 – 850 °C. CO 2 adsorption isotherms at 25 °C and 1 atm found that the sample namely s450 that... more
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      Materials ScienceTransmission Electron MicroscopyCO2 capture and storageNanoscience
In this study, three mixtures of methylyltriphenylphosphonium bromide (MTPPB) as hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) and N-methyl diethanolamine (MDEA) as hydrogen bond donor (HBD) component was used to prepare transition temperature mixtures... more
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      Statistical Design of Experiment (DoE)Refractive IndexCO2 captureDeep Eutectic Solvents
CO 2 is the primary gas and the best-known greenhouse gas (GHG) contributing to global warming. Non-renewable fossil fuel energies are the primary energy sources. Annually, 24 billion tons of CO 2 is produced by human activity, and... more
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      CO2 capture and storageGlobal WarmingCO2 emissionsGlass Transition Temperature
This study provides useful information on the existing interactions in an aqueous solution of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) by studying excess properties namely excess refractive index and excess logarithm viscosity at different... more
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      EngineeringCHEMICAL SCIENCESCO2 captureDeep Eutectic Solvents
To understand critical problems associated with solid waste and its consequences for the environment, a laboratory experiment is presented on the synthesis of aluminum-based metal−organic framework (MOF) MIL-53(Al) from household waste... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSolid Waste ManagementAdsorptionMetal Organic Frameworks (MOFs)
Exhaust Gas Recycle (EGR) is one of the technologies used to increase the CO 2 concentration in the gas turbine flue gas. This paper presents the results of an experimental campaign carried out at the Pilot-scale Advanced Capture... more
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      Chemical EngineeringProcess Modeling and SimulationCO2 capture
CO2 capture was evaluated on Li8SiO6 at high-pressure.
CO2 is trapped chemical and physically on Li8SiO6.
High-pressure enhances the CO2 capture between 30 and 350 C.
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      Materials ScienceCCSCO2 captureCCUS
Carbon-based fuels contribute majorly towards global energy demand; however, it results in global warming. The increasing energy demand and climate change highlights the need to develop cost-effective carbon sequestration schemes.... more
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      Carbon CaptureImage Processing and AnalysisCO2 capture and storageCarbon Capture and Storage
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      Materials ScienceDensity-functional theoryCO2 captureRutile
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are derived from the concomitant reaction of two or more salts i.e. between hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) and hydrogen bond donors (HBD) components. In this work, DESs were prepared namely allyltriphenyl... more
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      CO2 capturePhosphunium Based Deep Eutectic Solvent
Recently, deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as the new solvents have received considerable amount of attention between researchers in different research fields and are under investigation so find out their potential to become a versatile... more
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      CO2 capture and storageCO2 captureDeep Eutectic SolventsPhosphunium Based Deep Eutectic Solvent
The solubility of CO2 in aqueous solutions 30 wt% monoethanolamine (MEA) mixed with various glycerol concentrations was measured. The CO2 absorption was performed at three different temperatures (313, 323, and 333 K), and pressures... more
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      CO2 capture and storageCO2 captureCo2 absorption
The present review covers organic transformations involved in the reduction of CO2 to chemical fuels. In particular, we focus on reactions of CO2 with organic molecules to yield carboxylic acid derivatives as a first step in CO2 reduction... more
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      CO2 StorageCO2 capture and storageSolar FuelsCO2 sequestration
Solid sorbent from functionalized activated carbon (AC) could enhance the adsorption capacity in CO2 capture. This study emphasizes cyclic CO2 capture using NiO functionalized AC. Different loadings of NiO impregnated on AC were... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringThermodynamicsPhysical Chemistry
The deployment of post-combustion CO 2 capture on large-scale gas-fired power plants is currently progressing, hence the integration of the power and capture plants requires a good understanding of operational requirements and limitations... more
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      Process Modeling and SimulationCO2 captureThermal Power Plants
Amino acid functionalized 1-methyl-3-ethyl-imidazolium based ionic liquid (IL) supported on ordered mesoporous silica (OMS-IL (AA)) were prepared via grafting method and were applied as solid sorbent for CO2 adsorption–desorption. Four... more
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      Ionic LiquidsCO2 capture
In this study, a novel system for contacting gases and liquids, which may be suitable for many applications involving gas-liquid contact or gas-liquid reactions, has been developed and characterized. The system consists of a vertical... more
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      Mixing processesCO2 captureSpouted bedsGas Liquid Reactions
A nivel mundial se tiene presente que ciertos fenómenos meteorológicos, así como "patrones climáticos", han sufrido cambios en frecuencia, intensidad, duración y época en la que se dan, esto en función de los registros y se nota en la... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSocial PsychologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Economics
One of the most promising technologies to reduce global emissions of CO 2 as a major greenhouse gas is called calcium looping (CaL). Current calcium-oxide-based sorbents used in CaL process either expensive or lose their effectiveness... more
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      adsorption, capture CO2CO2 captureMarble PowderCalcium Looping
A new model is proposed to find the density of saturated ternary solutions of H2O–CO2–NaCl in the temperature range of 50–100◦C and pressures up to 600 bar. The model calculates the partial molar volume of dissolved CO2 from the density... more
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      DensityCO2 StorageCO2 capture and storageCO2 Capturing Processes
Corrosion mitigation was evaluated at 80°C in a naturally aerated 30 wt.% monoethanolamine (MEA) solution with a CO2 loading of 0.43 molCO2/molalkalinity for a FeCO3 coated A106 carbon steel sample fabricated from solutions of NaHCO3 and... more
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      ElectrochemistryCorrosion ScienceCorrosion EngineeringCorrosion
EGR is a way to enhance the CO 2 content with reduction in design variables and cost. Both process and economic analyses are essential to reach the optimum design variables. Commercial-scale NGCC with and without EGR is presented. Process... more
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      CO2 capture and storageCO2 capture
Mesoporous MgO-TiO2 sorbents denoted as (xMgO-TiO2) with different Mg/Ti molar ratios were synthesized by single step evaporation-induced self-assemble (EISA) method for its application to CO2 capture. The effect of Mg/Ti molar ratio of... more
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      CO2 captureMixed Metal Oxides
Surface modification of activated carbon beads via HNO3 oxidation and subsequent amination at elevated temperatures was investigated as a means to improve their performance for CO2 capture, and the effects of the resultant changes in... more
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      adsorption, capture CO2CO2 capture
Bimetal adsorbent system of calcium oxide impregnated on iron (III) oxide were evaluated as a potential source of basic sites for carbon dioxide CO2 capture. The adsorbents were prepared by impregnation method and calcined at various... more
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      CO2 capture and storageTemperature-Programmed DesorptionCO2 capture