CO2 Capture/utilization
Recent papers in CO2 Capture/utilization
Mensurar a QAU frente aos aspectos ambientais sugere correlações do ser humano frente às inter-relações com o espaço urbano da cidade, a fim de determinar ou exprimir qualidade(s). A coleta de opiniões da população vislumbra a trilogia... more
Chemical looping combustion (CLC) is an encouraging technology for hydrogen and power co-generation with efficient CO2 capture. Utilization of the captured CO2 is a much more important task to realize negative CO2 emissions. The objective... more
Dry reforming of methane (DRM) is one of the attractive methods for the utilisation of greenhouse gases (e.g., CH4 , CO2) to produce valuable fuels. In the quest for an efficient development in DRM, several technologies have been... more
This study suggests that the waste-to-resource supply chain can offer an approach to address simultaneously the issues of waste management and CO 2 emissions toward a circular economy. Alkaline solid wastes can be used to mineralize CO 2... more
Carbon-based fuels contribute majorly towards global energy demand; however, it results in global warming. The increasing energy demand and climate change highlights the need to develop cost-effective carbon sequestration schemes.... more
A nivel mundial se tiene presente que ciertos fenómenos meteorológicos, así como "patrones climáticos", han sufrido cambios en frecuencia, intensidad, duración y época en la que se dan, esto en función de los registros y se nota en la... more
To cite this article: Tamil Selvan Silambarasan, Kulvinder Bajwa & Ramamurthy Dhandapani (2017) Optimization and mass culture of Acutodesmus obliquus RDS01 under open phototrophic pond cultivation for enhancing biodiesel production,... more
We have used computational methodology based on the density functional theory to describe both copper(I) and copper(II) oxides, followed by the investigation of a number of different low index CuO surfaces. Different magnetic orderings of... more
Anthropogenic gas of CO2 level was higher than CO2 atmospheric safety limit of 350 ppm since 80’s. It can be assumed that CO2 level growth directly proportional to the population and development. Hence, studies on CO2 capture have been... more