Burning mouth syndrome
Recent papers in Burning mouth syndrome
Objective.-The study aimed to evaluate the effects of salivary stimulation therapy on the salivary flow, quality of saliva, and symptoms in patients with burning mouth syndrome (BMS).
The prevalence and severity of latex allergies have rapidly increased recently. This article presents two cases of patients with rubber latex allergy. The patient in case A was unaware of her sensitivity to latex and presented symptoms of... more
Please cite this article as: Zamberk P, et al. Allergic contact dermatitis to manganese in a prosthodontist with orthodontics. Allergol Immunopathol
There are different types of treatment for head and neck cancer, including: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Their use alone or combined can lead to sequelae in the temporomandibular joint, resulting in limited mouth opening.... more
Introduction. -Les stomatodynies sont par définition des douleurs buccales sans cause trouvée à l'interrogatoire ou à l'examen. Une cause allergique est souvent suspectée par le malade ou son médecin. Notre but était d'évaluer l'intérêt... more
In summary, rosacea-like eruptions may be a dermatological side effect of nilotinib treatment. To date, there have been few clinical reports about the cutaneous adverse effects of nilotinib. Additional case reports and research are needed... more
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) has been defined as a burning pain of the tongue or other oral mucous membranes in an individual who exhibits no clinical signs and no related laboratory findings. Recently this concept has been disputed as... more
Nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori in tongue mucosa in 268 patients divided into four groups according to their diagnosis: 87 with atrophic glossitis, 37 with benign... more
Subgemmal neurogenous plaques, biphasic structures with a neurofibroma and neuroma patterns, are observed in tongue biopsies involving subepithelial areas, being characterized as aggregates of nerve plexus and ganglion cells. Oral burning... more
Objectives: Research suggests that varied etiologic factors are responsible for burning mouth syndrome (BMS). We examined the role of immune and endocrine function in the pathology of BMS.
Keywords: electroconvulsive therapy idiopathic burning mouth syndrome major depressive disorder somatic symptom disorder a b s t r a c t Somatic symptom disorders are common causes of disability and suffering, and can pose significant... more
technique that is fundamental in viewing peripheral circulation and in studying microangiopathies. The morphological study of microcirculation is of fundamental importance, mainly because the microvascular bed is directly involved in the... more
Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a chronic pain syndrome that mainly affects middle-aged/old women with hormonal changes or psychological disorders. This condition is probably of multifactorial origin, often idiopathic, and its... more
Most clinicians dread seeing the patient presenting with a primary complaint of a burning pain on one or more oral mucosal surfaces. Unlike most other clinical conditions presenting in a dental office, burning mouth syndrome is poorly... more
Dental practitioners occasionally have patients present clinically with a history or chief complaint of burning and painful sensations in the oral cavity. Often the patient demonstrates clinically normal mucosa, which can make formulating... more
RESUMEN. Introducción: la enfermedad de Alzheimer es una alteración neurodegenerativa caracterizada por la pérdida de funciones cognitivas. Existe una alta prevalencia de esta enfermedad a nivel mundial, por lo que resulta oportuno tener... more
Despite the extensive amount of published literature upon burning symptoms in patients with clinically healthy appearance of the oral mucosa, as well as burning mouth syndrome (BMS) itself, they both remain still challenging topics. The... more
Objective: To provide a review on the aetiology and therapeutic options for the management of patients with burning mouth syndrome (BMS). Background: BMS is a chronic disorder that frequently affects women and is characterised by burning... more
Exfoliative cytology of the oral mucosa in burning mouth syndrome: a cytomorphological and cytomorphometric analysis Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate oral epithelial cells by exfoliative cytology in burning mouth syndrome... more
of Provlhclti. nonlisliv. lliii\crstl\ of fnldync. (lctiii;iii\ I\|i.11 liin.nl ul Proslhclic OcntisliA. llniwrsily iiT l.rlanycn-Ntirnluij;. (icrtiKiiiy I V'p.irliiKMii 111 IVrmaldlnijv I Inivcrsiiy of I rhinycn-Nurnlu'iy. ('rctiii:in>... more
Objective. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study aimed at evaluating the effect of the systemic use of an herbal compound (Catuama) on the symptoms of burning mouth syndrome (BMS). Study Design. Seventy-two... more
Burning mouth disorder (BMD) is a burning or stinging sensation affecting the oral mucosa, lips, and/or tongue, in the absence of clinically visible mucosal lesions. There is a strong female predilection, with the age of onset being... more
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Objectives/Hypothesis: In the treatment of burning mouth syndrome (BMS), various approaches have been tried with equivocal results. The aim of the present randomized clinical trial was to determine the efficacy of clonazepam, a GABA... more
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is defined as a burning sensation in the tongue or in any other region of the oral mucosa, in the absence of specific oral lesions. The present study reviews the pharmacological treatments used in the last 10... more
Brachioradial pruritus is characterized by the presence of pruritus on the lateral aspect of the arms. The etiology of this enigmatic entity is the subject of some debate some authors claim that brachioradial pruritus is a photodermatosis... more
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is often an idiopathic chronic and intractable pain condition, affecting 1.5-5.5% of middle-aged and elderly women. We have studied the heat and capsaicin receptor TRPV1, and its regulator nerve growth factor... more
This open cross-sectional questionnaire study investigated subjective oral symptoms in hospitalized psychiatric patients, comparing those taking typical vs. atypical neuroleptic drugs. The present study included 170 hospitalized patients... more
Objective. This study was conducted to evaluate salivary dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels, salivary flow rate (SFR), depression, and hopelessness in patients with the complaint of burning mouth (BM). Study design. Thirty female... more
Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the anxiety and salivary cortisol levels in patients with burning mouth syndrome. Study design. A case-control ed into 2 groups: BMS, with diagnosis of the syndrome, and control,... more
Background Voltage gated sodium channels Nav1.7 are involved in nociceptor nerve action potentials and are known to affect pain sensitivity in clinical genetic disorders. Aims and Objectives To study Nav1.7 levels in dental pulpitis pain,... more
OBJECTIVE: To assess the occurrence of oral pathological changes and symptoms in patients affected by gastrooesophageal reflux disease (GERD). PATIENTS AND METHODS: 200 patients with GERD and 100 matched healthy controls were studied.... more
It has been documented in vitro and in vivo that metal dental appliances release metal ions due to corrosion. Dentists must choose among many dental casting alloys available, often without knowledge of their biological properties and... more
Our preliminary observations on a small group of burning mouth syndrome (BMS) patients indicated a change in the non-nociceptive, tactile sensory function in BMS and provided evidence for the hypothesis of a neuropathic etiology of BMS.... more
The burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a chronic condition characterized by oral burning pain in the absence of clinical abnormalities and without established therapy. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness... more