Burn Injury
Recent papers in Burn Injury
Medical disasters with significant numbers of burn injured patients create incredible challenge for disaster planners. North Carolina is served by two Burn Centers, with a similar ratio of resources (comparing staffed beds with the... more
explain why it is important for nurses involved in the care of such traumas to have good knowledge of the pathophysiology of this type of injury and the associated physical and psychological consequences Abstract In childhood, burn or... more
Review Jurnal Luka Bakar
Luka bakar adalah kondisi yang memiliki pengaruh yang katastropik terhadap penderita dalam hal penderitaannya, kehidupan sosialnya, keterbatasan yang ditimbulkan dan perihal keuangan yang dikeluarkan untuk pengobatannya. Aspek medikolegal... more
Introduction The number and adverse consequences of burn injuries in high income countries have decreased showing that such events are not “accidents” but are preventable in most cases; burn injuries in low and middle income countries... more
The prediction of the outcome of patients presenting with severe burns is crucial in guiding clinical judgments. There are multiple models for predicting burn mortality that have been developed over many years. Advancements in burn... more
In: Mahdi AA, Singh RK, editors, Proceedings of International Conference on Role of Free Radicals in Health & Disease; 2003, Feb 10-12; Lucknow (UP): Abstr P-93, p142.
F.M. Wood). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/burns 0305-4179/$36.00 #
Medical disasters with significant numbers of burn injured patients create incredible challenge for disaster planners. North Carolina is served by two Burn Centers, with a similar ratio of resources (comparing staffed beds with the... more
Through the years, the burn injury has been described using a variety of labels. These labels have ranged from one word terms to phrases including degrees of injury or more descriptive terms. A search was conducted relying on a common... more
Burn injuries in low and middle income countries still remain a significant health problem, even though numbers of burn injuries in high income countries have decreased showing that such events are not "accidents" but are... more
''I am an out-and-out believer in preventive measures against diseases as contrasted with what are called curative agencies."-Oliver Wendell Holmes Although great strides have been made in the basic understanding of trauma management and... more
Burn injuries are of great matter of concern because of their impact not only on the body but on the soul as well. Burn injuries are also significant because they are not confined to any particular age group or gender. Globally, an... more
Burn injuries are one of the most common types of trauma worldwide, and their unique physiology requires the development of specialized therapeutic materials for their treatment. Here, we report the use of synthetic, functional and... more
Burn injuries (BIs) result in both local and systemic responses distant from the site of thermal injury, such as skeletal muscle. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and... more
Thermal injury is associated with biochemical changes. The present study was undertaken to investigate relation of oxidative free radical generation and related biochemical parameters in burn trauma. The specific aim was to compare the... more
Thermal injury is associated with biochemical changes. The present study was undertaken to investigate relation of oxidative free radical generation and related biochemical parameters in burn trauma. The specific aim was to compare the... more