Recent papers in Brittleness
One key failure root cause during wafer production is the electrical test by probing all interconnects of each die of the wafer. The probing process can result in excessive damage of the back end of line (BEOL) wafer layers underneath the... more
The increasing interest in resilience engineering (RE) has led to a demand for frameworks that undertake safety assessments from such a standpoint. However, the few existing frameworks have drawbacks, such as not analyzing the sources of... more
It is desirable to verify the structural performance based on a multi-hazard approach, taking into account the critical actions the structure in question could be subjected to during its lifetime. This study presents a proposal for a... more
Predicting tunnel boring machine (TBM) performance is a crucial issue for the accomplishment of a mechanical tunnel project, excavating via full face tunneling machine. Many models and equations have previously been introduced to estimate... more
A C-L-C E k Approved for public release; distribution 2b'ac FI ~SCATI'O-RIJ iLt 1 unlimited. d PIRFORING ORGANIZATION O NUMBER * The work carried out during the 1985186 contract year is summrized: Markov Monte Carlo methods are... more
The purposes of banding and sealing of hard gelatin capsules are well known; however, the effects of these processes on shell fragility have not been documented. In this study the effect of banding and fluid sealing (both water and a 50 :... more
This paper presents the results of a numerical study on the influence of structural passive supplemental damping systems on structural and nonstructural seismic fragilities of a steel framed building. Hysteretic and viscous bracing... more
The problems posed by mission-critical legacy systemse.g., brittleness, inflexibility, isolation, nonextensibility, lack of opennessare well known, but practical solutions have been slow to emerge. Generally, organisations attempt to keep... more
As production of hydrocarbons from tight reservoirs becomes more prevalent, the need to understand fracture density and what can affect fracture density has become the goal of new research. In this study, fracture density is defined as... more
A model that predicts the osmotic fragility curve of a red cell population is developed by relating the critical osmotic pressure to the size distribution of the cells, determined by resistive pulse spectroscopy. Two of the parameters... more
The present review is intended to revisit the advances and debates in the comprehension of the mechanisms of subcritical crack propagation in silicate glasses almost a century after its initial developments. Glass has inspired the initial... more
The concepts of disaster resilience and its quantitative evaluation are presented and a unified terminology for a common reference framework is proposed and implemented for evaluation of health care facilities subjected to earthquakes.... more
Ca and Sr-based oxynitride glasses with very high nitrogen content have been synthesized using metal hydrides as primary precursors. Values of Young's modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus and Poisson's ratio were determined by means of... more
This paper proposes a probabilistic formulation to assess the effectiveness of the fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) retrofit schemes in enhancing the structural performance of reinforced concrete (RC) bridge columns. Two probabilistic... more
The malfunctioning of acceleration-sensitive equipment in wind turbines has the potential to affect their annual failure rates during normal operating conditions. Current protective measures for wind turbines are triggered by wind speed.... more
The effect of milk origin on the physicochemical characteristics, microstructure and texture of Lighvan cheese was investigated over a 90-day ripening period. Besides fat, other physicochemical properties of Lighvan cheese were affected... more
Kernel density, test weight, Stein and Wisconsin breakage susceptibility was primarily influenced by hardness, whereas Wisconsin breakage bilities, stress cracking, and Stenvert hardness were determined for three susceptibility was... more
Physical ageing of amorphous polymers well below their glass transition temperature leads to changes in almost all physical properties. Of particular interest is the increase in yield stress and post-yield strain softening that... more
Structures in locations susceptible to severe seismic disturbances should be designed properly in order to resist lateral forces induced by earthquake motions. Steel offshore platforms are some of those structures which are built to... more
The sensitivity of the empirical exponent of Bazant's size-effect scaling law on structural geometry is clarified through numerical experiments. For large centre-cracked tension panels, made of a linearly softening material, the... more
Two aluminium titanate (AT) ceramics containing magnesium and iron were sintered to study their high-temperature mechanical property and thermal stability. Both materials exhibited a pronounced inelastic stress-strain behaviour which is... more
A Bayesian methodology to construct probabilistic seismic demand models for the components of a structural system is developed. Existing deterministic models and observational data are used. The demand models are combined with previously... more
The concepts of disaster resilience and its quantitative evaluation are presented and a unified terminology for a common reference framework is proposed and implemented for evaluation of health care facilities subjected to earthquakes.... more
A Bayesian methodology to construct probabilistic seismic demand models for the components of a structural system is developed. Existing deterministic models and observational data are used. The demand models are combined with previously... more
An advanced high strength steel (0.08 %C, 1.79 %Mn, 0.23 %Si) was subjected to different post-weld heat treatments by quenching & tempering treatments (Q&T) after laser welding to reduce the risk of martensite formation in a few seconds... more
Abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting is a versatile technique which has been effectively applied to rock cutting since the late 1980s. The complexity of the interaction between the waterjet and the rocks complicates the thorough understanding... more
Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and starch copolymers are obtained by reactive blending -varying the starch compositions from 0 to 60%. PLA is functionalized with maleic anhydride (MA), obtaining PLA-g-MA copolymers using dicumyl peroxide as an... more
Fracture of glass seals in metallic hermetic electronic packaging is a significant failure mode because it may lead to moisture ingress and also to loss of load carrying capacity of the glass seal. Seal glasses are intrinsically brittle... more
Analytical probabilistic fragility studies require extensive computer simulations to account for the randomness in both input motion and response characteristics. In this study, an approach whereby a set of fragility relationships with... more
Generally, there are components loaded in a wide spectrum of loading rates, however most of design work is based on the data obtained using quasi-statical and uniaxial loading conditions. In case of inherently brittle materials the... more
The fracture properties of different concrete-concrete interfaces are determined using the Bazant's size effect model. The size effect on fracture properties are analyzed using the boundary effect model proposed by Wittmann and his... more
Pubic recofung burls" for trim collection of Information rs esntiated to average I nour Ofr 'ectonse. .indc iwan time tim e fo rviewingq ~insfJtIf1 ternn aiq aajuo q Amnl nd maintaining rie asta needed. and carnloirt~iq and revieswing te... more
Three principal methods of failure prediction for brittle materials are analyzed statistically. Each method depends on fracture mechanics for its predictive value; hence the variance of the failure time depends on the scatter in the... more
The risk of hydrogen embrittlement (HE) is currently one important factor impeding the use of medium Mn steels. However, knowledge about HE in these materials is sparse. Their multiphase microstructure with highly variable phase... more
To control molecular mobility and study its effects on mechanical properties, we synthesized two series of poly(ester carbonate) and polycarbonate copolymers with different linkages: (B x t) n (x ϭ 3, 5, 7, 9) and (B x T) n (x ϭ 1, ,... more
In hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP) and one type of hereditary elliptocytosis (HE), spectrin self-association is abnormal . Spectrin extracted from normal erythrocyte membranes at 0°C is nearly all tetrameric, while in HPP and HE (type... more
A finite element model was developed to study adhesion of elastic-plastic microcontacts in a previous investigation. An interesting result was the identification of two distinct separation modes, i.e. brittle and ductile separation. In... more
Existing models of brittle shear failure are unable to account for three-dimensional deformation involving the development of polymodal sets of fractures. Motivated by field observations of contemporaneous arrays of quadrimodal faults and... more
Public reoortmc burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour oer including the time for reviewing instructionssear, n,ng_existing oata sources gathering and maintaining the data needed, and comoletinq... more
Public reoortmc burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour oer including the time for reviewing instructionssear, n,ng_existing oata sources gathering and maintaining the data needed, and comoletinq... more
Kernel density, test weight, Stein and Wisconsin breakage susceptibility was primarily influenced by hardness, whereas Wisconsin breakage bilities, stress cracking, and Stenvert hardness were determined for three susceptibility was... more
Kernel density, test weight, Stein and Wisconsin breakage susceptibility was primarily influenced by hardness, whereas Wisconsin breakage bilities, stress cracking, and Stenvert hardness were determined for three susceptibility was... more
The micromechanical damage mechanics formulated by Ashby and Sammis, 1990, “The Damage Mechanics of Brittle Solids in Compression,” Pure Appl. Geophys., 133(3), pp. 489–521, and generalized by Deshpande and Evans 2008, “Inelastic... more
Physical ageing of amorphous polymers well below their glass transition temperature leads to changes in almost all physical properties. Of particular interest is the increase in yield stress and post-yield strain softening that... more
This study aimed to investigate the machinability of zirconia blocks pre-sintered at four different temperatures (900 °C, 1000 °C, 1100 °C, and 1200 °C). Vickers hardness and fracture toughness were measured to obtain the brittleness... more