Boundary making
Recent papers in Boundary making
The 'Alternative for Germany' (AfD), just like other European right-wing parties, is often reduced to an anti-immigration stance, while its potential attraction for (white and non-white) immigrants and their descendants has been mostly... more
A short literature review written for the Conflict Studies and Human Rights course in Utrecht, the Netherlands
This thesis attempts to relate anthropological debates about indigenous urbanization in Amazonia and the boundary-making approach from sociology with each other and with the politics of aesthetics in the specific context of Roraima, the... more
This essay engages with Wimmer’s Ethnic Boundary Making to consider how cultural processes feed into inequality. It describes the strengths of the book, relates it to my early work, and draws on Lamont, Beljean, and Clair (forthcoming),... more
In an era wherein lack of legal status causes immigrants to be excluded from citizenship rights and privileges, subjected to state violence and stigmatized by illegalizing discourses, mobilizing to voice the grievances of the undocumented... more
in public debates over multiculturalism in europe, islamic values and ways of life are commonly represented as incompatible with Western rights and liberties. against this background, muslim minorities have developed generally strong and... more
Vegetarianism as a dietary practice has emerged as a site of contestation in the South Asian traditions. While vegetarianism remains a politically significant topic today with the rise of Hindutva right-wing politics, in the early period,... more
Which historical lens and what scope can capture modernitys complex social, political, economic, and epistemic permutations? Using an historical interpretive lens to explore contingent moments in its making, this work seeks to describe a... more
Abstract The article addresses the relationships among various actors who are (un)involved in civic processes and the implications of these relationships for socio-cultural change in Armenian society. The article discusses protests in... more
The aim of this article is to study the experiences of highly skilled migrants from an intersectional perspective. Based on a case study of a group of skilled migrants in Finland, this article explores the interplay of various social... more
This is a study of ethnic boundary-making strategies promoted by Swedish migrants in Finland. The results are based on interviews with a sample of migrants in Helsinki without previous personal connection to Finland. The interviewees can... more
My name is Marie C. Grasmeier and I am a doctoral candidate at Bremen University in the field of social anthropology. The subject of my doctoral thesis is an ethnography about the occupational culture and everyday practices of the... more
This paper explores the influence of political traditions on policymaking at the interface of national and transnational governance. It uncovers various dimensions of influence on boundary-setting through policy change, derived from a... more