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First published in 1988, this volume redefined the anthropological study of menstrual customs. Examining cultures as diverse as long-house dwellers in North Borneo, African farmers, Welsh housewives, and postindustrial American workers,... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
Anthropologists have neglected a significant dimension to religion by ignoring the spiritual lives of a society's youngest members. In Côte d'lvoire, Beng infants are said to lead a profoundly spiritual existence. Indeed, until the age of... more
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      ReligionSpiritualityWest AfricaFetal development
The role of experience in the development of pictorial competence has been the center of substantial debate. The four studies presented here help resolve the controversy by systematically documenting and examining manual exploration of... more
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      CognitionRepresentationsAnthropology Of NatureInfant Cognition
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionRepresentations
This companion volume to "Parallel Worlds" explores ideology and social practices among the Beng people of Cote d'Ivoire. Deploying interpretive and postmodern perspectives, the book highlights the dynamically paired notions of identity... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreSociology of Religion
This article presents an anthropological study of menstruation among the Beng of Ivory Coast. (Côte d’Ivoire). Taking a feminist perspective to challenge classic theories of menstrual taboos, which focus on essential notions of female... more
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      AnthropologyBiological AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyIndigenous Studies