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Titlurile au inserat link direct catre descrierea cursurilor de la Cursuri Autocad, Inventor, 3D Studio Max, Desen tehnic, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Corel Draw, Web Design,... more
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      TrainingAdobe DreamweaverAutodesk3D Studio Max
Currently, the gantry crane in LAPAN Garut still uses steel material. The steel material is protected using a coating to minimize the impact of corrosion. However, this method is less efficient, considering the corrosion rate in LAPAN... more
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      Computational MechanicsFinite Element Analysis (FEA)Mechanical Engineering DesignAutodesk Inventor professional
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      Autodesk InventorPedagogical InnovationPedagogicalAutodesk Inventor professional
Chassis is a main component of the vehicle. This work involves static and dynamics analysis to determine the key characteristics of a Bolero Maxi-Truck chassis. The modelling of the chassis was done by using the modelling software... more
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      Modal AnalysisStructural AnalysisWeight ReductionAutodesk Inventor professional
Cursuri Autocad, 3D Studio Max, Inventor, Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel, web design
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      Adobe After EffectsCursuriAutodeskAutodesk Inventor professional
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang ketahanan beban dinamis material CFRP dan Aluminium 6061 untuk material turbin angin terhadap kecepatan putar rotor (rpm). Desain 3 (tiga) bilah turbin angin menggunakan airfoil NACA 2415 dengan panjang 500... more
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      Finite Element MethodsWind turbineAutodesk Inventor professional
The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of the discipline "Resistance of materials". This paper presents a systematic review of models and methodologies that integrate information and... more
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      Pedagogical InnovationPedagogicalAutodesk Inventor professional
This study examined the effect of material selection on the strength of the main landing gear frame for UAV aircraft using the finite element method. Linear static analysis was carried out using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2017... more
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      Computational MechanicsFinite Element AnalysisMechanical Engineering DesignAutodesk Inventor professional
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang ketahanan beban dinamis material CFRP dan Aluminium 6061 untuk material turbin angin terhadap kecepatan putar rotor (rpm). Desain 3 (tiga) bilah turbin angin menggunakan airfoil NACA 2415 dengan panjang 500... more
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      Finite Element MethodsWind turbineAutodesk Inventor professional