Papers by Bazar D Z H U M A E V I C H Ulugov
The main issue when using pumped storage power plants is to increase their efficiency by reducing... more The main issue when using pumped storage power plants is to increase their efficiency by reducing energy costs in the pump mode. This article proposes a diagram of a micro-hydro accumulative power plant with upper and lower reservoirs, a hydraulic turbine unit, a pumping unit and stepwise arranged hydraulic rams used to supply water from the lower reservoir to the upper one. This arrangement of hydraulic rams allows you to reuse the flowing water from them for feeding into the upper tank. The results of calculations and experimental studies show that the use of two stepwise arranged hydraulic rams allows to supply 20 ... 45% of the water from the lower tank to the upper tank, depending on the height of the lift without electricity consumption. According to the results of the experiments, an analytical dependence is obtained that approximates the process of feeding hydraulic rams of a certain flow of water to a selected lifting height. The energy characteristics of the design of a mi...
The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of techn... more The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of technical mechanics. This document provides a systematic review of models and methodologies that combine modern teaching technologies, innovations, and applied programs in technical education. The article shows the relevance of the development of students of applied programs that contribute to improving the readiness of students for engineering activities. This paper gives an example of using the application module of the AutoFEM Analysis add-on application integrated into the AutoCAD software package to calculate one of the problems of technical mechanics.
The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of techn... more The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of technical mechanics. This document provides a systematic review of models and methodologies that combine modern teaching technologies, innovations, and applied programs in technical education. The article shows the relevance of the development of students of applied programs that contribute to improving the readiness of students for engineering activities. This paper gives an example of using the application module of the AutoFEM Analysis add-on application integrated into the AutoCAD software package to calculate one of the problems of technical mechanics.
Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), ISSN: 2456-6470, 2021
In this work, we describe a technique for obtaining APV films from binary semiconductor compounds... more In this work, we describe a technique for obtaining APV films from binary semiconductor compounds CdSe, CdTe, CdTe: Cd by thermal evaporation in a vacuum.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, May 15, 2020
The main issue when using pumped storage power plants is to increase their efficiency by reducing... more The main issue when using pumped storage power plants is to increase their efficiency by reducing energy costs in the pump mode. This article proposes a diagram of a micro-hydro accumulative power plant with upper and lower reservoirs, a hydraulic turbine unit, a pumping unit and stepwise arranged hydraulic rams used to supply water from the lower reservoir to the upper one. This arrangement of hydraulic rams allows you to reuse the flowing water from them for feeding into the upper tank. The results of calculations and experimental studies show that the use of two stepwise arranged hydraulic rams allows to supply 20 ... 45% of the water from the lower tank to the upper tank, depending on the height of the lift without electricity consumption. According to the results of the experiments, an analytical dependence is obtained that approximates the process of feeding hydraulic rams of a certain flow of water to a selected lifting height. The energy characteristics of the design of a micro-accumulating power plant, consisting of hydraulic rams and pumping units, which allow you to quickly determine the amount of water supplied to the upper tank and the energy expended for this purpose, and, therefore, the efficiency of the complex as a whole, are proposed. These characteristics can be used to justify the parameters of water supply to the upper tank and the effectiveness of hydraulic water storage.
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2020
The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of the d... more The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of the discipline "Resistance of materials". This paper presents a systematic review of models and methodologies that integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) and education. An important component in the formation of information competence is the ability to use readymade software products in their professional activities. The article shows the relevance of the development of students of applied programs that contribute to improving the readiness of students for engineering activities. Emphasis is placed on improving understanding of the subject area when integrating experimental research and finite element modelling. The paper gives an example of using the application module of the Autodesk Inventor software package to calculate one of the problems of material resistance. One of the main goals of education at the global level has reduced the educational gap by bringing education to all people around the world [6]., 2019
Muhandislik grafikasi. Инженерная графика. Engineering graphics
К 323(575.1)(063) КБК 66.3(5Ў)я43 Й-18 "ХХI асрда илм -фан тараққиётининг ривожланиш истиқболлари... more К 323(575.1)(063) КБК 66.3(5Ў)я43 Й-18 "ХХI асрда илм -фан тараққиётининг ривожланиш истиқболлари ва уларда инновацияларнинг тутган ўрни" [Тошкент; 2019]
К 323(575.1)(063) КБК 66.3(5Ў)я43 Й-18 "ХХI асрда илм -фан тараққиётининг ривожланиш истиқболлари... more К 323(575.1)(063) КБК 66.3(5Ў)я43 Й-18 "ХХI асрда илм -фан тараққиётининг ривожланиш истиқболлари ва уларда инновацияларнинг тутган ўрни" [Тошкент; 2019] by Bazar D Z H U M A E V I C H Ulugov
Thesis Chapters by Bazar D Z H U M A E V I C H Ulugov
Ta'lim jamiyat ehtiyojlariga javob beradigan ijtimoiy institut bo'lib, jamiyatning omon qolishi v... more Ta'lim jamiyat ehtiyojlariga javob beradigan ijtimoiy institut bo'lib, jamiyatning omon qolishi va rivojlanishi uchun zarurdir. Bu nafaqat keng qamrovli, barqaror va mukammal bo'lishi kerak, balki tez o'zgarib turadigan va oldindan aytib bo'lmaydigan globallashgan dunyoning tahdidlariga javob beradigan doimiy ravishda rivojlanishi kerak. O'zbekiston Respublikasi xalq xo'jaligida ko'p yillar davomida zamonaviy axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarini jamiyatning turli sohalariga joriy etish bo'yicha yuqori istiqbolli loyihalarni amalga oshirish muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirilmoqda. Bu yo'nalishda amalga oshirilayotgan keng ko'lamli ishlar, avvalambor, mamlakatda ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy va demokratik islohotlar samaradorligini oshirishga qaratilgan. Shuni ta'kidlash kerakki, turli xil fanlar bo'yicha o'quv jarayonini kompyuterlashtirish zarurati bir xil emas. O'quv dasturidagi fanlar soni talabalar soniga va universitet o'qituvchilarining soniga bog'liq emas. Shu bilan birga, har bir o'qituvchiga to'g'ri keladigan fanlarning soni
o'qituvchilar soniga teskari proportsionaldir. Bunday universitetlarda o'qituvchilar juda ko'p sonli turli fanlarga xizmat qilishlari kerak va shu sharoitda o'quv dasturlaridan foydalanishga o'tish, ularni tegishli ma'lumot va uslubiy tarkib bilan to'ldirish uchun har bir fanni chuqur
uslubiy rivojlantirishga e'tibor qaratish juda qiyin.
Papers by Bazar D Z H U M A E V I C H Ulugov by Bazar D Z H U M A E V I C H Ulugov
Thesis Chapters by Bazar D Z H U M A E V I C H Ulugov
o'qituvchilar soniga teskari proportsionaldir. Bunday universitetlarda o'qituvchilar juda ko'p sonli turli fanlarga xizmat qilishlari kerak va shu sharoitda o'quv dasturlaridan foydalanishga o'tish, ularni tegishli ma'lumot va uslubiy tarkib bilan to'ldirish uchun har bir fanni chuqur
uslubiy rivojlantirishga e'tibor qaratish juda qiyin.
o'qituvchilar soniga teskari proportsionaldir. Bunday universitetlarda o'qituvchilar juda ko'p sonli turli fanlarga xizmat qilishlari kerak va shu sharoitda o'quv dasturlaridan foydalanishga o'tish, ularni tegishli ma'lumot va uslubiy tarkib bilan to'ldirish uchun har bir fanni chuqur
uslubiy rivojlantirishga e'tibor qaratish juda qiyin.