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In 2015-16, The Australian Heritage Council commissioned research into the indicative cultural (historic and Indigenous) National Heritage values associated with Australian deserts, as limited by the sub-theme of water. This study... more
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    • Australian deserts
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      PalaeoenvironmentAustralian Indigenous ArchaeologyPleistoceneAustralian deserts
While playing classical piano music written by European composers in arid Winton, QLD, my mother grew up wishing she was elsewhere. In 1929, aged thirteen years, her dedication to the European canon was rewarded with a music degree... more
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      Landscape EcologyAnimationHistory of Perspective in PaintingSpace and Place
Australia is among the most urbanized people in the world, but the "outback" - the desert and semi-arid areas of the center and the North of the continent - is rarely considered. While the Northern zone has always been considered the... more
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      Australian ArmyAustralian Defence ForceAustralian military historyAustralian deserts