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The heritage narrative starts with the Argonauts and is evolving toward the Greek colonization of the Black Sea, the Romans, the Byzantines and the Ottomans until it reaches the Turkish War of Independence in the aftermath of WWI. A local... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital Media & LearningDigital HeritageCultural Heritage Management
A heritage narrative connects ten monuments from the nineteenth century in the historic centre of Varna. The aim is to familiarize visitors with the efforts of Varna to connect to the European family after its successful decoupling from... more
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      Cultural HeritageHermeneuticsDigital HeritageHeritage interpretation
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      InterdisciplinarityArtistic ResearchAudiovisual ArtsArtists' Residencies
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      InterdisciplinarityArtistic ResearchAudiovisual ArtsArtists' Residencies
The term 'spatial presence' refers to the feeling of presence in a mediated space. This subjective experience has been discussed in media theory, sound art, film and performance. It depends on multiple variables, or parameters. This paper... more
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      Sound and ImageSensation and PerceptionAudiovisualAtention
The term NIME, acronym of "new interface for musical expression", applies to a great diversity of creative practices. Nevertheless, the meaning of 'expression' is rarely discussed. In this article we formulate an understanding of... more
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      Sound and ImageSound ArtAudiovisual ArtsSound Art. Performativity Theories
Une proposition de relecture du texte de Walter Benjamin "L'oeuvre d'art à l'ère de sa reproductibilité technique" (1936 et 1939) guidée par une question: qu’est-ce que les enseignements de Benjamin sur les changements qu’ont induits le... more
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      Walter BenjaminVloggingMonstrationAudiovisual Arts
Il progetto culturale promosso dalla Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società vuole rappresentare un momento di scambio di tutta la comunità USI nelle sue diverse Facoltà con la popolazione e il territorio. Con questa iniziativa, i... more
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      MythologyLiteratureIntermedialityVisual Arts
Review of Ryoji Ikeda: continuum installation at the Centre Pompidou
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      Japanese StudiesMusic TechnologySound studiesSound
A critical analysis of how Ryoichi Kurokawa has developed acoustics through the articulation of the 'listening space' to engage the complex of sound perception.
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      Contemporary ArtSound ArtSound EngineeringAudiovisual Art
Ïðîáëåìè ëþäåé ³ç îñîáëèâèìè ïîòðåáàìè ó â³äîáðàaeåíí³ ñó÷àñíèõ óêðà¿íñüêèõ Ç̲ òà ðåêëàìíèõ ïîâ³äîìëåíü Kovalenko J. Humanization of images of people with disabilities in modern screen: traditions and innovations of reading. Spectacular... more
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      Film StudiesCinema and TelevisionAudiovisual Arts
Коваленко Ю. Б. Атрактивно-гносеологічні чин-ники репрезентації людей з особливими потре-бами на сучасному екрані. Статтю присвячено розгляду образів людей з особливими потребами у сучасних екранних творах на прикладі кінофільмів та... more
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      Film StudiesTelevision StudiesAudiovisual Arts
Розглянуто основні ознаки та виразні елементи телевізійного репортажу. Здійснено спробу впорядкувати особливості жанру, ви-значити методологічні засади й умови його створення. Ключові слова: репортаж, подія, телебачення, оперативний жанр,... more
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      MusicologyAudiovisual Arts
Synesthetic individuals have the ability to literally hear colours, taste shapes and see sounds. When scientists first came across this particular disorder, they considered it to be simply an intense kind of metaphor. This essay explores... more
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      SynaesthesiaCreative TechnologiesAudiovisual Arts
Τhe present project deals with the incorporation of the digital audiovisual interactive media into the design of the strategic visual communication of a store. More precisely, it focuses on the practical processes and the theoretical... more
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      CommunicationDesignFashion designDigital Media