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Розглянуто основні ознаки та виразні елементи телевізійного репортажу. Здійснено спробу впорядкувати особливості жанру, ви-значити методологічні засади й умови його створення. Ключові слова: репортаж, подія, телебачення, оперативний жанр,... more
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      MusicologyAudiovisual Arts
Review of Ryoji Ikeda: continuum installation at the Centre Pompidou
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      Japanese StudiesMusic TechnologySound studiesSound
Τhe present project deals with the incorporation of the digital audiovisual interactive media into the design of the strategic visual communication of a store. More precisely, it focuses on the practical processes and the theoretical... more
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      CommunicationDesignFashion designDigital Media
Synesthetic individuals have the ability to literally hear colours, taste shapes and see sounds. When scientists first came across this particular disorder, they considered it to be simply an intense kind of metaphor. This essay explores... more
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      SynaesthesiaCreative TechnologiesAudiovisual Arts
A critical analysis of how Ryoichi Kurokawa has developed acoustics through the articulation of the 'listening space' to engage the complex of sound perception.
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      Contemporary ArtSound ArtSound EngineeringAudiovisual Art
Il progetto culturale promosso dalla Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società vuole rappresentare un momento di scambio di tutta la comunità USI nelle sue diverse Facoltà con la popolazione e il territorio. Con questa iniziativa, i... more
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      MythologyLiteratureIntermedialityVisual Arts
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