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An innovative trajectory technique for a magnetotail mapping mission is described. With this technique, it is possible to control the apsidal rotation of an elliptical Earth orbit and keep its apogee segment insie the tail region. Robert... more
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      AstrodynamicsAstrodymanicsAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
The libration point orbits in the Sun-Earth/Moon system are formed by concurrent gravitational influences by various celestial bodies, originating in a nonlinear dynamical regime. Coupled with the unstable nature of the orbit, the impact... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSpace SciencesAstrodynamicsOrbital Mechanics
This paper develops the ontology of space objects for theoretical and computational ontology applied to the space (astronautical/astronomical) domain. It follows “An ontological architecture for Orbital Debris Data” (Rovetto, 2015) and... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)MetaphysicsOntologyApplied Ontology
The orbits of interest for potential missions are stable or nearly stable to maintain long-term presence for conducting scientific studies and to reduce the possibility of rapid departure. Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits (NRHOs) offer such... more
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      NavigationAstrodynamicsOrbital MechanicsTrajectory Optimization
The orbital debris problem presents an opportunity for international cooperation toward the mutually beneficial goals of orbital debris prevention, mitigation, remediation, and improved space situational awareness (SSA). Achieving these... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Earth SciencesMilitary ScienceSpace Sciences
It is well known that orbital debris about Earth impose increasingly stringent restrictions on the operation and commissioning of both current and future space applications. These orbital debris, which are becoming ever so prevalent, can... more
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      AstrodynamicsAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits (NRHOs) are stable or nearly stable orbits that are defined as part of the L1 and L2 halo orbit families in the circular restricted three-body problem. Within the Earth-Moon regime, the L2 NRHOs offer... more
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      AstrodynamicsCislunar Space ResearchAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and ControlStationkeeping
The L1 and L2 Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits (NRHOs) are proposed long horizon trajectories for cislunar exploration missions. Due to unmodeled forces as well as orbit determination errors in this dynamically sensitive region, the... more
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      AstrodynamicsAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and ControlStationkeepinghalo orbits
The main goal of this research is the development of a new approach of Poisson-Darboux problem solution in dual Lie algebra. Using the isomorphism between the Lie group of the rigid displacements SE3 and Lie group of the orthogonal dual... more
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      Lie AlgebraLie GroupsKinematicsAstrodynamics
Uncertainty propagation of dynamical systems is a common need across many domains and disciplines. In nonlinear settings, the extended Kalman filter is the de facto standard propagation tool. Recently, a new class of propagation methods... more
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      Information TheorySpacecraft orbit determinationSpacecraft orbit predictionObject Tracking (Computer Vision)
An assessment of the descending and landing phase of Marco Polo R and OSIRIS-REx missions is performed. A touch-and-go strategy has been analyzed for both scenarios of two distinct target asteroids with different landing requirements. In... more
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      AsteroidsGuidance, Navigation and ControlMARCO POLOAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
This paper provides a representation theorem of the onboard exact solution for the six-degree-of-freedom relative orbital motion problem. This problem is quite important, due to its numerous applications: spacecraft formation flying,... more
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      AstrodynamicsCelestial MechanicsOrbital/Celestial MechanicsDynamic Systems and Control
Orbital debris poses an increasing risk to manned space missions and operational satellites. As larger networks of electro-optical (EO) sensors are tasked for space surveillance in order to improve spatiotemporal knowledge of the... more
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      Space situational awarenessAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
Space debris poses an increasing risk for the geosynchronous orbit (GEO) satellites. Further, space debris is increasing and at least two breakups have been reported in this regime. Thus it is important to have the capability to detect... more
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      Space situational awarenessAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
Insights on Jet Propulsion
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      Aerospace EngineeringAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
The unobservability of space-based angles-only orbit determination can be mitigated by the inclusion of angle measurements from a second optical sensor fixed at a known baseline on the observing spacecraft. Previous approaches to the... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringApplied MathematicsImage ProcessingNumerical Analysis
The future interplanetary missions will probably use the conventional chemical rockets to leave the sphere of influence of the Earth, and solar electric propulsion (SEP) to accomplish the other maneuvers of the mission. In this work the... more
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      Electric PropulsionAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
In this paper an extension of the classical attitude Wahba's problem to a new problem that involves both position and attitude is presented. This new problem is illustrated in the dual algebra of orthogonal dual tensors. Our approach... more
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      SpaceAstrodynamics3D pose estimationTensor Calculus
Space situational awareness (SSA) is vital for international safety and security, and the future of space travel. By improving SSA data-sharing we improve global SSA. Computational ontology should provide one means toward that goal. This... more
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      Military ScienceMilitary IntelligenceSpace SciencesOntology
The paper offers a vectorial approach to the J2–perturbed relative orbital motion. The model uses mean orbital elements in order to derive closed form expressions for the relative position and relative velocity with respect to the LVLH... more
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      Spacecraft orbit determinationSpacecraft Dynamics & ControlAstrodynamicsOrbital/Celestial Mechanics
Spacecraft maneuvers is a very important topic in aerospace engineering activities today. In a more generic way, a spacecraft maneuver has the objective of transferring a spacecraft from one orbit to another, taking into account some... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
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      AstrodynamicsAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
PACS. 95.55.Pe -Lunar, planetary, and deep-space probes. PACS. 04.80.-y -Experimental studies of gravity. PACS. 98.80.-k -Cosmology.
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      Nonlinear ElectrodynamicsAstrodynamicsAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and ControlModified theories of Gravity
The project had an aim to find out a point after which the forces due to the non-spherical shape of the asteroid (a conservative force) had negligible effect on a spacecraft orbiting around the asteroid. The non-spherical shape of... more
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    • Astrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control
This paper provides a representation theorem of the onboard exact solution for the six-degree-of-freedom relative orbital motion problem. This problem is quite important, due to its numerous applications: spacecraft formation flying,... more
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      Space SciencesSpacecraft orbit determinationSpacecraft Dynamics & ControlAstrodynamics
This paper provides a representation theorem of the exact solution for the relative orbital motion problem when the motion of the deputy satellite has 6-DOF. This prob- lem is quite important, due to its numerous applications: spacecraft... more
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      Orbit DeterminationAstrodynamicsOrbital/Celestial MechanicsOrbital Mechanics
The solar electric propulsion could be the best option for the transports of the future due to its high specific impulse when compared to the chemical propulsion. Electric propellants are being extensively used to assist the propulsion of... more
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      Electric PropulsionAstrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control