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Sudden political phenomena often surprise critics of International Relations (IR) in terms of their complexity, as such scholars struggle to explain them through designing applicable models of social reality. Equally, events such as... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisResearch MethodologyAcademiaIR Theory
Management of public secondary schools has always been a serious issue to stakeholders including those in government and the civil society. ‘A school is as good as its Board of Management’. This is what prompted on this study, which... more
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      EducationEducational LeadershipEducational AdministrationEducational Research
An instrument to measure the behaviors of leaders was developed using a variety of samples of managers and their subordinates in both public and private sector organizations. Factor analyses supported the underlying conceptual framework... more
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      LeadershipValidationAssessment of Leadership Skills
Applied research in organizations leads the author to highlight 18 traits which are significant to varying extents in the most influential leaders today. Of these, seven need special attention because failure to be consistent in any of... more
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      LeadershipPersonality TraitsLeadership skillsAssessment of Leadership Skills
This research study explores leadership and examines leadership as one of the distinguishing operative factor of total quality management in public-sector universities of Pakistan. Population of the research study comprised of all the... more
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    • Assessment of Leadership Skills