Artistic Autonomy and Social Change
Recent papers in Artistic Autonomy and Social Change
In the previous chapters I tried to map the complexity of the seminal concept of autonomy in visual art. Although the concept cannot be defined precisely, it nonetheless brought about a rupture in the 19th century that continues to play a... more
This article analyses the social role of the artists focusing on the interactions between artistic critique and social change in the context of “the new spirit of capitalism” and the “imperative to creativity”. Nowadays the main... more
Clowns always speak of the same thing, they speak of hunger; hunger for food, hunger for sex, but also hunger for dignity, hunger for identity, hunger for power. In fact, they introduce questions about who commands, who protests, and who... more
This dossier contains the critical edition of the first text on aesthetics written by the argentine philosopher Luis Juan Guerrero. "A Panorama of the German Classical-Romantic Aesthetics as an Introduction to the Study of Current... more
In kritischer Ablehnung über die Funktion der Kunst zu sprechen hat Tradition. Es ist dann zumeist von Abhängigkeiten und Instrumentalisierungen die Rede. Diese Rede gründet in der Überzeugung von der Notwendigkeit, die Freiheit der Kunst... more
This paper deals with the autonomy of art and more specifically with the autonomy of socially engaged art once it is insti-tutionalized. The originality of the article is its use of Goodman's terminology to theorize socially engaged art.... more
Slotbeschouwing In de afgelopen hoofdstukken heb ik geprobeerd de complexiteit van het interessante begrip autonomie in de beeldende kunst in kaart te brengen. Hoewel het begrip niet exact te definiëren valt, heeft het toch sinds de 19e... more
This paper discusses the approach Burkhardt Lindner established between the conceptions of art of Walter Benjamin and Martin Heidegger. Revisiting the ideas of “Das Kunstwerk im technischen Zeitalter seiner Reproduzierbarkeit” and “Der... more
Literatura sob rasura Autonomia, neutralização e democracia em J. M. Coetzee e Roberto Bolaño VERSÃO CORRIGIDA São Paulo
La cuestión de la autonomía o heteronomía del arte y de lo estético aparece en el pensamiento de Nietzsche de forma problemática, como también lo hará en las vanguardias artísticas. Esta problematicidad está asociada a las paradojas de la... more
In her article, Katja Praznik deconstructs the idea of artistic work as an expression of individual creativity independent from the economy and its processes. She demonstrates that this persistent ideology of autonomy of the arts... more
Romit Roy Aesthetics, Politics, Autonomy and Critique In: Ipshita Chanda (ed.): Emotion, Expression and Aesthetics. New Delhi, 2018 (Sahitya Akademi) This paper is based on a talk at a symposium on “Emotion, Expression, Experience:... more
Skazani na autora? Uwagi o kłopotach z interpretacją sztuki współczesnej Streszczenie W artykule postawione zostaje pytanie o możliwość interpretowania dzieł sztuki współ-czesnej w oderwaniu od intencji autora. Krytyka artystyczna i... more
The editorial for the second of two issues of Kunstlicht that explore the tenuous state of subversion in artistic practice, and the power structures that limit artistic freedom and social participation. This issue looks at practices that... more
International Research Colloquium on the strategies artists engage with to contend with the oppressive conditions of the exhibitionary complex conceptualized and organized by Angela Bartholomew with the support of the Vrije Universiteit... more
Tendo como foco o artista Mr. Catra, elaboro sobre a criação artística funk por meio da tensão entre categorias como indivíduo e sociedade, local e cosmopolita, imagem e objeto, corpo e mente, singular e exemplar. Desvendamos uma dinâmica... more