Articial Intelligence
Recent papers in Articial Intelligence
This paper introduces a new model of artificial cognitive architecture for intelligent systems, the Neuromodulating Cognitive Architecture (NEUCOGAR). The model is biomimetically inspired and adapts the neuromodulators role of human... more
The application of cross-linking resin is an effective method for improving and controlling dimensional stability, such as the shrinkage of viscose single jersey knits. However, such treatment often leads to a significant deterioration in... more
Anomaly detection is a pattern recognition task whose goal is to report the occurrence of abnormal or unknown behavior in a given system being monitored. In this paper we propose a general procedure for the computation of decision... more
Drawing on feminist theory, this paper uses a feminist lens to analyze the gendered representations and discourses of artificial intelligence in cinema history. In particular, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the... more
—Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a class of Artificial Neural Network architectures for generating realistic data distributions from a small number of latent variables. The latent variables are typically drawn IID from a Normal... more
In 1962, a checkers-playing program written by Arthur Samuel defeated a self-proclaimed master player, creating a sensation at the time for the fledgling eld of computer science called articial intelligence. The historical record refers... more
Área do Direito: Civil; Processual; Digital Resumo: Há aplicações concretas da Inteligência Artificial na área jurídica, tanto na iniciativa privada, quanto no poder público. O Poder Judiciário começa a empregar essa tecnologia em tarefas... more
Syllabus for a graduate course on Artificial Intelligence in Literature and Film.
The Predictive Casino is a casino that utilizes the latest technological developments to connect with its customers to deliver an exceptional personalized experience to each and every one of its patrons. Today, technology such as AI,... more
Some companies are hoping to use AI--and the treasure trove of our social media postings--to create convincing chatbot simulations of us after we die. What are the ethical worries surrounding these "legacy chatbots" that promise to keep... more
Artificial intelligence is being touted as a new wave of machinic processing and productive potential. Building on concepts starting with the invention of the term artificial intelligence in the 1950s, now, machines can supposedly not... more
The aim of the text is to clarify why machines are economically productive only in capitalism and therefore in our society are capitalistic machines. They are capitalist not only because they increase the productive power of the... more
—Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have become a preferred deep learning artificial neural network of choice for computer assisted medical image analysis. These models are structured as a series of multiple hierarchical... more
L’intelligenza è virtualmente inconoscibile: ciò di cui possiamo fare esperienza sono atti, attraverso cui l’esplicarsi dell’intelligenza influisce sulla realtà esterna al soggetto e può essere campionato, in una dimensione... more
The aim of this paper is to define a new methodology that allows the comparison of the effectiveness among some of the major artificial intelligence techniques (random technique, taboo search, data mining, evolutionary algorithms). This... more
ó Multi-Robot Systems (MRS) are, nowadays, an im- portant research area within Robotics and Articial Intelligence and a growing number of systems has been recently presented in the literature. Since application domains and tasks that are... more
Language games represent one of the most fascinating challenges of research in artificial intelligence. In this paper we give an overview of WebCrow, a system that tackles crosswords using the Web as a knowledge base. This appears to be a... more
Intervenção na Mesa "A Inteligência Artificial no RGPD europeu e na LGPD europeia", integrada no I Congresso Internacional Lusófono de Inteligência Artificial, Filosofia e Direito. Organizado pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,... more
In this work, we underline the benefit of techniques derived from distributed artificial intelligence, i.e. multi-agent systems, to the study of economical behavior. It aims to focus on the level of individual behaviors, as a bottom-up... more
Introdotto nel 2010, il Guiding Case System (GCS) cinese ha sin da sùbito attirato l’attenzione della dottrina occidentale (soprattutto — seppur non esclusivamente — statunitense), stante la sua assoluta peculiarità. Infatti, benché ad... more
One smart speaker to rule them all, one sensor to find them, one device to bring them all and in the Internet of Things bind them. Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) represent an interactive phenomenon that is disrupting social... more
A significant challenge in object detection is accurate identification of an object's position in image space, whereas one algorithm with one set of parameters is usually not enough, and the fusion of multiple algorithms and/or parameters... more
Abstract—Search and Rescue scenarios offer a wide variety of issues for analysis and experimentation in robotics, from mechanical architecture up to AI research themes. In this paper after briefly describing our robot configuration, we... more
The development of cognitive vision systems that autonomously learn how to interact with their environment through input from sensors is a major challenge for the Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence communities.... more
The game of Go is one of the games that still withstand classical Artificial Intelligence approaches. Hence, it is a good testbed for new AI methods. Amongst them, Monte-Carlo led to promising results. This method consists of building an... more
Self-awareness is an aspect of consciousness that is highly developed in humans in comparison with other animals. A human being unaware of his or her personal characteristics, of what he or she knows and doesn't know, can do and... more
A pandemic is a contagious disease outbreak that happens over a large geographic area and affects a great portion of the population while new pathogens appear for which people have less immunity and no vaccines are available. The disease... more
I wrote a chapter about Artificial Intelligence
Nowadays, artificial intelligence technologies are developing at an unprecedented rate. It is clear that the most important reason for this is the contributions provided by all branches of science that support artificial intelligence... more
Monte Carlo simulations have been successfully used in classic turn-based games such as backgammon, bridge, poker, and Scrabble. In this paper, we apply the ideas to the problem of planning in games with imperfect information,... more
Artificial Intelligence is the real time solution for solving the problems in these days. The paper covers the contribution of the various other technologies like NLG, NLP, Big Data, Narrative Science, Cloud, and Machine Learning for the... more
The article aims at establishing a logical approach to class-based data modeling. After a discussion on class-based formalisms for data modeling, we introduce a family of logics, called Description Logics, which stem from research on... more
Representing agent policies compactly is essential for improving the scalability of multi-agent planning algorithms. In this paper, we focus on developing a pruning technique that allows us to merge certain observations within agent... more
The game of Go is one of the games that still withstand classical Artificial Intelligence approaches. Hence, it is a good testbed for new AI methods. Amongst them, Monte-Carlo led to promising results. This method consists of building an... more
The use of the agent/multi-agent system paradigm has increased sharply as an important field of research within the Artificial Intelligence area. In recent times, the application of this paradigm seems appropriate for solving complex... more
Many service enterprise systems such as the airport departure systems are typical multistage multi- variable systems with non-linear complex interactions between stages. These systems function over a wide range of operating conditions and... more
Guicciardo Sassoli de' Bianchi Strozzi
con un saggio di Mark Gisbourne
con un saggio di Mark Gisbourne
Digital text documents are spread in various formats, the most widely used formats today include word format, and PDF format. This research will try to make text search application in text document using vector space approach model. The... more
The use of the agent/multi-agent system paradigm has increased sharply as an important field of research within the Artificial Intelligence area. In recent times, the application of this paradigm seems appropriate for solving complex... more
The DARPA Urban Challenge required robots to drive 60 miles on suburban roads while following the rules of the road in interactions with human drivers and other robots. Tartan Racing's Boss won the competition, completing the course in... more
Many service enterprise systems such as the airport departure systems are typical multistage multi- variable systems with non-linear complex interactions between stages. These systems function over a wide range of operating conditions and... more
This chapter is a transdisciplinary study on the fundaments of cognition, considering this process at human level as the combination of biological and (multi)cultural values. The main idea is to describe the skill of human beings for... more