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Publié sur le site web de la revue Symposium de la Société canadienne de philosophie continentale (CSCP/SCPC).
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      Maurice Merleau-PontyEstheticsHenri MaldineyArt and Phenomenology
Poet and playwright Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s scientific studies grew out of a disenchantment with the reductionist science of his time. He believed a more accurate description of nature was possible. Goethe’s scientific method... more
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      MimesisGoethe and PhenomenologyArt and Phenomenology
Une même procédure : construire des objets, les mettre en scène puis les peindre ou les dessiner avec une exactitude égale à la part laissée à l’aléatoire dans leur création. Rosalie Gamache laisse du plâtre dégouliner et se figer sur des... more
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      Contemporary ArtPaintingMateriality of ArtVisual arts and poetry
This article investigates Robert Morris's much-discussed 'minimal art' of the 1960s. It argues that the well known 'phenomenological account' of minimalism, which developed in relation to Morris's work, was conditioned by the space of... more
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      Art HistoryArtInstallation ArtContemporary Art
Este artículo busca proporcionar nuevas perspectivas para una lectura reflexiva de la Teoría de los colores de Goethe, que permitan su puesta en valor más allá de la reconocida polémica con las ideas científicas de Newton, a partir del... more
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      Colour ScienceColor (Philosophy)Goethean PhenomenologyJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
Le fondateur de la phénoménologie, Edmund Husserl, philosophe allemand ou plutôt germanophone originaire de la Moravie 2 , a célébré le XX e siècle naissant en publiant ses six Recherches Logiques. La deuxième était entièrement consacrée... more
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      Abstract ArtPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlHusserl
Christian Metz is remembered today as having almost single-handedly transformed the culture of film studies. This widely held view was summarized by one commentator, who wrote that "with Metz a new research paradigm is born, as well as a... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophyFilm StudiesFilm Theory
This paper sets Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Nishida Kitarō in dialogue and explore the interpretations of artistic expression, which inform their similar phenomenological accounts of perception. I discuss how both philosophers look to... more
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      AestheticsPerceptionJapanese PhilosophyPhenomenology
Naslov "umjetnost kao mogućnost filozofije" isprva se čini nekako čudnim i problematičnim, možda čak i pretencioznim. Kako bi umjetnost mogla biti mogućnost filozofije? Ako i namjeravamo progovoriti o umjetnosti kao mogućnosti filozofije,... more
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      AestheticsTechnologyArt TheoryContemporary Art
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      Art HistoryPhenomenologyHistory of photographyHeinrich Wölfflin
This paper investigates the involvement of the flesh in the contemplation of depictive images. Against the apparent disincarnation of the gaze in front of such images, we argue that the phenomenalisation of the depicted world implies not... more
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      EmbodimentEdmund HusserlPhenomenology of the bodyImagination
R. Costello, Lexington Books, pages 297-322. If citing, please refer to this published version.
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      AestheticsPhenomenologyPhilosophy of ArtContinental Philosophy
Was zunächst die einfache Bezeichnung für ein Bauwerk war, das Hindernisse überwindet mit dem Zweck, eine Verbindung zwischen unverbundenen Teilen zu schaffen, ist längst zu einem Begriff geworden, der derart reich an metaphorischem und... more
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      EngineeringArchitectural EngineeringCivil EngineeringGerman Studies
El trabajo se propone realizar una aproximación fenomenológica al llamado “teatro callejero”, de fuerte presencia en Quito-Ecuador. Dada la variedad de grupos y teatreros que lo practican, se ha optado por limitar el análisis a un hecho... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesArt and PhenomenologyPhenomenology and the Artistic Process
The taste of a tree; the connection of [the] senses, the transference of sensations to smell a colour or hear a drawing… Walking around a tree, observing the colour, texture and outline, sitting to draw, to document the actualities of the... more
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      DrawingContemporary Fine Art DrawingArt and Phenomenology
Christopher Nolan's filmography transcends a complex narrative process inherited from a huge cinematic tradition of editing and handling the camera as a narrator. From the first documentary shorts and feature films, where the camera is... more
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      Film StudiesPhenomenologyCinema StudiesChristopher Nolan
Parfois, les images de l’art nous donnent l’occasion d’élargir notre expérience, de sentir et de voir autrement. Parfois, elles nous captivent, et c’est alors comme si notre regard s’éteignait sur elles. C’est cette diversité... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlMaurice BlanchotPhenomenology of the body
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      Contemporary ArtArt and ecology/ environmentArt and Phenomenology
欧美剧场表演分析的基本方法由符号学与现象学奠定。前者发端于二十世纪上半叶先锋主义戏剧兴起之后,旨在关注意义的生成,并随戏剧实践的发展而历经数次演变。九十年代左右,符号学方法已无法完全应对日益去符号化的当代戏剧和展演艺术。作为符号学研究方法的补充,现象学为剧场表演分析开辟了新的路径。现象学悬置符号学赖以生存的观念体系,强调第一人称视角体验,关注剧场表演中的物性与感触的流动。二者在与社会文化批判理论相结合之后,阐释力得以释放,从而在兼顾美学的同时更全面地应对作品中的伦理、社会和政... more
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      SemioticsTheatre StudiesPhenomenologyTheatre Semiotics
In this article will be recognized the main contributions of Goethe in relation to a symbolic consideration of color for its use in the pictorial practice, from the connection of the chromatic polarities theory proposed by Goethe in the... more
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      RomanticismPhenomenologyColor (Philosophy)Goethean Phenomenology
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      Theodor AdornoMaurice Merleau-PontyArt and Phenomenology
Esta aportación busca, en primer lugar, caracterizar qué es la pose, afinar hasta cierto punto qué podemos entender por ese tipo de configuración intencional del cuerpo que llamamos pose, y, en segundo lugar, exponer de qué manera la... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsGraphic DesignIllustration
The category of beauty is at the heart of our interest in contemporary art and architecture, forming its ontological determinant. Viewed through the lens of the transcendence of a work of art, the category of beauty manifests itself as a... more
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      Art TheoryArchitectural TheoryArchitectural PhenomenologyArt and Phenomenology
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      Modernism (Art History)Art and Phenomenology
Before the idea of ‘work’ takes shape and affects the imaginary/ imagery, it is the preliminary germination of a flimsy thought that begins work. The state before ‘work’ begins is the stage that is replete with theatricalities, embedded... more
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      Contemporary ArtPhenomenologyArts and CraftsSlowness
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      New Media ArtsArt and Phenomenology
Catalogue essay for Simon Finn's "Instability". All images are the property and copyright of Simon Finn (2018), and reproduced with his permission. Exhibition at [MARS] Art Gallery, Melbourne from the 19th of July to the 18th of August... more
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      Contemporary ArtPhenomenologyPhilosophy of ArtTime-Consciousness
Wa nd events represent broader ideas and messages. Is allegory's level of abstraction and distancing still a powerful method for communicating underlying meanings? In our epoch, how capable are we of deciphering subtexts and identifying... more
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    • Art and Phenomenology
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      Art HistoryHistória OralAnthropology of ImageMural painting
Artworks worth thinking about do not simply satisfy their audience, but also frustrate them by intimating ideas, questions, desires, or images, beyond those made fully visible in the work itself. They immerse us in problems and paradoxes... more
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      Performance StudiesPhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-PontyPhenomenology of the body
The role of language in constituting being and reality was an abiding concern of existential philosophers but not all ways of being are discursive. How we build musicality into an existential understanding of being and reality? Can... more
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