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Fly ash, as a supplemental pozzolanic material, reduces concrete’s adverse environmental footprint by decreasing the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) during the cement manufacturing process. Fly ash, which is a waste material, can enhance... more
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      ConcreteArtificial Neural NetworksDeep LearningCompressive Strength
Rapid growth is seen in health care services over the past few years. Heart disease causes millions of death worldwide. Many wireless communication technologies have been developed for heart disease prediction. Data mining algorithms are... more
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      Forecasting and Prediction ToolsNoise and Vibration Control and PredictionPredictive AnalyticsBig Data
This dissertation is looking at effective leadership strategies for implementation of artificial intelligence and automation by looking at employee engagement in organizations with automation implemented and contrasting it with findings... more
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      Organizational CultureOrganizational LeadershipLeadership DevelopmentStrategy
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsAlgorithmsWorkplace StudiesDiscrimination
I dette kapitel giver vi et bud på, hvordan implementering af kunstig intelligens i våbensystemer både kan og formentlig også vil transformere situationsforståelsen på den militære kampplads, herunder hvilke muligheder, men også hvilke... more
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      SwarmingFuture WarfareAritifical intelligence