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The present study examines the steps taken since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in the field of internal security and assesses commitments made in the areas of fundamental rights and civil liberties. The study examines the... more
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      Asylum LawMigration LawEuropean area of freedom, security and justicePolicy Study
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      Asylum LawMigration LawEuropean area of freedom, security and justiceJustice and Home affairs
""V današnjem sodobnem in hitro razvijajočem se svetu je nekaj povsem normalnega, da v relativno kratkem času na dokaj enostaven način prepotujemo velike razdalje in da so nam (vsaj preko svetovnega spleta) željene dobrine dosegljive... more
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      Police ScienceAsylum LawMigration LawPolice
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      Asylum LawMigration LawJustice and Home affairsTreaty of Lisbon