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      Food HistoryCooking and Food Preparation (archaeology)Roman food and drinkAncient Roman Food - Roman Anthropology
Ci sono due possibili livelli di osservazione dell’attività culinaria. Da una parte, la materia (ciò che si prepara in cucina) e la sua rappresentazione codificata (le ricette e i ricettari). Dall’altra, l’ambiente circostante, ovvero... more
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      Cultural StudiesApiciusStoria Della Cucina
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      Food HistoryCarolingian StudiesMedieval MedicineApicius
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      AthenaeusApiciusAncient RecipesStuffed Sardines
The ancient way of cooking : Apicius in the Middle Ages -Assembled in the late fourth century, the cookbook which tradition has attributed to Apicius had a predominantly medieval destiny. Serving as a practical and living text until the... more
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      Medieval HistoryRenaissance HumanismFood HistoryCarolingian Studies
Resumen: Los manuales de cocina griegos y romanos forman parte de la literatura culinaria, de la que nos queda una escasa producción, ya que en particular del mundo griego, tenemos la obra de Ateneo, Deipnosofistas, aunque sí disponemos... more
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      Food HistoryHistory of FoodAncient RomeAncient Roman Food - Roman Anthropology
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      Ancient MedicineAncient dietsApiciusAncient and Byzantine Cuisine
Studies by the author in experimental archaeology have been dealing with the (re-)production of the ancient Roman meal “puls” since 2012. This porridge puls was mainly prepared with wheat and other grains and it can be considered as the... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyFood ScienceFood and NutritionFood Science and Technology
Presentamos en este trabajo las ictiofaunas arqueológicas procedentes de una actividad arqueológica reciente acometida en el Parador de Turismo/ Puerta Califal de la ciudad romana de Septem Fratres (actual Ceuta). La importancia de los... more
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      AthenaeusApiciusAncient Roman economy, trade and commerceGarum
A closer look at 9th-century mss. written in Fulda, Par. lat. 6680, Sang. 761, Cologny, Bodmer 84, New York Academy of medicine Ms. 1 (Apicius).
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      History of MedicineManuscript StudiesApiciusMarcellus Empiricus
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      Food HistoryAncient Roman HistoryApiciusAncient Food and Drink
History&Future Journal of Öz Hellen ve Roma toplumlarında damak tadı ve lezzet arayışlarının incelendiği bu çalışmanın amacı adı geçen uygarlıkların yeme-içme alışkanlıklarındaki eğilimleri incelemek ve eğer varsa bu eğilimleri belirleyen... more
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      AthenaeusApiciusAncient Food and DrinkFood in ancient Rome
Expensive spices in some recipes of Apicius' De Re coquinaria
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      ApiciusAncient perfumes
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      Ancient FoodAncient FishingAncient AgricultureApicius
This paper aims to assess the accessibility of pepper to average Roman consumers in terms of price by quantifying the cost of ‘meaningful’ culinary pepper consumption. To this end, by performing measurements on modern pepper samples, we... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPepperRoman Trade NetworksMediterranean archaeology
O célebre livro de cozinha atribuído ao romano de nome Apício (século I d.C., provavelmente) e intitulado De re coquinaria pela erudição moderna do século XIX, chegou até nós unicamente por meio de três manuscritos medievais datados dos... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicineFood HistoryCarolingian Studies
Chaque langage spécialisé est, sans aucun doute, bâti sur des termes courants dans la langue. En devenant des termes spécialisés, ils dépassent la langue commune et forment un domaine lexical à part. Dans ce travail, nous nous proposons... more
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    • Apicius
This article discusses possible eponyms of the dish pullus Frontonianus in the cookbook “De re coquinaria” (Apic. 6, 8, 12). The attribution faces a number of difficulties, such as the authorship and dating of the corpus ascribed to... more
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      Food in antiquityMarcus AureliusApiciusCornelius Fronto
The main aim of this paper is to analyse the text of the 12th book of Geoponica for the identification of vegetable plants, which were described by Cassianus Bassus. The analysis will serve as the first step for further inquiries that... more
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      ApiciusHellenistic and Roman cuisineGeoponica