Recent papers in Antropometrics
Arsitektur perilaku adalah salah satu ilmu yang dipelajari dalam arsitektur.
A total of 87 traditional and functional body measurements were taken on a sampl e of 41 27 infants, chi l dren and youths representing the U.S. population aged 2 weeks through 18 years. Measurements were taken throughout the Unitec... more
6-10 yaş grubu çocuklar, zamanlarının çoğunu okul sıralarında ders dinleyerek geçirmektedir. Bu dönem çocukların fiziksel1 gelişimleri açısında önemli bir dönem olup, sıraların öğrencilerin boyutsal ve biyomekanik özelliklerine uygun... more
Arsitektur perilaku adalah salah satu ilmu yang dipelajari dalam arsitektur.
El análisis geométrico del levantamiento fotogramétrico de un emblemático edificio nazarí del siglo XIII ha permitido al autor deducir características desconocidas del sistema clásico de medidas y proporciones, y establecer el primer... more
This study will explore the extent of nutritional poverty in Adama, Assela and Modjo towns using micro analytical anthropometrics indices like wasting, stunting, underweight and vulnerability to malnutrition models. In the contemporary... more
Today the use of gadgets and electronic devices has exceeded the limit of the average - average usage usually only in tolerance 30 minutes - 2 hours, now can be more than the time limit that has been specified. Especially in office... more
laporan praktikum PSKE bab antropometri
Numerous office employees who work with computer workstations endure various musculoskeletal discomforts every day. This study intends to reduce musculoskeletal discomfort caused by desktop computer workstations, which causes productivity... more
In daily life, people can not be separated from activities that are closely related to subsistence. Human life needs space complete with equipment in accordance with purposes such as lighting equipment, instrument air regulator, seating... more
6-10 yaş grubu çocuklar, ilkokullarda zamanlarının büyük bir bölümünü okul sıralarında ders dinleyerek geçirmektedir. Bu dönem çocukların fiziksel gelişimleri açısından önemli bir dönem olup, çalışma birimlerinin öğrencilerin boyutsal ve... more
This text investigates the biometric passport as an archival practice. Drawing on conceptions of the archive as an epistemological project, as technology and medial logic, as well as a practice, I will show how the introduction of the... more
The Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence Study aims to describe total body fat percentage and anthropometric indices of body fat distribution in European adolescents. Objective: To describe the standardization process... more
Several studies have been carried out which mainly focus on the analysis of the lipid profile in vegetarians and nonvegetarians. However, few studies have been undertaken in this population oriented to quality of life and health. is study... more
This text investigates the biometric passport as an archival practice. Drawing on conceptions of the archive as an epistemological project, as technology and medial logic, as well as a practice, I will show how the introduction of the... more
Op basis van ruim 3000 gegevens, gespreid over 50 jaar en weliswaar soms onder enig voorbehoud, vallen er enkele duidelijke, naast minder duidelijke, conclusies te trekken over de verhouding tussen gestalte en geletterdheid, en uiteraard... more
This text investigates the biometric passport as an archival practice. Drawing on conceptions of the archive as an epistemological project, as technology and medial logic, as well as a practice, I will show how the introduction of the... more
A partir de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio gráfico del trazado del edificio del Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo de Granada, España (Roldán 2011), se abre un ingente campo de trabajo sobre el estudio y análisis del posible uso del... more
Background: The elderly EXERNET multi-centre study aims to collect normative anthropometric data for old functionally independent adults living in Spain. Purpose: To describe the standardization process and reliability of the... more
For many years, the productivity of employees and their contribution to production are the issues that are discussed over. It must be admitted that these issues constitute the most basic step in the capitalist system. Because, in this... more
Özellikle gelişmiş ülkeler üretimlerini, faaliyetlerini, iş yeri tasarımlarını, insanı merkeze alarak gerçekleştirmeyi tercih etmektedir. Bunun birçok nedeni olmakla beraber temel olarak daha verimli çalışmanın... more
Background: The elderly EXERNET multi-centre study aims to collect normative anthropometric data for old functionally independent adults living in Spain.