Anti-Democratic Thought and Practice
Recent papers in Anti-Democratic Thought and Practice היהדות החרדית הולכת וכובשת לעצמה מקום ונוכחות בחברה הישראלית. מקהילה קטנה שנתפסה ככת ורק מעטים התעניינו בה היא נהייתה אחת הקהילות המסוקרות והמסקרנות ביותר בארץ. ההצדקות לכך ברורות: קצב הגידול של הקבוצה... more
In the historiography of early modern England ‘democracy’ is conspicuous for its absence. The observation that since back then it did not exist, pre-nineteenth-century criticisms of democracy are not worth exploring has led historians to... more
Contemporary political philosophy in the West is the philosophy of democracy, is democratic theory. Philosophy under democracy has become complacent. Even the recent reaffirmation of communism by influential philosophers such as Alain... more
Se toda a humanidade menos um fosse de uma determinada opinião, e apenas uma pessoa fosse de opinião contrária, a humanidade não teria mais justificativas para silenciar aquela pessoa, do que ela, se tivesse o poder, de silenciar a... more
Diese Untersuchung handelt von einem Dichter und dessen Haltung zum politischen Geschehen seiner Zeit. Stefan Zweig heißt der Mann, lebte in der ersten Hälfte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts und bezog Stellung zu einer Form des Gemeinwesens,... more
ABSTRACT The 2016–2017 Candlelight Revolution was one of the most significant events in recent South Korean politics, but little attention has been paid to the powerful conservative counter-movement that accompanied and followed the... more
Churchill certa vez deu uma declaração que ficou famosa: "a democracia é a pior forma de governo, à exceção de todas as outras que têm sido testadas de tempos em tempos" 1 . Certamente, isto não era verdade para a grande maioria dos... more
Anti-democracy in England 1570-1642 is a detailed study of anti-democratic ideas in early modern England. By examining the rich variety of debates about democracy that took place between 1570 and 1642, it shows the key importance... more
In recent years, the fortunes of democracy have waned both in theory and practice. This has added impetus not only to the republican case for strengthening democratic institutions but also to new anti-democratic thought. This article... more
This paper focuses on prospects for Western style “democracy” in the Middle East, pursuing three interrelated points. First, I argue that some “democratic” experiments—for example, Egypt under Mohammed Morsi—are not in keeping with... more
In a historical and cross-cultural perspective the fact cannot be denied that most democracies failed. Many formerly democratic countries do not have a democratic government now. Many countries have never known democracy. Only western... more
Eighty years ago, Winston Churchill called to build an iron curtain to defend the democratic states from the evil soviet expansion. Hence, the trial of democracy began around the globe. It was the beginning of Cold War, which had divided... more
From a historical and cross-cultural perspective it cannot be denied that most democracies failed. Only western democracies for a short while - from the fall of Soviet communism to the rise of radical Islam - believed themselves to be... more