Anthropology of direct democracy
Recent papers in Anthropology of direct democracy
This study examines a transformative process unfolding in the city of Bhuj that aims to challenge the mainstream model of urban planning and governance. Under the Homes in the City (HIC) program initiated by five civil society... more
In establishing an anarchic framework for understanding public space as a vision for radical democracy, this article proceeds as a theoretical inquiry into how an agonistic public space might become the basis of emancipation. Public space... more
Neoliberal economics have emerged in the post-Cold War era as the predominant ideological tenet applied to the development of countries in the global south. For much of the global south, however, the promise that markets will bring... more
Many of the works on Middle Eastern democracy, whether from the neo-Orientalist camp or from those who avidly detail and support the region’s democratic developments, are based on a Western conception of democracy. This is the result of a... more
During Hugo Chávez's presidency, Venezuelan society underwent a sudden—and vicious—split between the Chavistas and the Opposition. What accounts for the extreme intensity of the split? How did differences so quickly become irreconcilable?... more
Neoliberal policies explain why authoritarianism and violence remain the principal modes of governance among many ruling elites in posttransitional settings. Using Cambodia as an empirical case to illustrate the neoliberalizing process,... more
The People's Mic is a new genre of political speech. In Occupy Wall Street (OWS) general assemblies, this tactile media for public deliberation was integral to embodying new political community across American cities in a globally... more
Tables 3. 1 Resistance to forest clearing 68 3.2 The constriction of the public sphere 79 4.1 Symptoms of a weak state 4.2 Forced evictions I ll 4.3 The battle of homclcssness 4.4 Freedom of assembly under fire 4.5 The legal chokehold on... more
Neoliberal policies explain why authoritarianism and violence remain the principal modes of governance among many ruling elites in posttransitional settings. Using Cambodia as an empirical case to illustrate the neoliberalizing process,... more
The current financial crisis highlights two trends that offer some indication of what post-democracy might look like. The first trend – authoritarian repression – is characterised by increased acceptability of far-right ideologies and... more
This article explores the role of conflict in fostering equality within the decision-making processes of the alterglobalization movement. I argue that movement actors treat conflict as constructive because it helps create “diversity.”... more
Explores the necessity for two-tier government in urban areas, with public powers granted to directly democratic neighborhood assemblies, to satisfy both political and economic empowerment needs and to stop the "endless cycle of... more
This paper analyses the minutes of Occupy General Assemblies at five different occupations, including three in North America, one in London, and one in Sydney. It explores the General Assembly as a transferable feature of the Occupy... more
Днес научаваме, че "нова лява формация под името ЗАЕДНО" е била учредена в София /1/. От достъпната информация се вижда веднага, че освен името, което носи Дисидентското Движение ЗАЕДНО, това "ново политическо движение" или "коалиция от... more
Единствената причина, поради която българите все още не са започнали да излизат от опиянението, до което официалните медии ги докараха по повод поредния цирк наречен "избори", е продължаващата трескава -макар и вече не еуфорична -кампания... more
Berts voordracht te zonnewijzer. Geteste materie aan de praktijk toelichten. Gaan voor een samenleving op mensenmaat. Afvragen of de oorlog van allen tegen allen weldra gaat beginnen. Voorheen een moeilijke historische periode. In de... more
Explores the effects of power-inequality and the necessity to institutionalize public powers for the commonweal, with progressive faith-based federations serving as the vanguard organizations.
In the Weimar Republic, Germans for the first time experimented with direct democrarcy. But only two referendums made it to the polling stations. GERMAN: In Weimar experimentierten die Deutschen erstmals mit direkter Demokratie. Doch nur... more
Il venire meno del ruolo del partito quale fondamentale corpo intermedio ha causato da un lato il fenomeno dell’incrementarsi dell’astensionismo di marginalità, e dall’altro l’acuirsi dell’astensionismo di protesta, che va di pari passo... more
I provide an ethnographic account of how Costa Ricans realized a version of participatory ideals in the process of creating a decentralized network of ‘Patriotic Committees’ to contest the US-sponsored Central American Free Trade... more