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The purpose of this study is to determine the antecedents of consumers’ perception towards online advertising in Malaysia. This research has been developed a framework by reviewing the existing literatures available in the same field.... more
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      ManagementMarketingStrategic ManagementMalaysia
Because there are currently few models that can be built in this area, the goal of this study is to do more research on the idea of Person-Job Fit. As a result, this research uses the literature review method to investigate the notion of... more
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      Job QualityConsequencesPerson Job FitAntecedents
Supportive Leadership study is needed since it is still difficult to discover past research that tackles the topic in depth. In addition, the goal of this research is to create a model for supportive leadership. Furthermore, to provide a... more
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      Literature ReviewDecent workConsequencesSupportive Leadership
Potential antecedents to having a sense of purpose in life remain under-studied. As researchers begin contemplating purpose as a promising target of public health intervention, it is critical to identify its antecedents. Using prospective... more
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      Health OutcomesHealthPublic HealthPsychological Health
Purpose – This paper provides and meta-analytically investigates a theoretical framework of work-nonwork conflict and its antecedents and outcomes in hospitality management. Design/methodology/approach – This paper adopts the... more
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      Talent managementMeta-AnalysisOutcomesAntecedents
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      Machine LearningSocial MediaIslamSocial Media Marketing
Purpose – Materialism has been gaining ground in the academic field, especially from the 1980s on, given the relevance of understanding sentiments connected to possessing and acquiring goods. Thus, this meta-analysis was carried out to... more
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This study employs a literature review approach to investigate the idea of Employability skills, including definitions, components, and antecedents, in order to undertake further studies connected to the topic. This is necessary because... more
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      EmployabilityEmployability SkillsEducational OutcomesCurriculum Reform
To conduct a further study of the concept of Organizational Justice, this research was conducted using the literature review method. The study includes the definition, dimensions, antecedents, and consequences of Organizational Justice.... more
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      Organizational JusticeLiterature ReviewDecent workJob Quality
In this article, we demonstrate that individuals use motivated reasoning to convince themselves that their self-serving behavior is justified, which in turn affects the distribution of resources in business situations. Specifically, we... more
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness EthicsPsychology
Psychological ownership is one of the main issues taken into account by management theorists and experts in recent years in an effort to motivate employees. In this regard, the research objectives included the identification and... more
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      Psychological ownershipPublic OrganizationsConsequencesAntecedents
The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual model and categorize the prerequisites and consequences of green supply chain in the parts manufacturing industry. A comprehensive and indigenous model is not provided. The method of... more
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      ConsequencesGreen Supply ChainsAntecedents
The recent interest of management researchers in the issue of organizational trust is mainly based on its indispensable role in efficient and effective management focused on human capital. Organizational trust is thus a phenomenon of... more
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      TrustOrganizational TrustSocial Exchange TheoryOrganizational Antecedents
It seems to me that simple schizophrenia and latent schizophrenia were used for conditions that would now be called Asperger syndrome( Asperger, 1994; Wing, 1981).
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      Asperger's SyndromeAntecedents
Environmental sustainability has become increasingly important to business as a response to rapid depletion of natural resources. IT specifically represents a meaningful part of environmental issues which society has faced lately. In this... more
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      BusinessEngineeringComputer ScienceManagement Information Systems
This paper meta-analytically investigates a theoretical framework of emotional labour and its antecedents and outcomes in the hospitality and tourism literature with 57 correlation matrices from published journal papers. Adopting the... more
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      Emotional LabourMeta-AnalysisOutcomesStrain
Extant research on entrepreneurship has paid insufficient attention to how "entrepreneurs' emotional disengagement", especially as it relates to their business, influences the entrepreneurial process. Building on the psychological model... more
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      Self-DoubtEntrepreneurial ExitAntecedents